In the case of each set of nerves in the body we may distinguish an action of derangement, and an action of destruction, both producible by Sedative medicines.
The actions produced and producible by the agency of alternating currents of considerable energy are assuming greater importance in the electric arts.
Property necessary to life, but not producible by labour, and therefore belonging of right, in a due measure, to every human being as soon as he is born, and morally unalienable.
Several of these matters, being only bruised, effervesce with Acids: effects producible only by a very Volatile Alkaline principle.
Fire is the most powerful agent we can employ to decompose bodies; and the greatest degree of heat producible by man, is that excited by the rays of the sun collected in the focus of a large burning-glass.
Examples may be found every day of a fool who is no coward; examples may be found occasionally of a fool who is not cunning; but it may reasonably be doubted whether there is a producible instance anywhere of a fool who is not cruel.
But however this be, I cannot conceive a force producible by the rarefication and condensation of our atmosphere, in the circumstances of our globe, capable of carrying water, in large portions, into the region of the clouds.
This enables me to produce many effects which are notproducible with an unvarying force.
In view of the general interest taken in high-frequency currents and effects producible by them, it seems to me advisable to dwell at some length upon this method of conversion.
In presenting this second class of electrical effects, I will avail myself principally of such as are producible without any return circuit, hoping to interest you the more by presenting these phenomena in a more or less novel aspect.
Truth certainly, as such, rests upon grounds intrinsically and objectively and abstractedly demonstrative, but it does not follow from this that the arguments producible in its favour are unanswerable and irresistible.
This is the position of our minds towards our insularity; yet are the arguments producible for it (to use the common expression) in black and white commensurate with this overpowering certitude about it?
He was passed over for the same reason that Paley was neglected; because, as the courtly phrase went, he was not a 'producible man.
Even when the derivative uniformity is between different effects of the same cause, it cannot be trusted to, since one or more of the effects may be producible by another cause also.
Lastly, they laid down that this sense of identity of interest with the governed is producible only by responsibility (whereas the personal interest of rulers often prompts them to acts, e.
Let us judge of the sincerity at the base of these hollow affectations, by the downright facts and the producible records.
He quite took in, however, that she would really return her visitor's civility: she wouldn't report again at Woollett without at least so much producible history as that in her pocket.
If any are producible Mrs. Pocock will produce them; she'll bring over the whole collection.
Nearly or quite all of these effects producible by tobacco, are producible also, in even a heightened degree, by narcotic doses of tea and coffee.
Nor, observe, do I insist upon this quantity merely as arithmetical, or as if it were producible by repetition of similar things.
And of these hues, that of open sky is one not producible by human art.
Property necessary to life, but not producible by labour, and therefore belonging of right, in a due measure, to every human being as soon as he is born, and morally inalienable.
People frequently left their lodgings in a private manner, with perfectly producible reasons for doing so.
If electricity had only been producible by friction, we should never have heard of electrotyping, and the other useful applications of electrical force of low intensity.
I asked Stephen by what mental process Macaulay had contrived to accumulate such boundless stores of information, and how it was all so sorted and arranged in his head that it was alwaysproducible at will.
Wood and coal can burn; whence come their heat, and the work producible by that heat?
Rubini-esque, even, but scarcely producibleto fastidious ears at opera.
Let a be producible by an hour's labour, but b only by two hours' labour.
That speech is producible by these alone must be granted, since anatomists mention two instances of persons speaking without a tongue.
Was it possible to have been the companion of that supernatural visage; a meteorous refulgence producible at the will of him to whom that visage belonged, and partaking of the nature of that which accompanied my father's death?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "producible" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.