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Example sentences for "third person"

  • Thus circumstanced, Henry at length resolved to exert all his authority, and despairing of success through the medium of a third person, he determined himself to visit the Marquise and to exact the restitution of the document.

  • Sully had addressed the obnoxious remark which was the subject of complaint to the Prince himself, or if it had merely been reported to him by a third person.

  • I will go away, will not play the base, unworthy part of a third person, who is merely tolerated, secretly wished dead a thousand times.

  • The countess, as you've perceived, treats me with an aversion which, in the presence of a third person, is concealed behind the veil of sarcastic courtesy.

  • Besides, it must be tiresome enough to a third person.

  • A bill of exchange is a written order or request to a person in a distant place, to pay a third person a certain sum of money.

  • Thus, a man may agree to pay what shall be the market price at a particular time, or a price to be fixed by a third person.

  • There is always, as it were, a third person present, even when I and my mother are alone.

  • It indicates either the first, second, or third person; e.

  • If the verb is in the second or third person, the i is changed to g and again the verb ari,u is added, or an honorific particle depending upon what the person deserves, or without it as an absolute form.

  • But now the whole doctrine in discussion comes in: If you have a combination to bring about by lawful means the injury of a third person in his lawful rights--not amounting to crime--is that an unlawful conspiracy?

  • There is no doubt that a combination made to the prejudice of a third person is highly criminal at the common law.

  • Suppose even the evidence of the contract to be obtained by fraud, unless it be against the express provision of a statute, and is transferred to a third person for a valuable consideration, without notice of fraud, it, must be paid.

  • Simply because he was so fearfully looking for it, he found it--the thing that had for its theme the wretchedness that might be expected from the presence of a third person in the new home.

  • But Billy, dear, think of it--calling your own baby a third person!

  • A pronoun that denotes the person or thing spoken of, is in the =third person=; as, I found it.

  • In case you should object to shew your tenderness in the presence of a third person, I will take whatever determination love may suggest to me.

  • Two hundred sequins were asked for it, although it had but two seats and a bracket-stool for a third person.

  • It was the first time that the happy couple admitted a third person to their tete-a-tete.

  • I did not know that he wanted a third person.

  • A third person states:--'I am from Malfi, and was near a monastery when the earthquake occurred.

  • And if he wanted a third person, was not there his own mother?

  • I knew already that Frank had spent more than he ought; but I think he should not have employed a third person to prepare me to forgive him.

  • The form of the verb is changed when it agrees with the second or third person singular; more on account of habit, I apprehend, than from any reason, or propriety as to a change of meaning in the word.

  • It is the imperative mood, third person of the verb to have.

  • Dorothy has had so much to try her of late that I felt this was really a case where a third person would be of advantage.

  • Of course, I have no fear with you, papa; no man would wrong his daughter, but when there is a third person in the matter it is as well that one should look after oneself.

  • As a rule, I should be very chary of offering to join anyone travelling; a third person is often a nuisance, just as much so in travelling as at other times.

  • But there were the marks of a third person, weren't there?

  • By the way, I should have added that he suspects a third person, an artist, resident not far from his place, of being his son's assailant.

  • I had not heard anything about any third person.

  • What is more, I did not have any use for a third person in this business.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "third person" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
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