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Example sentences for "modernity"

Lexicographically close words:
modernise; modernised; modernising; modernist; modernists; modernization; modernize; modernized; modernizing; modernly
  1. Another barrier against modernity will go down, and democracy make another step out of the proverbial gutter towards the university.

  2. The mad rush of modernity with its levelling tendency really is killing off what is quaint, out of the way, and racy of the soil.

  3. But why visit the sins of modernity upon an international language?

  4. The modernity of the place is, however, lost sight of annually in the "riding of the marches," a custom which prevails also in Selkirk and Langholm.

  5. When the result is beautiful the method is justified, and no shrill insistence upon a supposed necessity for absolute modernity of form can prevail against the value of work that has the incomparable excellence of style.

  6. The spirit of the Hebrews is excellent but their mode of writing is not to be imitated, and no amount of American jokes will give it that modernity which is essential to a good literary style.

  7. One of the most striking features of the opera is the mastery with which Wagner has caught and reproduced the atmosphere of sixteenth-century Nuremberg without sacrificing a jot of the absolute modernity of his style.

  8. One thing however, may safely be said, that it stands alone among works written for theatrical performance by reason of its absolute modernity coupled with a mystic fervour such as music has not known since the days of Palestrina.

  9. They did not confuse modernity with up-to-date-ness; they did not go into ecstasies for the sake of enthusiasm itself.

  10. But I do not think," continued Wayne, "that this horrible silence of modernity will last, though I think for the present it will increase.

  11. Turnbull enjoyed it partly as a joke, even more perhaps as a reversion from the things he hated--modernity and monotony and civilisation.

  12. The Yankee and the German and the brute powers of modernity have trampled it with the hoofs of oxen.

  13. This sudden incursion of modernity was due no doubt to the mode of our progress through this sacred country.

  14. In the meanwhile modernity is already there.

  15. Do you object to modernity of form, then?

  16. As a method Realism is a complete failure, and the two things that every artist should avoid are modernity of form and modernity of subject-matter.

  17. Believe me, my dear Cyril, modernity of form and modernity of subject- matter are entirely and absolutely wrong.

  18. Modernity is combined with medieval superstition here, and it seems uncanny, for instance, to identify a werewolf by means of an electric pocket flashlight.

  19. Like every other phase of man's thought, ghostly fiction shows the increasing complexity of form and matter, the wealth of added material and abounding richness of style, the fine subtleties that only modernity can give.

  20. Just as the Impressionists had held modernity alone in high honour, so now awoke the longing after the faded lustre of a bygone age of beauty.

  21. Her modernity is seen through the yellowish glass which the old Flemish masters seemed to hold between Stevens and his model.

  22. Confused through detail, they lost their view of the whole, and only made a return to modernity when they came to study the Parisian landscape painters.

  23. The houses are grouped in a compact and cosy way between the two hills, although of late years a number of new and, at close quarters, staring red brick efforts at modernity have been made on the hillsides.

  24. As it stands it is invaluable as a mine of facts bearing upon the change from mediaevalism to modernity and upon Europe's conquest of the world; but an immense number of these facts are irrelevant to his general theme and purpose.

  25. In the last thirty years he has, by virtue partly of his occasional splendours of passion, imagery, and even music, partly of a modernity in him which is attuned to the spirit of our own time, regained his old position.

  26. This kind of modernity is too superficial and too easy of achievement: it is presenting the reader with false coin.

  27. As he reads it, no one can avoid being struck by the modernity of its language, an impression not to be obtained from a perusal of the plays.

  28. Lyly's work does not exhibit quite such modernity as this, but we may truthfully say that his Euphues and his England is the psychological novel in germ.

  29. And what of that picturesque railway station of St. Pancras, picturesque with the combined glamour of blue London mist and distance, towering like some shadowy mediaeval fortress over the murky modernity of the Euston Road!

  30. For the question is not whether Denis Pyramus or any one else (modernity would not be modernity if his claims were not challenged) told it, but how he told it.

  31. Its very modernity embodies and imparts the charm, which will grow as the city grows in wideness and straightness.

  32. Here the modernity which had so winningly greeted us at the station welcomed us more and consolingly.

  33. Yet when I went to get money on my letter of credit, I found the bank withdrawn from the modernity in a seclusion reached through a lovely patio.

  34. In that year everybody with any pretension to youthfulness and modernity rode a bicycle.

  35. The carved and decorated fronts of these old wooden houses lend a quaintness and charm to the streets of St. Brieuc, in strong contrast to the modernity of its hotels and cafés.

  36. He thinks that Balzac's love for modernity of form prevented him from producing any single book that can rank with the masterpieces of romantic art.

  37. Then comes an objection to modernity of form, and some reasons for that objection that suggest a very interesting speculation.

  38. It may seem incredible that modern curators still have this delusion, but we suspect that the date on one's morning newspaper hasn't much to do with one's modernity all day long.

  39. So much for the modernity and sense of comfort of the Persian author, as he flourished in Baghdad all those years ago.

  40. But Lamb, pretending to be Elizabethan, dealt with the larger splendours, whereas Rupert Brooke's modernity took count of the smaller.

  41. The modernity of the ancients is continually surprising us.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "modernity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    newness; nonce; now; times; today