The re-exportation of foreign produce had once played a very large part in the foreign trade of New England.
When the domestic export is taken in conjunction with the re-exportation of foreign products, the loss of New England is still more striking.
The exportationof cattle is prohibited, but traders from Rhodesia have made their way up into German East Africa, where they traded cattle from the natives at prices averaging about 40s.
The exportation of sisal plants was prohibited by the German Government.
South and Central America offer fields for exportation of cement from the United States.
The leading industrial countries, being anxious to sell off their stock on account of an almost general over-production, have been propelled towards the markets of exportation in order to get rid of their surplus.
Having glanced at the production of the United States, we must inquire whether this great nation is increasing its exportation of wheat proportionately, and how far such exportation may prove an obstacle to the development of the Argentine.
The United States and Canada continue to export wheat; but the rapid increase of the urban and industrial population of the United States will assuredly limit this exportation to a very great extent in the twentieth century.
Considered under its general aspect Argentine commerce may be summed up as follows: the exportation of raw materials and the importation of manufactured articles.
This is the principal port to-day for the exportation of the agricultural products of the central Pampa.
Here is the comparative table of exportation from India and the Argentine.
We mention exportation first by design; for it is the exports, as we have already pointed out, that regulate the purchasing power of the country.
The great natural outlet for the exportation of the products of this region of inexhaustible fertility, was the Mississippi; but Spain opposed a barrier to the free navigation of this river.
The variety, not less than the value, of products for exportationcontributes to the activity of foreign commerce.
An unrestrained intercourse between the States themselves will advance the trade of each by an interchange of their respective productions, not only for the supply of reciprocal wants at home, but for exportation to foreign markets.
This put a stop to the manufactures that were for exportation in most parts of England, except in some outports; and even that was soon stopped, for they all had the plague in their turn.
Although the increased exportationof cloth takes place at a lower price, and the diminished importation of linen at a higher, yet the total money value of the exportation would probably increase, that of the importation diminish.
The exportation from Germany is suspended; and Germany, continuing to import cloth, pays for it in money.
Notwithstanding what has now been observed, restrictions on the exportation of machinery are not, in our opinion, justifiable, either on the score of international morality or of sound policy.
It is not necessary to apply the principles which we have stated to the case of bounties on exportation or importation.
The exportation of cloth continues, but is paid for in money.
Now the exportation of machinery comes within the case which we have just described.
The exportation of machinery may, however, be a proper subject for adjustment with other nations, on the principle of reciprocity.
Locke had the penetration to see that the laws existing in his time against the exportation of gold and silver coin must necessarily be futile, and, while it was permitted to export bullion, could answer no conceivable purpose.
The trade of Sierra Leone, in common with that of the Gold Coast generally, consists mainly in the exportation of the palm kernel, from which an oil much used in the manufacture of soap and candles is extracted.
Table of exportation and importation at Kiachta, in the year 1777.
Cloth forms the second article of exportation which Russia exports to China.
I have before observed, that formerly the exportation and importation of the most valuable goods were prohibited to individuals; at present only the following articles are prohibited.
The exportation of raw silk is prohibited in China under pain of death: large quantities however are smuggled every year into Kiachta, but not sufficient to answer the demands of the Russian merchants.
The exportation of the best rhubarb is prohibited by the Chinese, under the severest penalties.
The exportation and importation of many principal commodities, particularly the most valuable furs, were formerly prohibited to individuals, and solely appropriated to caravans belonging to the crown.
It would be uninteresting to enumerate all the furs and skins[106] brought for sale to Kiachta, which form the most important article of exportation on the side of the Russians.
The speculative purposes that our most fertile fields are put to in the matter of the sugar beet for the exportation of sugar, have been pointed out in a previous chapter.
The exportation of gold commenced in 1848, but we have no record of the sums sent away in that year.
Previous to 1854 very large sums were carried away by passengers, who gave no statement at the Custom House; since that year, the manifests show the exportation correctly within a few millions.
It was in spite of the prohibition of the Spanish government that cacao trees were introduced, and the exportationwhich soon grew up--the first of any importance from Venezuela--was mostly clandestine.
A portion of theexportation of breadstuffs made to Hongkong is no doubt intended for consumption in China and Japan.
Of this exportation the principal item is WOOL, the wool-clip of Argentina being, in weight, one seventh of the total wool-clip of the world.
Our exportation of breadstuffs to Japan and China (direct)[6] is still inconsiderable.
But have we decreased ourexportation of phosphate?
Ewall, Merry Examples pleaded in justification of cruelty to slaves Exchange of slaves Exportation of slave from Virginia Eyes struck out F.
Lord Lyons made a demand on Secretary Seward, yesterday morning, to open the ports of Charleston and Savannah within twenty-four hours, for the free exportation of cotton.
The exportation of Rutenian wares, therefore, began about the reign of Tiberius.
Another of the Corinthian pinakes[1737] represents the exportation of vases in a ship.
As to the distribution of Lezoux vases, there was, as noted below, little exportation before A.
South Dakota needs no Bayne law, because she prohibits at all times the sale or exportation of all wild game.
One by one the various state legislatures have been putting up the bars against the exportation or sale of any "game protected by the state.
My latest news of the lyre-bird was of the surreptitious exportation of 200 skins to the London feather market.
The exportation of all game should be prohibited, unless accompanied by the man who shot it, bearing his license, and the law should be state-wide instead of depending upon a separate enactment for each county.
She is wise in rigidly enforcing her law against theexportation of game.