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Example sentences for "perceptibly"

Lexicographically close words:
percentile; percents; percept; perceptibility; perceptible; perception; perceptional; perceptions; perceptive; perceptives
  1. Opposite to the sun, the prevailing hue is a silvery white, perceptibly flashing.

  2. About noon they appear to lessen perceptibly the rays of the sun.

  3. But we were in a bad way, and, to my wonder, I found my sentiments perceptibly softening.

  4. The display was perceptibly of pecuniary intent; but still it was grateful.

  5. For the last fortnight the ice has been perceptibly moist at the surface.

  6. The little cirrus clouds interfere with its brightness, and affect very perceptibly its warmth.

  7. The sun perceptibly warmer, and the indications of thaw unequivocal.

  8. Under the lee of the tent the dogs were sleeping, moveless bundles of fur, black and white, perceptibly steaming.

  9. A few hours later Bennett noted that the gale had begun perceptibly to abate.

  10. The sky grew brighter, and I grew perceptibly colder, so that I turned up my coat-collar, and shivered, even though the previous day had been so unusually warm.

  11. Half an hour later I was again on deck for a blow, and saw that the fugitive steamer had perceptibly increased the distance between us.

  12. The gulf between what she had dreamed and what she saw perceptibly narrowed, though it was still there and though it still ached.

  13. Not only does the south belt move perceptibly faster than the red spot, but, generally speaking, the various markings on the surface of the planet move at different rates according as they are nearer to or farther from the equator.

  14. A man removed to Venus would, consequently, find himself perceptibly lighter than he was at home, and would be able to exert his strength with considerably greater effect than on his own planet.

  15. Dusk had closed down on them, and it had grown perceptibly colder.

  16. Winifred had felt forlorn a few moments earlier, but the announcement Wyllard made was reassuring, and she brightened perceptibly as he signaled to a man who was standing a little further along the track.

  17. Mechanically he tapped the barometer that hung in the porch; the needle stirred perceptibly to the left.

  18. It was lighter here, or at least it was just perceptibly less dark; for the yew walk was wider than the path that had led them under the lea of the house.

  19. Charlotte promptly rose then, as might be, to meet it, and her colour, for the first time, perceptibly heightened.

  20. The landlord, for the first time in their acquaintance, accepted a seat, bowing low as he did so, with a demonstration of profound gratitude that just perceptibly heightened his even dignity.

  21. She is perceptibly taller than the others; she sits in their midst near the great hall entrance; and as you look at her there is no claim of ancestry the Grandissimes can make which you would not allow.

  22. He started perceptibly when he first saw Gloria.

  23. Our extra locomotive was side tracked and we breathed an atmosphere perceptibly different from that we had left on the eastern side of the range.

  24. Boiling water elsewhere wastes itself away, but these pools boil and boil from year to year, and scarcely vary perceptibly in height.

  25. One of the reasons of his devotion to Michael was that Michael's character did not apparently or perceptibly alter.

  26. Yet the persistent questioning by the Warden and Inspectors is perceptibly working on the boy's mind.

  27. The gloom of the cell-house perceptibly lifts, and presently the men are surprised at music hour, between six and seven in the evening, with the strains of merry ragtime by the newly organized penitentiary band.

  28. It was to hide their own infamy that the loathsome war dance was started that developed perceptibly from uncomprehending belligerency into the lawless tumult of mobs, raids and lynching!

  29. Strike followed strike with varying success and the conditions of the loggers began perceptibly to improve.

  30. She did not respond immediately, her gloved fingers perceptibly tightening about the prayer-book, her eyes carefully avoiding his own.

  31. Her face perceptibly brightened, as if this new mood quickly appealed to her.

  32. He turned her face around toward the light, not roughly, yet with an unconscious strength which she felt irresistible, and looked at her searchingly, his own eyes perceptibly softening.

  33. Early in 1889 the Empress Frederick suffered another bereavement which, though not of course to be compared with many which she had endured, nevertheless added perceptibly to her state of melancholy and depression.

  34. Not only did this bring no improvement, but the patient became perceptibly worse.

  35. It brought her a long visit from her parents and the birth of her eldest daughter, but on the other side of the account the relations between her two countries, England and Prussia, became perceptibly worse.

  36. The language of the country party was perceptibly bolder and sharper than on the preceding day.

  37. Each of the two statesmen in turn experienced the misery of clutching, with an agonizing grasp, power which was perceptibly slipping away.

  38. The rise of temperature, however, had not perceptibly communicated itself to the water of the bath, which the gallant captain found to be icy cold.

  39. Madame Merle perceptibly flushed, but we know it was not her habit to retract.

  40. This personage was startled as she was startled; he stood there baring his head to her perceptibly pale surprise.

  41. Darrow further took note that the girl and her suitor perceptibly avoided each other; but this might be a natural result of the tension Miss Painter had been summoned to relieve.

  42. She stared straight ahead of her, perceptibly struggling with the tremor of her muscles; and when she had controlled it she flung out a pale-lipped pleasantry.

  43. Martin's usually placid humor was perceptibly rumpled this morning, and efforts to engage him in conversation resulted in grunts and growls.

  44. He had very dark-brown hair, and there was a good deal of it, and it was perceptibly wavy under the rim of his straw hat.

  45. The defects and the weaknesses of a democratic government may very readily be discovered; they are demonstrated by the most flagrant instances, while its beneficial influence is less perceptibly exercised.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perceptibly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.