The acids I shall mention next are of a mineral origin; but being of a less perfect nature as acids, I shall only just note them here.
Doubtless, in many cases, this is merely a less perfect development of that change in which the axis protrudes beyond the carpels.
If the actual universe is imperfect, he knows that God created it freely and might have created a more perfect or a less perfect one.
BASIS Bakunin regards the evolutionary law of the progress of mankind from a less perfect existence to the most perfect possible existence as the law which has supreme validity for man.
It is probable, that all bodies are more or less perfect conductors, as they have less or more of either of the electric ethers combined with them; as mentioned in Preliminary Proposition, No.
The vertigo visualis is owing toless perfect vision, and is not accompanied with pleasurable sensation.
In point of fact, the haze is a piece of more or less perfect sky; it is produced in the same manner, and is subject to the same laws, as the firmament itself.
For a time the blue grows more intense; it then becomes whitish; and ends in a more or less perfect white.
Indeed, so far as the mind is concerned, our intellect would be less perfect if the mind were alone, and understood nothing but itself.
Again, I shall call men more or less perfect or imperfect in so far as they approach more or less nearly to this same model.
This altered glass can always be produced in a more or less perfect state, by melting the glass and allowing it to cool very slowly; or merely by heating it to the softening pitch, and keeping it at this heat for some time.
In like manner does the estimative power, though in a less perfect manner.
Therefore it must be that all things which are diversified by the diverse participation of being, so as to be more or less perfect, are caused by one First Being, Who possesses being most perfectly.
What precedes in order of generation and time is less perfect: for in one and in the same thing potentiality precedes act, and imperfection precedes perfection.
Among those from Wismar are 32 flint hatchets and chisels more or less perfect (=Fig.
Of nephrite there are one or two specimens in the form of small cutting implements; of ordinary stone celts there are a few more or less perfect (No.
Many more or less perfect examples of this new faculty exist in the world to-day, and it has been my privilege to know personally and to have had the opportunity of studying, several men and women who have possessed it.
That which is less perfect, measured by the law of beauty and usefulness, we find gradually being exterminated.
Less perfect, it would have to be put down to less perfect beings.
Now it cannot be less perfect, except on condition of being less unitary, that is, more manifold.
It must, therefore, be inferior to Him, and, consequently, be less perfect.
This Reason itself loses excellence in the degree that it hastens down to enter into matter, and what it produces is less perfect.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "less perfect" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.