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Example sentences for "mucous"

Lexicographically close words:
mucky; mucoid; mucopurulent; mucosa; mucosum; mucro; mucronate; mucrone; mucus; mud
  1. The long narrow winding nostrils are filled with warm mucous membrane, which coming in contact with the inhaled air Warms it so that it can do no damage to the delicate organs of the throat, or to the lungs.

  2. The spots are firmly attached, and if forcibly removed the mucous membrane will bleed.

  3. The skin is very pale, the mucous membranes are bluish white.

  4. Such diseases are cold in the head with running nose, catarrh of the nose and throat, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose or throat.

  5. These conditions all tend to create an unhealthy condition of the nasal mucous membrane and of the throat, and this is rendered worse if the child lives in a damp, changeable climate, such as that of New York City.

  6. Three or four days, in rare cases somewhat longer, before the appearance of the rash there appears on the mucous membrane of the cheeks small, bluish white, or yellowish white points, the size of a small pin head.

  7. When cleaning the mouth care must be observed not to injure the tender mucous membrane.

  8. A congestion of the entire mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, producing a nasal discharge, a sore and inflamed throat, pains and a feeling of compression, with a cough in the chest, may accompany the disease.

  9. It affects the mucous membrane of the mouth; it appears in the form of small white spots that look like drops of curdled milk.

  10. They adhere firmly to the mucous membrane and when an effort is made to remove them it is found that the underlying surface is ulcerated and excoriated.

  11. We know as well what differences to expect in the habits of a mucous and of a serous membrane, as what mineral substances to look for in the chalk or the coal measures.

  12. The mucous tissue, as Virchow calls it, common in embryonic structures, seen in the vitreous humor of the adult.

  13. Tea must not be taken too strong, nor when it has drawn too long, for tea then becomes acid, and has a bad influence on the mucous membrane that lines the throat.

  14. The nitrogen which is thus refined acts as an anodyne to the mucous membrane, allaying the desire to cough and giving the throat and lungs a chance to heal.

  15. In many luminous animals the light secretion formed over the surface of the body is small in amount and adheres to the animal because it is embedded in the mucous skin secretions.

  16. The light of Chaetopterus comes from a material mixed with a mucous secretion formed over almost the whole body surfaces of the animal.

  17. The mucous lining is so thrown into folds that its thickness in relation to the peritoneal layer is considerable.

  18. In order to obviate this danger the peritoneal layer must be opened, and the mucous membrane, which is quite brittle and easily removed, must be torn away for about one quarter of an inch.

  19. When we attempt to pass from the vaginal orifice to the internal reproductive organs, we find that in the virgin an obstacle exists, the hymen or maidenhead, consisting of a duplicature of the mucous membrane.

  20. The hyperæmia and the bleeding that take place periodically during menstruation lead to certain changes in the mucous surface of the uterus.

  21. Posteriorly to the clitoris, and beneath the mucous membrane on either side, is an additional mass of erectile tissue, known as the vaginal bulb, or bulb of the vestibule.

  22. Although the life exerted in the mucous surface of the intestines opposes itself to the passage of those little organisms into the interior of the body, this ceases to be the case after death.

  23. Pasteur has shown that this is but a deceptive appearance, and that in reality these shavings are partly or wholly covered with a mucous film of mycoderma aceti of excessive tenuity.

  24. They moreover serve as a support for the ferment, which is still, according to him, the mycoderma aceti, under the mucous form proper to it when submerged.

  25. Often, also, the little rod, after being broken off, holds on still to its chain by a mucous transparent thread.

  26. After the mucous and serous layers of the embryo have separated, there presently arises between the two a third, known to physiologists as the vascular layer--a layer out of which are developed the chief blood-vessels.

  27. Where it is a mucous membrane of the kind covered by cylinder-epithelium, the cylinders gradually shorten, becoming finally flat, and there results a squamous epithelium: there is a near approach in minute composition to epidermis.

  28. From the mucous layer, or endoderm, is developed the apparatus of nutrition; while from the serous layer, or ectoderm, is developed the apparatus of external action.

  29. Once more, the subsequent appearance of the vascular layer between these mucous and serous layers, as they have been named, admits of a like interpretation.

  30. Accident or disease occasionally causes permanent eversion, or protrusion, of mucous membrane.

  31. He would as quickly inform a person of a rip in his garment as he would another who was oblivious of the mucous running from his nose.

  32. Huxley, who compared the serous and mucous layers of Pander with the ectoderm and endoderm of the Coelenterata.

  33. The young worm develops, bores through the gastric mucous membrane and finally becomes lodged in the lymphatics, usually of one or other of the extremities.

  34. The skin, the hair, and the mucous or lining membranes of the body-cavities are constantly being cast off on the external surface, new cells being formed underneath.

  35. Without solution, no material can have any effect upon the physiological processes, except by irritating the mucous surfaces of the digestive organs; in the latter respect, starch granules are harmless.

  36. Food passing from the stomach, thus supercharged with acid, causes irritation of the mucous lining of the alimentary tract.

  37. Two wounds were found in the ileum on the opposite sides of one coil; the openings were circular, with the mucous membrane everted.

  38. The clean perforations were circular, less than 1/4 inch in diameter, and for the most part closed by eversion of the mucous membrane.

  39. The openings were circular, about 1/3 inch in diameter, clean cut, with a ring of everted mucous membrane, and the wall of the bowel in the neighbourhood was thickened.

  40. The aperture of exit is a curved slit, again partially occluded by the mucous membrane.

  41. Wound of exit; curved slit-like character, eversion of mucous membrane.

  42. A B, illustrates a symmetrical perforation of the small intestine; the aperture of entry (A) is roughly circular, and a ring of mucous membrane protrudes and partially closes the opening.

  43. The bullet here struck the most prominent portion of the under surface of the bowel, and produced a circular perforation not very unlike one produced by rectangular impact, except in the lesser degree of eversion of the mucous membrane.

  44. There were no signs of chest trouble, but some mucous expectoration.

  45. The mucous lining elsewhere was slaty grey, with small hæmorrhages.

  46. A good lubricant, in cold and catarrh, and in diseases of the mucous surfaces.

  47. So, when great derangement of the mucous membrane exists, debilitating perspiration succeeds.

  48. The gimlet frequently penetrates the frontal sinuses which communicate with the nasal passages, and where mucous secretion, if vitiated or tenacious, will accumulate.

  49. The disease first originates in the mucous surfaces, which enter into the mouth, throat, and stomach.

  50. The indications are, to lubricate the mucous surfaces, remove morbific materials from the system, and improve the general health.

  51. Occasional fits of coughing, accompanied with a mucous discharge from the nose and mouth.

  52. If bronchial irritation or a cough be present, shield and defend the mucous surfaces from irritation.

  53. A tea-spoonful of the dried root, given in a thin mucilage of marshmallows, is an excellent remedy for cough, depending on an irritability of the lungs and mucous surfaces.

  54. If you examine the potato, with its roots and stem, you will find the cutis, or skin, and mucous membrane.

  55. He had been suffering, as he told me, for some time from a subacute irritation of the mucous membrane of the bowels, with loose passages, and some febrile excitement.

  56. The vocal cords (ligaments) themselves contain very few nerve fibres; those that are seen in the deeper structures of the cords and adjacent parts mainly proceed to the mucous glands.

  57. The vocal cords or ligaments appear dead white and contrast with the surrounding pink mucous membrane covering the remaining structures of the larynx.

  58. This intimate relation of nerve and muscle and mucous membrane is best illustrated by the sneeze.

  59. The widest possible entrance is prepared for the air which is taken into the lungs, as the freest ventilation of their whole mucous surface is necessary.

  60. In this important matter of vocal hygiene a prominent part is played by the mucous membrane.

  61. By the thickening of the mucous membrane, all the intrinsic muscles of the larynx are interfered with, and, consequently, total extinction of the voice follows swiftly upon excessive inflammation.

  62. The cold has caused over-stimulation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, and a consequent loss of voice.

  63. Scents often determine a rapid congestion of the mucous membrane of the nose to such an extent that in certain persons they cause veritable attacks of asthma.

  64. The result was a diminution of secretion of the mucous membrane and a return to normal conditions.

  65. The mucous membrane of the vocal cords obeys natural laws in restoration.

  66. The mucous membrane of the larynx and the bronchial tubes, to enlarge upon its duty for a moment, is endowed with very fine, hair-like processes called cilia, whose action is to waft secretions from the interior of the lungs outward.

  67. The node is, in fact, an oedema or dropsy, a swelling from effusion of watery fluid in the cellular tissue beneath the skin or mucous membrane.

  68. The explanation of this is an over-stimulation of a part of the mucous membrane of the nose called the Schneiderian membrane.

  69. Another source of difficulty is subglottic, owing to inflammation of the mucous membrane in the trachea, which extends upward and involves the cords.

  70. On the summit of the node the mucous membrane appeared very red, budded, and almost warty.

  71. Up to the time of stopping the enemata, pieces of mucous membrane and mucus itself came away from the bowel, and the motions were very offensive.

  72. He said his "mouth was coming to pieces," and in fact the mucous membrane was glazed and peeling; also the lips.

  73. He seems to have a mucous enteritis without fever.

  74. Do you think it would be wise for a person suffering from ulcers in the throat and on other mucous membranes to adopt a diet devoid of meat, yeast and salt?

  75. The intestinal mucous membrane, especially in the rectum, the duodenum, and a small portion of the small intestines, was of a violet red colour.

  76. The mucous membrane of these organs, as well as of the jejunum and rectum, were gorged with blood, of the colour of the lees of red wine, but without any inflammatory thickening of their coats.

  77. A safe way of performing this operation, when admissible, is to destroy a portion of the mucous membrane with strong nitric acid.

  78. In one of the experiments referred to, the mucous membrane of the intestines was everywhere healthy, except in the rectum and duodenum.

  79. Nor must we omit to note, in connexion with this subject, the fact of the mucous membrane of the vagina being occasionally found of a dark purple colour in those who die of puerperal affections.

  80. The intestinal canal was filled with a bloody mucous secretion, resembling the matter that had been voided; its mucous membrane was of a livid colour, as in the preceding case.

  81. The lining membrane of the rectum was principally affected, and its mucous glands were swollen and very prominent.

  82. The peritoneum contained some spoonsful of a reddish serum; but the mucous membrane of the digestive organs was found to have been principally affected.

  83. The mucous membrane of the eyes, nose, and mouth, was red or violet, and covered by a very abundant thick mucus.

  84. On opening the body, the mucous membrane of the intestines was found red, swollen, and inflamed, especially in the colon and rectum.

  85. John Munday, | The eighth day | The mucous membrane of aet.

  86. From the coincidence thus observed, we are led to believe that the same condition which produces congestion in the skin, may produce an analogous affection of the mucous membrane.

  87. The bronchial tubes contained a considerable quantity of stringy mucous pus.

  88. Their mucous surface was reddened by catarrhal bronchitis.

  89. Pus may be thrown off by a mucous membrane, without any actual breach of continuity.

  90. A flat patch or area on the skin or mucous membrane.

  91. A circumscribed elevation on the skin, mucous membrane or surface of an organ; the lesion of tuberculosis.

  92. A specific inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genital tract; germal cause, gonococcus.

  93. Whatever drug is used, strong solutions are seldom necessary for application to the mucous membranes but the necessary time for its absorption is a prime requisite.

  94. Reproduction of cells of the mucous layer from those of the germinal layer, which have formed the floor of the blister.

  95. Bacteria gain admission to the living tissues under natural conditions, by penetrating any of the mucous membranes which they can reach, or by entering open wounds.

  96. Removal of the superficial protective layer of the skin or mucous membrane.

  97. Meantime the connective tissue cells have been forming fibres across the clot and epithelial cells over its surface, if skin or mucous membrane be involved in the injury.

  98. The gonococcus of Neisser is found both inside and outside of pus cells and mucous cells.

  99. Koller's report appeared, cocaine was used for a great many operations upon the eye, and its application to mucous membranes in general was soon taken up by practitioners everywhere.

  100. The fumes of the gas are very irritating to the mucous membrane and when this agent is used for the disinfection of rooms, every crevice and crack must be tightly sealed to prevent the escape of the gas.

  101. The epidermis contains no blood vessels, but the mucous layer has lymph spaces between the cells, draining into the lymph spaces and channels of the dermis.

  102. The mucous membrane covering the anterior surface of the eyeball.

  103. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mucous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    mucous membrane; mucous membranes; mucous patches