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Example sentences for "mucoid"

Lexicographically close words:
muckers; mucking; muckle; muckraking; mucky; mucopurulent; mucosa; mucosum; mucous; mucro
  1. The mucoid sputum from an incipient case sometimes contains great numbers, while sputum from large tuberculous cavities at times contains very few.

  2. The same is true of the almost purely mucoid sputum ("sputum crudum") of beginning acute bronchitis, and of that which follows an attack of asthma.

  3. There is at first a small amount of tenacious, almost purely mucoid sputum, frequently blood-streaked.

  4. They are abundant in the scanty morning sputum of apparently healthy persons, but may be present in any mucoid sputum.

  5. If the condition continue, the increased perspiration and moisture of the parts give rise to maceration of the epidermis and a mucoid discharge; actual inflammation may eventually result.

  6. The dry, flat papules gradually become moist and covered with a grayish, sticky, mucoid secretion; several may coalesce and form large, flat patches.

  7. The stools may contain small yellow or brownish masses which are mucoid in nature, being yellow from bile-staining.

  8. The lacunae are involutions of the mucous membrane, and in health furnish a slightly turbid mucoid secretion which serves to lubricate the parts and, as is generally believed, to facilitate deglutition.

  9. Diarrhoea, with bloody, mucoid stools, is rarely ever absent, and is characteristic of invagination.

  10. When deeply placed, they are lined by cylindrical or ciliated epithelium and contain a glairy mucoid fluid.

  11. The cyst is filled with a glairy mucoid fluid, and may contain one or more unerupted teeth (Fig.

  12. So it does--of strength and the healthy mucoid secretion of the intestine, without which natural functions cannot be properly performed.

  13. This cartilage is identical in structure and in chemical composition with the soft cartilage of Ammocoetes, and, as in the latter case, arises in a markedly mucoid connective tissue.

  14. In the latter case the matrix contains calcium salts, in the former it is composed of the peculiar homogeneous mucoid tissue which stains so characteristically with thionin.

  15. On the other hand, the forerunner of the branchial soft cartilage is a very striking and peculiar kind of connective tissue loaded with mucoid material, to which the name muco-cartilage has been given.

  16. It possesses a mucoid substratum, just as does muco-cartilage, and in both cases a perfectly similar soft cartilage is born from it.

  17. The fat disappears and is replaced by a mucoid effusion between the fibrous bundles of connective tissue.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mucoid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.