Before the advancing child part of the liquor amnii within the fetal enveloping membranes is forced down into the neck of the womb, and causes dilatation.
It can have the slight relevancy of untruth when the woman is rendered septic, because then the membranes are no protection at all.
The third stage lasts from the delivery of the child until after the expulsion of the placenta and membranes and the retraction of the uterus has ended--the period of the afterbirth.
A very common method, begun in 1855, is to insert one or two elastic solid bougies into the uterus between the membranes and the uterine wall.
If the fetus is visible at all, open the membranes and baptize it conditionally, even if it is not as big as a pea.
In cases of somewhat less urgency the membranes are first punctured and balloon dilators are used.
In any case puncture of the membranesis the most certain method to start labor, but it has many bad disadvantages.
A congenital malformation in which the spinal column is cleft at its lower portion, and the membranes of the spinal cord project as an elastic swelling from the gap thus formed.
A thin watery fluid, containing more or less albumin, secreted by the serous membranes of the body, such as the pericardium and peritoneum.
It is marked by chills, fever, prostration, and inflammation of the different serous membranes and of the lungs, kidneys, and other organs.
The larynx itself consists of a framework of cartilages joined by elastic membranes or ligaments, and joints.
If the membranes remain in the womb after the body of the after-birth is out, do not pull on them.
When the egg is taken up by the oviduct all trace of both membranes has vanished.
Membranes with the latter structure are very widely distributed, Echinodermata, Gephyrea, Vertebrata, etc.
The embryonic membranesand the formation of the layers.
These structures are certain embryonic membranes or coverings, which present in their mode of formation and arrangement a startling similarity to the true and false amnion of the Vertebrata.
In the majority of Insects there are developed envelopingmembranes like those of Hydrophilus.
In Julus two cuticular membranesare present at the time of hatching: the inner one is very strongly developed and encloses the embryo after hatching.
The vitelline membranes are either simple structureless membranes or present numerous radial pores.
The secondary egg membranes will be dealt with in connection with the systematic account of the development of the various groups.
The homologies of the primary egg membranes of Craniata are still involved in some obscurity.
The egg membranes of Insects present many points of interest, which are however for the most part beyond the scope of this work.
Metschnikoff states in his paper on Geophilus that in some ants no true embryonic membranes are found, but merely scattered cells which take their place.
The embryo next shakes off its egg membranesby a series of vigorous contractions.
It is a remarkable fact with only few parallels, and those amongst the Arthropoda, that the blastopore, or point where the embryonic membranes meet in closing in the yolk, is situated on the dorsal surface of the embryo.
When the fold which gives rise to the membranes is first formed, there is, as is obvious in fig.
The formation of both these membranes from the protoplasm of the ovum is rendered certain in the latter case by the absence of a follicular epithelium.
At the hind end of the embryo this actually takes place, so that the ventral plate covered by the amnion appears to become completely imbedded in the yolk: elsewhere the two membranes are in contact.
Finally, much light is thrown upon the observed phenomena of osmose (the passage of fluids outward and inward through animal membranes) by the fact that the membranes are colloidal.
In 1853 Charcot reported the birth of a premature fetus presenting numerous variolous pustules together with ulcerations of the derm and mucous membranes and stomach, although the mother had convalesced of the disease some time before.
There are forms of nasal disorder caused by larvae, which some native surgeons in India regard as a chronic and malignant ulceration of the mucous membranes of the nose and adjacent sinuses in the debilitated and the scrofulous.
On the next day the membranes were ruptured and 4 more fetuses were delivered.
This is of two classes: first, a simple opening in the vertebral canal, and, second, a large cleft sufficient to allow the egress of spinal membranes and substance.
Forman reports an instance of unruptured membranes at birth, the delivery following a single pain, in a woman of twenty-two, pregnant for a second time.
The mucous membranes were all soft and friable, and presented the appearance of incipient gangrene.
No sight of the membranes or of the substance of the brain was obtained.
The same accident of rupture of the membranes long before labor happened to the patient's mother.
Rieken remarks that when these spots spread over all the body they present a scarlatiniform appearance, and he adds that even the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat may be attacked with erethematous inflammation.
The uterus contained a fetus three or four months old, with the membranes intact, the maternal death being due to the varicosity of the pregnant pudenda, the slight injury being sufficient to produce fatal hemorrhage.
Bardt speaks of labor twenty-three days after the flow of the waters; and Cobleigh one of seventeen days; Bradley relates the history of a case of rupture of the membranes six weeks before delivery.
Bailly, Chestnut, Bjering, Cowger, Duncan, and others also record premature rupture of themembranes without interruption of pregnancy.
Wrisberg cites three observations of infants born closed in their membranes; one lived seven minutes; the other two nine minutes; all breathed when the membranes were cut and air admitted.
The membranes had not been ruptured, and still enclosed the fetus and the liquor amnii.
Wilson speaks of a secondary or blighted fetus of the third month with fatty degeneration of the membranes retained and expelled with its living twin at the eighth month of uterogestation.
As the infection progresses and destroys the membranes that attach the root of the tooth to the socket, a pocket is formed around the root, and the tooth becomes loosened.
They also cleanse the tongue and membranes of the mouth generally, which may be important sources of infection.
There is also often an irritant effect on the mucous membranesof eyes from the direct effect of the smoke.
On no account should the fetus and membranesbe fed to pigs or dogs.
There is not likely to be any serious difficulty in diagnosing the bacterial disease after an act of abortion, even in an isolated case, if the membranes are available in a reasonably fresh state.
Almost immediately after abortion and expulsion of the membranes the uterus contracts, and its internal surfaces come into apposition.
Nothing has been found so serviceable as mercury, which, from its action on the entire secretory system, powerfully tends to relieve the congested membranes of the head.
The membranes and integuments are then restored to their position, and an adhesive plaster placed over the whole.
This ailment--an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, etc.
It holds in its interior the chief portions of the cords by which the moving levers and membranes are worked, and its outer surface is adorned by those levers and membranes themselves.
These air-tubes, it will be remembered, are lined by spires of dense cartilage; and hence it is that they become nervures so well adapted to act like tent-lines in keeping the expanded membranes stretched.
Owing to the inflammation of the membranes of the eyes, the patient should be kept in a darkened chamber, and the eyes occasionally bathed with a solution of borax, by dissolving half a teaspoonful in a tumblerful of water.
All mucousmembranes have their natural secretions, and these are on light provocations abnormally increased.
The mucous membranes are especially sensitive to noxious influences, and sound a timely note of warning by an acute catarrh, which, if heeded, will in many instances save the person from a dangerous, if not fatal sickness.
The vagina is the opening through this floor, and this is composed of the muscles and membranes of the vagina, the skin, two layers of fascea, the triangular ligaments of the bladder and a group of interlacing muscles.
When any of these membranes become irritated or congested from any cause, this natural secretion becomes so increased as to make a perceptible flow of the secretion of mucus, and this is what the term catarrh signifies.
I believe I have more colds, principally seated on the mucousmembranes of the lungs, fauces, and cavities of the head.
Our knowledge of the foetal membranes of the Marsupialia is almost entirely due to Owen.
Description of the foetal membranes and placenta of the Elephant.
As the mode of development of these membranes may be most conveniently studied in the Chick, I have selected this type for their detailed description.
The embryonicmembranes vary so considerably in the different forms that it will be advantageous to commence with a description of their development in an ideal case.
Description of the membranes of the uterine foetus of the Kangaroo.
The yolk-sack in many cases atrophies completely before the close of intra-uterine life, but in other cases it is only removed with the other embryonic membranes at birth.
From such a primitive type of foetal membranesdivergences in various directions have given rise to the types of foetal membranes now existing.
A proposal of the Hertwigs to adopt special names for the outer and inner limitingmembranes of the adult, and for the interposed mass of organs, appears to me unnecessary.
The nature of the foetal membranes in the Monotremata is not known.
The cheeks are orange with bright blue stripes; the fins with the membranes orange, and the rays blue.
On the 24th the animal took her food in the morning, and appeared very careful of her young, shifting it from side to side to suckle it, and folding it in the membranes of the tail and wings.
The gill-membranes are scarcely united to the narrow isthmus, the lateral line is interrupted, the dorsal spines are flexible, and there are but few scales on the head.
The teeth of the jaws are not completely united, the dorsal spines are pungent, the lateral line not interrupted, and the gill membranes broadly united to the isthmus.
Its membranes are brightly colored, being edged with bright yellow.
The total "afterbirth" consists of the Placenta, the umbillical cord, and the remaining membranes of the ovum, all of which are expelled after the birth of the child.
Are the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and larynx ever involved?
In the vesicular and bullous cases the lips and the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose also may be the seat of similar lesions.
The ease with which membranes are thrown into vibrations corresponding in period to that of the sounding body has already been alluded to on p.
Observing that membranes when properly stretched can vibrate to any kind of a sound, he sought to utilize them for this purpose.
But see those small compartments in the thick shells of the pod--with the membranesseparating them?
Membranes with a faint, metallic sheen--laminated or separated by narrow air spaces as in a capacitor, for instance.
The gills or lamellæ are thin plates or membranes radiating from the stem to the margin of the cap.
In the Agaricaceæ or common mushrooms, and in all other of similar structure, the spore-producing membranes are found on the under surface of the cap.
The peridium is composed of three membranes very closely related, closed at first by a white membrane, but finally bursting at the top.
Certain chemical precipitates such as copper ferrocyanide can form membranes having properties analogous to those of osmotic membranes.
All substances which produce osmotic membranes by the contact of their solutions exhibit phenomena analogous to those of nutrition.
Substances in a colloidal state have a great tendency to form these chemical or physical membranes at the point of contact between the colloidal solute and the solvent.
It is astonishing to contemplate the contrast between the hard crystalline forms of ordinary chalk and these soft transparent elastic membranes which have the same chemical constitution.
Certain substances in concentrated solution have the property of forming osmotic membranes when they come in contact with other chemical solutions.
These artificial pseudo-organic elements are surrounded by veritable membranes, dializing membranes which allow only liquids to pass through them.
With these precipitated membranes Traube made a number of interesting experiments.
These cells and precipitated membranes have also been studied by Reinke, F.
The theory of the resistance of the various plasmas and membranes to diffusion has been but little understood; we can discover hardly any reference to it in the literature of the subject.
From such a primitive type of foetal membranes divergencies in various directions have given rise to the types of foetal membranes found at the present day.
The homologies of the egg membranes in the Vertebrata are still involved in some obscurity.
My own investigations have led me to the conclusion that though the egg-membranes can probably be reduced to single type for Elasmobranchii, yet that they vary with the stage of development of the ovum.
After the removal of the egg-membranes described above we find that there remains a delicate membrane closely attached, to the epiblast.
All the large-yolked vertebrate ova appear then to agree very well with Elasmobranchii in presenting during some period of their development the two membranes above mentioned.
It is possible that a vesicular sack covering over the third ventricle of the Sturgeon described by Stannius[510], and stated by him to be wholly formed of the membranes of the brain, is really the homologue of our vesicle.
Both thesemembranes usually atrophy before the ovum leaves the follicle.
Small part of the follicular epithelium and egg membranes of a somewhat larger ovum of Scyllium canicula than fig.
Both membranes atrophy before the egg is quite ripe; and an apparently fluid layer between the follicular epithelium and the vitellus, which coagulates in hardened specimens, is probably the last remnant of the vitelline membrane.
These membranes closely resemble and sometimes are even continuous with trabeculae which traverse the germinal epithelium.
No satisfactory observations appear to be recorded with reference to the behaviour of the two reptilian membranes as the egg approaches maturity.
Two membranes are probably always present in Elasmobranchii during some period of their growth.
Though I find the same membranes in Scyllium as Alexander Schultz did in other Squalidae, my results do not agree with his as to Raja.
Transverse section through the egg-membranes of a just-laid ovum.
Similarly, at the site of infection, the point of the so-called stalk of the abscess, the cerebral membranes are adherent to the underlying brain, especially if there has been any localized meningitis.
The nose should not be tightly plugged, our object being to keep the two mucous membranes in apposition, but at the same time entirely occluding nasal respiration.
The empty pocket between the two separated and flaccid mucous membranes is wiped out and the two fleshy curtains are allowed to fall together.
In dense capsular membranes following removal of a lens by discission in which a cutting needle cannot make a hole.
The only point in which there is any semblance of agreement among obstetricians is this: in cases of complete rupture, in which the fœtus and membranes are extruded from the uterus into the belly, cœliotomy is clearly indicated.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "membranes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.