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Example sentences for "perforation"

Lexicographically close words:
perfite; perforate; perforated; perforates; perforating; perforations; perforator; perforators; perforce; perform
  1. I saw with speechless excitement the girl's cunt, which seemed at first glance as if a prick had entered it; but looking more closely saw that the perforation was too small.

  2. The perforation is conical, being 1 inch in diameter on one face and only 1∕2 inch on the other.

  3. The perforation for the haft is formed with singular symmetry and perfection; the lozengy grooved decoration covering the entire surface is remarkably symmetrical and skilfully finished.

  4. There are slight recesses on each face, showing the spots at which the perforation was to have been commenced.

  5. Kirwan discovered a flint pebble about 3 3∕4 inches long, with a natural perforation rather nearer one end than the other, but which on each face has been artificially enlarged.

  6. It had a wooden handle, which was fixed into the perforation in the centre, and encircled by a neat ornament of brass, part of which still adheres to the stone.

  7. In some cases it would appear that, after chipping out a recess so as to form a guide for the boring tool, the perforation was effected by giving a rotatory motion, either constant or intermittent, to the tool.

  8. It is of nearly the same size as the others, but the perforation is natural, and there is no attempt at ornamentation, though much of the surface has been ground in irregular facets.

  9. There is a small perforation in the centre, as if for a pin, to assist in securing it in its handle.

  10. The eyes of the aviator, lifting from the perforation to meet Lanyard's stare, were clouded with consternation.

  11. Outer lip much dilated, generally uniting at its base to the inner lip; leaving a round perforation at the base of the pillar; channel truncate; operculum round: palustre.

  12. This is the case with many of the brachiopodous shells, in some species of which the perforation is in the point of the umbones, a specimen of which is represented in the Introduction.

  13. The Fissurellae are known from Patellae by the perforation in the apex.

  14. In other cases the byssus is of a more compact substance, and passes through a perforation in the shell itself.

  15. Placunanomia is the only genus resembling it in this respect, but this is easily distinguished by a perforation through the shell.

  16. Through the perforation are hung various materials; such as green crystal, gold, stones, a single and sometimes a great number of gold rings, which become at times rather troublesome to them.

  17. Adjust the rods one inch apart--that is, with one perforation between the rods.

  18. If you have an extra side rod, place it in the sixth perforation from the right-hand rod.

  19. After this labor the work of perforation was continued through a stratum of pyrolithic limestone.

  20. Already the perforation has reached the depth of eighty-two metres, being twenty metres below the sea-level.

  21. The third, who recovered his speech after the others, had perforation of the left tympanum with a little suppuration of the right ear tympanum and a slight tear of the right tympanum.

  22. The only evidence of disease found was inflammation with perforation of the tympanic membrane of the left ear.

  23. There was no sign of perforation or of peritonitis.

  24. It was quite different to look directly down into that magical perforation at his feet, instead of studying the reflection of the same, indistinctly and uncertainly revealed by a system of mirrors.

  25. THAT IS HOW I LOVE YOU" For several days the subject of the great perforation made by the automatic shell was not mentioned between Margaret and Roland.

  26. Strips of ten stamps adhering, forming a vertical row from the sheet, and showing a double perforation along the sides are also exhibited.

  27. The vertical rows of perforation are 221/2 mm.

  28. The reprint of the one cent is from a new plate, the stamps have the outside fine labels of the original imperforate series, but are set farther apart on the plate so that even the larger perforation used does not cut into the stamp.

  29. This is the perforation of the 1870 series and of most of the U.

  30. Owing to the nearness of the stamps on the sheets the perforation generally cut into the stamps, either at the top or bottom, and cut these lines, but the remains will be found on the points left between the holes.

  31. It would probably be impossible to remove the perforation so as to make this stamp pass for an imperforate specimen and then it would lack the projection of the original.

  32. The reprints have the same perforation and, notwithstanding the circular, were issued both without the gum and with the white stiff gum noticed above.

  33. This includes everything required for preparing the stamps for immediate use, gumming, perforation printing and preparing receipts.

  34. It is necessary to guard against excessive tympanites since the pressure therefrom against the ulcerated intestinal walls may cause perforation resulting in hemorrhage.

  35. Death may occur from exhaustion or from perforation and peritonitis.

  36. See a case of central perforation of the perineum, Med.

  37. When the perforation is made at a suture, the edges of the bones gradually overlap as the head diminishes in size, and thus close the opening, a circumstance which cannot occur when it is made through a bone.

  38. Where the pains are violent, and yet insufficient to overcome the obstacle which the contracted pelvis presents to the advance of the head, there is not safety for a minute, and perforation must be immediately had recourse to.

  39. In a case of this sort, the perforation of the head is the last part of the process to be performed.

  40. The perforation is that operation "where we make an opening into the cranial cavity, and, by allowing the brain to escape, thus diminish the bulk of the head.

  41. This was effected by employing an oblong ball of lead 'a diameter and a half in length,' having a perforation extending through two-thirds of it.

  42. Necrosis of the part follows, blood is found in the stools, and perforation or gangrene, or both, are apt to follow.

  43. At the time of perforation the systolic pressure may be raised.

  44. General peritonitis may be caused by direct perforation of the appendix and death in appendicitis is usually due to peritonitis.

  45. Perforation of the bowel is usually shown by a sudden sharp pain coming in paroxysms generally localized in the right lower side.

  46. If this occurs we have what is called perforation of the bowel and the peritoneum around this perforation inflames and there is the dread complication of peritonitis.

  47. Peritonitis occurs from perforation of the bowel in typhoid fever also, and it frequently occurs after appendicitis and sometimes after confinement.

  48. There may be bleeding from the bowels and perforation of the bowel, producing peritonitis.

  49. This is often the history of one of the causes mentioned above, followed in cases with perforation or septic disease by a chill or chilly feeling and pain, varying at first, with the place where the inflammation begins.

  50. Perforation of the bowel or bleeding may occur.

  51. These may not show until perforation or bleeding occurs.

  52. Perforation causes most of the attacks of peritonitis.

  53. These go on and ulcerate until the blood vessels may be eaten into and bleeding sometimes results, it eats through the bowel, then there is perforation and peritonitis.

  54. The perforation of the ear, the nose, and the lips is made with the view of placing in the hole an ornament of some kind or other.

  55. This perforation is met with more often among men than women, perhaps because it is more especially connected with the extent and frequent repetition of the movements of flexion and extension.

  56. It will have the proportions determined by the officers of the Shannon, the instrument required by the perforation of the Scotia, and the power necessary to pierce the hull of the steamer.

  57. Humerus with a perforation on the inner side of the lower end; a very large extra radial carpal bone.

  58. Occasionally when there is no perforation adherence takes place between the segments, and the gangrenous portion sloughs off and is discharged by the rectum.

  59. Finally a seizure may persist and take on all the characters of an acute attack, and death may supervene from exhaustion, perforation or peritonitis, unless immediately treated.

  60. Is the fluid contained in this bag, and pressed through the perforation into the wound, made by the point, a caustic essential oil, or a concentrated vegetable acid?

  61. The sting has a bag at its base, and a perforation near its point, exactly like the stings of wasps and the teeth of adders; Hook, Microgr.

  62. Its upright sides are imperforated, but top and bottom the usual perforation marks are present.

  63. The slits served the same purpose as the perforation holes in the stamps of to-day, but the drawback to this pioneer method was that in pulling one copy from another the labels were likely to become torn.

  64. As a difference of perforation often makes a considerable difference in the market value of a stamp, every philatelist should possess a gauge for measuring the holes; these are obtainable from dealers at a cost of sixpence each.

  65. Only one circular perforation in every respect similar to these found in Europe has been noticed in America.

  66. One will readily believe the perforation of these ornaments with small and accurately made drillings to have been the most difficult part of their manufacture.

  67. It is cylindrical in form, one inch long, one-fourth of an inch in external diameter, and has a longitudinal perforation one-tenth of an inch in diameter.

  68. Perforation is, fortunately, not a frequent accident in typhoid fever.

  69. Peritonitis resulting from other causes than perforation of the intestine does not require any modification of the above treatment.

  70. They sometimes penetrate much more deeply, and may even extend to the peritoneal coat, and thus give rise to perforation of the bowel.

  71. After the perforation of an abscess the fever and pain subside; the wound, if external, either closes in the course of one or two weeks, or fistulas form which become the source of protracted suppuration.

  72. Its most common cause is perforation of the bowel, but it may also be due to the extension of inflammation to the peritoneal membrane without ulceration.

  73. The cornea may be the seat of pustules or a diffuse puriform infiltration resulting in ulceration, and eventually perforation with hernia of the iris.

  74. Occasionally, the inflammation excited by the perforation may be circumscribed and terminate in an abscess, which may permit recovery by discharging itself into the bowel or externally.

  75. The usual seat at which the pus is discharged is just above Poupart's ligament; next in frequency perforation takes place into the colon, and in rare instances into the bladder, the uterus, and vagina.

  76. Relief can occur, if the Eustachian tube remain closed, only by perforation of the membrane and the discharge of the secretions into the external meatus.

  77. Purulent processes and consequent perforation may occur during the eruption, but are more frequent at the stage of desquamation (Spencer).

  78. The occurrence of perforation may be suspected when the patient is suddenly seized with acute pain in the abdomen, accompanied by symptoms of collapse and occasionally by rigors.

  79. The most frequent causes of perforation are the irritation arising from {291} indigestible and unsuitable food, distension of the bowels by feces or gas, vomiting, and movements on the part of the patient.

  80. It is usually of moderate severity, but occasionally it runs into gangrenous inflammation, is attended with perforation of the bowel, or is followed by hepatic abscess.

  81. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perforation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.