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Example sentences for "malformation"

Lexicographically close words:
males; malevolence; malevolent; malevolently; malfeasance; malformations; malformed; malfunction; malgranda; malgre
  1. This malformation was apparent on the same hand of the dead man.

  2. They are subject to injury such as is occasioned by hard work and concussion and contract as a result; but, more frequently a congenital malformation of the leg is responsible for undue strain upon these parts.

  3. A malformation of the inferior part of the tarsus so that its antero-posterior diameter is considerably less than normal is a contributing cause.

  4. They are said also to be derived from terriers, and it seems to me that the perpetuation of malformation in several breeds will produce the turnspit.

  5. Impotency or such physical malformation of one of the parties which prevents him or her from consummating the marriage by sexual intercourse.

  6. Impotency, or such physical malformation of one of the parties which prevents him or her from consummating the marriage by sexual intercourse; 3.

  7. Great hollowness of the back, the pressing of the thigh against each other in walking, and the elevation of one hip above the other, are indications of the malformation of the pelvis.

  8. The only cases where interference is justifiable is where her powers are exhausted or some malformation exists or malpresentation occurs.

  9. The palate is often highly arched; hare-lip is not uncommon; in fact congenital defect or malformation of other organs than the brain is more commonly met with among idiots than in the general community.

  10. There may exist a malformation of the brain, externally evident; and this no less certainly will indicate want of goodness in the mental system, or that of thought.

  11. Deafness was common, but I never came across any dumb people, though I now and then encountered cases of painful stammering and other defects of articulation arising from malformation of the palate and tongue.

  12. But to leave that Church was to declare it to be worthless, and that could only be done by conceiving it as a malformation from its very commencement, or assuming that it had temporarily or completely fulfilled its mission.

  13. Infants are often supposed by anxious mothers to have their tongues unduly confined, when no such malformation exists; in such circumstances, it is almost needless to observe that the part ought not to be interfered with.

  14. The characters of this malformation are, shortening of the affected limb, unnatural projection of the great trochanter, ascent of the head of the femur into the iliac fossa, inversion of the leg, and obliquity of the pelvis.

  15. Of twenty-six cases of this malformation observed by Dupuytren, not above three or four were males; a disproportion probably not altogether dependent upon chance.

  16. The malformation was congenital, and was considered by the patient as analogous to harelip; but the story related to account for it in consequence of an impression made in his mother’s imagination, was not very plausible.

  17. None of the 26 adult and subadult specimens examined for evidences of infestation of the frontal sinuses by parasites shows malformation of the sinuses.

  18. None of the skulls examined shows malformation of the frontal sinuses such as results from infestation by parasites in some races.

  19. However, in none is the malformation of the frontal region so great as frequently occurs in M.

  20. None of the nine skulls (5 adults) shows malformation resulting from the infestation of the frontal sinuses with parasites.

  21. Of the eight skulls examined for malformation of the frontal sinuses, each of the two adults and two subadults shows signs of having the frontal sinuses infested with parasites.

  22. None of the ten skulls examined shows malformation of the frontal region due to infestation of the frontal sinuses by parasites.

  23. The frontal sinuses of the specimens seen reveal no malformation as a result of infestation by parasites.

  24. The skull shows malformation of the frontal sinuses due to parasites and lacks osseous tissue where the parasitic infestation was localized.

  25. Of 14 adults examined none showed malformation of the frontal sinuses due to infestation by parasites.

  26. Each of the adult and subadult specimens, except the one from Perry, shows malformation resulting from the infestation of the frontal sinuses with parasites.

  27. In 98 adults from Oregon, California, Nevada, and Colorado, no malformation was noted.

  28. Only one of 41 adult and subadult skulls examined for malformation of the frontal sinuses shows infestation by parasites.

  29. None of the specimens shows malformation of the frontal sinuses such as results from infestation by parasites.

  30. Only one of the three skulls, that of the female, shows evidence of infestation of the frontal sinuses by parasites, and this did not result in malformation of the interorbital region.

  31. Only 2 skulls of the 12 adults and subadults examined show malformation of the frontal sinuses such as results from the presence of parasites.

  32. Of the 6 specimens examined, only one, the type, shows malformation of the frontal sinuses such as result from infestation by parasites.

  33. The hens did not publish a theory as to the malformation of their chicks.

  34. These and other anomalies were thus distributed among the 150 prostitutes: Malformation of the head (oxycephaly, plagiocephaly, &c.

  35. It has been stated further that there are no mental data to show the effect of artificial malformation of the child's head during development.

  36. As Dareste has shown (and the fact has been corroborated by Spitzka[99]), embryologists can imitate natural malformation of the nerve centres by artificial methods.

  37. By this process may be understood how if, by malnutrition in one tubercle or bud, or should there be a larger supply of nutriment in one than another, malformation of the ear would result.

  38. After the third month she left the bakery, but the malformation was so impressed upon her mind, that she was not surprised to see it reproduced in her infant.

  39. In another case which Professor Smith met, a very similar malformation was attributed by the mother of the child to an accident occurring, during the time of her pregnancy, to a near relative, which necessitated amputation.

  40. Independently of this, life with diseased heart is one of suffering, attended as it is by symptoms similar in kind, though not identical with those which I have already mentioned as attendant on malformation of the organ.

  41. They were two brothers, and from the history of the cases, and that given me by the mother of the lads in regard to the father, the malformation must have been hereditary and congenital.

  42. These causes often result in the creation and persistence of a malformation and malposition of the part.

  43. There are, however, a number of these cases that are associated with malformation of the bones of the foot and leg, such as absence of the scaphoid; defect of the tibia; fusion of a number of the tarsal bones.

  44. We are not concerned with aphasia, stammering or such inability to articulate as may be due to malformation of the vocal organs.

  45. A small percentage of these is due, it seems, to malformation of some portion of the auditory apparatus.

  46. Another important malformation connected with the ear, which is commonly found in idiots, is a prolongation and restriction of the intertragical fossa into a fissure (fissura intertragica).

  47. It was already asserted by Lombroso that a single undoubted malformation was not enough to prove degeneracy, but that it depended upon the number of stigmata existing simultaneously in the same individual.

  48. The flat nose is found as a malformation in idiots, and is usually accompanied by prognathism.

  49. Sometimes the little finger is not only extremely small, but a special malformation renders it shorter still when the hand is open; the second phalanx remains flexed, and cannot be extended.

  50. In order that we may have a clear understanding regarding malformations, it is well to insist upon still another point: Malformation does not signify deviation from a type of ideal beauty, but from normality.

  51. Another important malformation relates to the morphology of the feet.

  52. Another malformation combined with a functional anomaly, that is never met with as a deformity resulting from adaptation, is the opposable big toe.

  53. There were also hearts in which the interventricular septum was deficient, the ductus arteriosus patent, or some valvular malformation present.

  54. Some of them are said to spend several hours a day at this process, which is considered one of the important parts of the toilet of the Hottentot belle, this malformation being an attraction for the male members of the race.

  55. The most typical form of malformation of the esophagus is imperforation or obliteration.

  56. Morand quotes a case of congenital malformation of the nymphae, to which he attributed impotency.

  57. Nunnely reports cases of congenital malformation in three children of one family.

  58. This state of affairs had existed from childhood, and, as the evacuations were abundant and connected, no morbific change or malformation seemed present.

  59. He found that this anomaly was caused by a congenital malformation and remarkable development of the infraorbital ridge of the maxillary bone.

  60. In other cases this malformation is unilateral and the fissure ascends, in which instance the fissure may be accompanied by a fistula of the duct of Stensen.

  61. Morgan reports two cases of congenital macrostoma accompanied by malformation of the auricles and by auricular appendages.

  62. Instances of the anomalous exit of urine caused by congenital malformation or fistulous connections are mentioned in another chapter.

  63. Munro reports a case of congenital absence of the external auditory meatus of the right ear; and Richardson speaks of congenital malformation of the external auditory apparatus of the right side.

  64. Maunoir reports congenital malformation of the brain, consisting of almost complete absence of the occipital lobe.

  65. Murray reports an undescribed malformation of the lower lip occurring in one family.

  66. The tailed men of Borneo are people afflicted with hereditary malformation analogous to sexdigitism.

  67. The anomaly in most cases consists of a malformation of the external genitalia.

  68. Hunter's inquiries into the malformation of crystals, iii.

  69. His inquiry into the malformation of crystals, 443.

  70. For example, a man may be born with some malformation of one of his fingers; or he may subsequently acquire such a malformation as the result of accident or disease.

  71. Malformation of the teeth and dental arches in childhood are frequent and often neglected causes of nasal obstruction.

  72. Niata cattle, and on a similar malformation in the codfish, i.

  73. A single cross with a distinct strain of bloodhounds restored their fertility, and drove away the tendency to malformation in the tail.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "malformation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abnormality; absurdity; deformity; disfigurement; distortion; flatfoot; freak; harelip; hunchback; malformation; monstrosity; mutilation; oddity; peculiarity; singularity; strangeness; wryneck