The progress of commercial and financial arts, makes it more easyto manage the financial concerns of the universe now, than it was to administer those of a province in the time of Caesar.
Nothing is more easy than to live and to live well by labour.
A mouse that dwelt in a cat's ear' had a more easy resting-place; and yet I have never seen a man that bore less mark of years.
Doubtless his growing years have come to his assistance; for upon so large a scale it is more easy to play the father than the husband.
We must bleed this millionnaire; nothing will be more easy, as a friend and colleague of mine from Paris, named Chaffard, is already acquainted with him, so all we have to do is to set to work at once.
In fact, nothing is more easy at piquet, than to indicate by the aid of these signals, when you are to take in cards, and when to refuse.
I shall here give a description of how it is done, as it will make what I have mentioned in the preceding chapter, more easy to understand.
Let it not be boasted that nine millions are paid, when a new debt of seven millions appears to be contracted; nothing is more easy than to clear debts by borrowing, or to borrow when a nation is mortgaged for the payment.
Trithemius says that Schœffer’s contribution to the invention was “a more easymethod of founding types, by which he gave the art its present perfection.
Practice has rendered the pursuits that engage me more easy, till at length I grow disturbed and uncomfortable if I am withheld from them.
Nothing is more easy than to gabble through a work replete with the profoundest elements of thinking, and to carry away almost nothing, when we have finished.
My soul chooseth strangling rather than life," and the grave is more easy for me than this dungeon (Job 7:15).
Nothing can be more easy than to make the haiduks drunk.
A mouse that dwelt in a cat's ear" had a more easy resting-place; and yet I have never seen a man that bore less mark of years.
This is more easy to understand if we reflect that the unsatiated desires of the normal woman are less inclined toward coitus than toward the assemblage of consequences of this act, which are so important for her whole life.
It is more easyto mention the types which should not be allowed to multiply than those which should.
If the question of reproduction did not exist, it would bemore easy to put individualism in more or less harmonious accord with socialism.
We have, throughout, made it evident that this cause is much more tangible, more easy of comprehension, than the inconceivable theory to which theology assigns these stupendous effects.
We may all be ravishing--nothing perhaps can be more easyfor us; but she hasn't come out to be ravished.
Volume I Preface Nothing is more easy than to state the subject of "The Ambassadors," which first appeared in twelve numbers of The North American Review (1903) and was published as a whole the same year.
It made vulgar questions no more easy; but that was unimportant when all questions save those of his own asking had dropped.
For, otherwise, what can be more easy for me, than to defend the character of Almanzor, which is one great exception that is made against the play?
My present care shall be to make you happy; For that will make my wish impossible, And then the remedies will be more easy.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "more easy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.