That is to say, they opened their tight buttons, shifted their helmets, and began to joke or to swear as the humor took them; the more careful slipping off and easinggirths and curbs.
The water snarled and wrenched and worried at the timber, while the population of the state prodded at the nearest logs with poles, in the hope of easing the pressure.
This latter I do more believe than the other, it being very wise in her to do it and save all she hath, besides easing the King and kingdom of a burden and reproach.
I find that Mrs. Pierce's little girl is my Valentine, she having drawn me; which I was not sorry for, it easing me of something more that I must have given to others.
The letter do bid us to do all things, particularizing several, for the laying up of the ships and easing the King of charge; so that the war is now professedly over.
So Beasley contented himself with insinuating the bottle toward doubtful customers, and easing his disappointment by making all the trade he could.
These two men no longer sat in their saddles, they were leaning far out of them over their racing horses' necks, urging them and easing them by every trick in a horseman's understanding.
Someone was easing off the sheet of the foresail and the vessel was swinging off.
The first fury of the squall was easing off now and the West Wind was showing her rail again.
It must be remembered that Vardon himself advocates easing up with the grip of the right at the top of the swing, although he says that he grips as firmly with the right as the left.
There was much to do in heading straight and in easing up when the great waves loomed through the fog.
He forced control on his muscles and plunged his hand slowly through the sky sphere, easing the glowing blob downward toward the spot on the globe he had already located with the lens.
But there was no easing of the pain that threatened to make him black out at any second.
Dane, easing the Captain back on the bunk, was going to investigate when the Hoobat broke its unnatural quiet of the past few days with an ear-splitting screech of fury.
He drew his sleep rod, easing it out of its holster, set the lever on "spray" and beamed it at three of those humps.
The experience that might aid in easing the process of readjustment is not always at hand and not always used when it is attainable.
All other works of men are for the maintenance or easing of our existence; only those we are speaking of are not; they alone exist for their own sake, and are in this sense to be regarded as the flower or the net profit of existence.
What, then, is a short postponement of death, a slight easing of misery or deferment of pain, a momentary stilling of desire, compared with such an abundant and certain victory over them all as death?
Artists term “gazonner,” the act of easing oneself in the fields.
I'll go over and get Lite," she said at last, rubbing the cramp out of her writing-hand and easing her shoulders from their strain of stooping.
You may judge what Jean's mood was that day, when you are told that she came to the point, not an hour before the bird died, of looking at her aunt with that little smile at the corners of her eyes and just easing her lips.
She saw herself look straight out at the audience with that peculiar little easing of the lips and the lightening of the eyes which was just the infectious beginning of a smile.
She looked at him with a smile at the corners of her eyes and just easing the firmness of her lips, as if the humor of the situation was beginning to appeal to her.
His method of comforting her and easing her through the first stage of black despair was unorthodox, but it was effective.
Hope we don't catch any of this queer business," she finished, easing a little to look at her burning hand.
But just as she was easing up, in preparation to letting the boat glide up the mucky beach, a man's voice called: "Keep away from here!
Being now rested, I crawled after to where the bo'sun lay, and, the noise of the storm lulling odd instants, shouted in his ear to know whether the wind was easing at whiles.
He was measuring his words as he continued, maybe easingup a bit.
Men stood in readiness below to check the fall by easing off the other end of the rope, and the hardy fellow reached the deck in safety.
Starbuck took the wheel again and said nothing until the roundabout race had been fully run and he was easing the car down the last of the hills into the Little Creek road.
For some moments he sat thus, something of his grief easing in the flood of almost womanish tears.
And the humdrum drudging of a schoolboy, in learning and unlearning, is but the easing the wheels of his ignorant brain.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "easing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.