In a modern industrial society, banishment of destitution and cushioning the shock of personal disaster on the individual are proper concerns of all levels of government, including the federal government.
Finally, we must aid in cushioning the heavy and rising costs of illness and hospitalization to individuals and families.
He squirmed around against the padding, lay back with his head against the cushioning on the opposite side, his back resting on the floor padding, and put his feet against the side of the little door.
This was in turn accompanied by a powerful pressure on the rocket, which threw Robin against the nose-end cushioning and held him there.
By Grace of Julius Caesar Melissa sent word on Monday evening that she thought we had better go round with the subscription list for cushioning the church pews on Tuesday.
If it had been a missionary subscription we should have fared worse; but when it was something touching their own comfort, like cushioning the pews, they came down handsomely.
He told her of it as he put her in her chair, and saw her lean back against the comfortable cushioning with a long breath of inevitable weariness after many hours of tension.
While a commercial ice chest provides good insulation of both the samples/specimens and the coolant, it is best to place extra insulation and cushioning around the metal cans inside the chest.
Even the best oil will deposit more or less solid matter upon hot surfaces in time, which will tend to prevent the free circulation of the oil through the bearings and effectively stop the cushioning effect on the bearings.
Cushioning begins, however, at the time the exhaust port is closed enough to arrest the escape of the steam, while compression begins when the valve has closed the exhaust port.
At what point in the valve travel does cushioning begin?
It will be more when the pulley is covered with leather rubber or other cushioning substance than when the pulley is bare, even though it be highly polished, some authorities stating this difference to be about 20 per cent.