To learne what became of the marchants that were left at Benin.
Also you shall learne what commodities doe belong to the places where you shall touch, and what may be good for them.
The cause of sending them was to learne what ransome they demaunded for Bats and Day whom they detained.
By him then learne thou maist, here learne we must, When all is done we sleep and turn to dust.
Sidenote: The readie wit of Perkin to learne all that made for his preferment to honor.
And after I was led by my moother to Antwerpe for to learne Flemish, in a house of a cousine of mine, an officer of the said towne, called Iohn Stienbecke, with whome I was the space of halfe a yeare.
For they forced not what part they tooke, so that they might be reuenged on the king of England: and so against my will made me to learne English, and taught me what I should doo and saie.
Wee send them to learne their grammar and their Terence and they learne their play-bookes.
It wolde yet muche profite to haue espyed the same assoone as can be, because we learne those thynges most easelie, to the which nature hath made vs.
Bees learne not to make their celles, to gather iuce, and to make honye.
It is also muche more foolyshe, that some men sende their lytle chyldren to a pyuyshe dronken woman to learne to reade and wryte.
And that tender age is so muche the more apte to learne these thyngs, because of it selfe it is plyaunt vnto all fashions, because it is not yet occupyed wyth vyce, and is glad to folowe, if you shewe it to do any thinge.
For we remẽber nothynge so well when we be olde, as those thynges y^t we learne in yonge yeres.
Philippus wyselye learned hys sonne Alexander to shewe hym selfe glad to lerne of Aristotle: and to learne philosophy perfectlye of him to the entẽt he shuld not do that he shuld repent hym of.
No age sayth Seneca, is to late to learne: whether that be true or no I wot not, surely elderly age is very harde to learne some thyngs.
They lerne to loke fierslie, the learne to loue the swearde, and to geue a strype.
To learnethe enterdeale of princes strange, 785 [Enterdeale, dealing together.
Better a short tale than a bad long shriving: Needes anie more to learne to get a living?
Of astrologie naturall, and judiciarie, and rules to learne the same, and to cast figures to make coniectures.
The current opinion is well expressed in the following citation from The Art of Thriving: "Let them learne plaine workes of all kind, so they take heed of too open seeming.
Instead of song and musick, let themlearne cookery and laundry, and instead of reading Sir Philip Sydney's Arcadia, let them read the grounds of huswifery.
Pry'thy Nunckle keepe a Schoolemaster that can teach thy Foole to lie, I would fainelearne to lie Lear.
At the end are found "briefe directions for such as desire to learne the French tongue," giving a succinct treatment of the pronunciation of the letters, followed by a description of the various parts of speech.
Children like Parrots soone learne forraigne languages and sooner forget the same, yea, and their mother tongue also.
Now that you can tell your letters Maintenant que vous scavez vos well, lettres, learne your syllables, apprenez vos syllables, say after me.
It was called An Introductorie for to learne to rede, to prononce and to speke French trewly, compyled for the rigid high excellent and most vertuous Lady Mary of Englande, daughter to our most gracious soveraign, Lorde Kyng Henry the Eight.
The French Littelton, A most easie, perfect and absolute way tolearne the Frenche tongue.
In the third place I advise him to professe Pythagoricall silence, and to the end he may learne true pronunciation, not to be attained but by long observation and practice, that he for a time listen to others, before he adventure to speake.
Shortly afterwards the same privilege was bestowed on Francis Cheneau, whose French Grammar, enrich'd with a compendious and easie way to learne the French tongue in a short time, was licensed for printing in 1684.
And from this various mixture, hee The best would choose, from Heav’n must learne the right.
The fairest Gemme without true light, Without true praise great titles, flight: Blest Tiberinus, and most free In thy selfe alone thoul’t learne to bee.
Life with her is gone and I Learne but a new way to dye.
From thee, deare Talbot, living I did learne The Arts of life, and by thy light discerne The truth, which men dispute.
Onely I, such is my fate, Must thee as a rivall hate, Court her gently, learne to prove, Nimble in the thefts of love.
I esteemed he came to spie or learne out whether our shipp and the Duch yaught staid for to take the Amacon shipp.
This day Mr. Totton had much conference with an English man which came in the Hollande shipps, and did what he could tolearne out whether the Hollanders had kild our English men at Pulaway in the Molucos.
I think their coming is to learne what newes is at Molucos and Surat, the which I did not want to tell them the turuth.
But I could never learnethe cause why it should be so called, and therefore I will let it passe.
But 30 of us he [Smith] conducted doune the river some 5 myles from James toune, to learne to make Clapbord, cut doune trees, and lye in the woods.
Take therefore heed, my sonne, and marke full well this song, Learne thus with craft to claw the deuell, else liue in rest not long.
Some knock and faine would ope the doore, to learne the vaine good turne to praise: Some shew good face, and be but poore, yet haue a grace, good fame to raise.
To praie to God continually, To learne to know him rightfully.
There was I faine my selfe to traine, To learne too long the fermers song, For hope of pelfe, like worldly elfe, to moile and toile.
All you that faine would learne the perfect waie, To haue your childe in Musick something séene, Aske nature first what thereto she doth saie, Ere further suite ye make to such a Quéene.
But huswiues, that learne not to make their owne cheese: with trusting of others, haue this for their feese.
Your choyse beauties come up to it onely to see and be seene, and to learne the newest fashion, and for some other recreations.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "learne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.