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Example sentences for "learning and"

  • Cranmer, too, listened to his counsels, and had great respect for his learning and sanctity.

  • All the issues of Protestants have been on the meaning of texts, on the interpretation of the Scriptures,--to be settled by learning and reason.

  • Moses controlled the Israelites because they venerated his wisdom and courage; Paul had the confidence of the infant churches because they saw his labors; Bernard swayed his darkened age by the moral power of learning and sanctity.

  • It must also be admitted that the changes in school government have been favorable to learning and virtue.

  • Tyrants do not hesitate to pervert schools and the press, learning and literature, to the support of tyranny.

  • Section II Fortunately, just when the great houses had attained the summit of their prosperity, and were beginning the slow decline to dissolution, learning and book-culture were freshly encouraged by the coming of the Friars.

  • Every fact in connexion with his work testifies to the excellent equipment of his monastery for writing ecclesiastical history, and to the cordial way in which the religious co-operated for the advancement of learning and research.

  • Northern Corea was conquered, and the bounds of the empire extended on the west as far as Russian Turkestan, In this period, there was a marked revival of learning and authorship.

  • It is the epoch, moreover, of the Renaissance, or the re-awakening of learning and art.

  • The constitutional history of England has been treated with satisfactory learning and judgment by Hallam, May, and Stubbs.

  • He was much absorbed in matters pertaining to learning and art, and in political affairs, and at first looked upon this Saxon disturbance as a mere squabble of monks.

  • The general stir in men's minds, as indicated in the revival of learning and in remarkable inventions and discoveries, was equally manifest in great debates and changes in religion.

  • Akenside was a man of learning and a physician of distinction.

  • This conduct of the University offered no encouragement to men of learning and genius to compose in their vernacular idiom.

  • The declining age of learning and of mankind is marked, however, by the rise and rapid progress of the new Platonists.

  • His table was served with the most frugal simplicity, and whenever he was at liberty to consult his own inclination, the company consisted of a few select friends, men of learning and virtue, amongst whom Ulpian was constantly invited.

  • The love of letters, almost inseparable from peace and refinement, was fashionable among the subjects of Hadrian and the Antonines, who were themselves men of learning and curiosity.

  • He pays much attention to the learning and singing of songs.

  • A desire to excel others in learning and virtue [,] is commendable.

  • The god of learning and of light Would want a god himself to help him out.

  • To apply the mind to; to read and examine for the purpose of learning and understanding; as, to study law or theology; to study languages.

  • Unmonopolizing the rewards of learning and industry.

  • His powers of observation, memory and thought are drawn into the game, and thus instinct in man is complicated and partly concealed by learning and reasoning.

  • The Laws of Learning in Terms of the Neurone We have good evidence that the brain is concerned in learning and retention.

  • They highly extol the man's learning and probity; and will not be persuaded, that the University will make any difficulty of conferring such a favour upon a stranger, if he is recommended by the Dean.

  • His brother was also a man of learning and talent, but in every respect his inferior.

  • Count Firmian, a man of learning and wit, went to Vienna, and on his departure received orders to have her shut up in a convent.

  • Very slowly, but surely, it was evident to the more enlightened teachers that children had their own way of learning and doing, and the adult-imposed system meant working against nature.

  • For the logical method of presenting material from the simple to the complex, from the known to the unknown, from the concrete to the abstract, was substituted the psychological method of watching the children's way of learning and developing.

  • It was not until the quickening and deepening of American life which preceded and portended the Revolution that anything like a colonial bar, led by a man of learning and position, really came into existence.

  • Dissenting opinions are comparatively rare, particularly in courts where there is a Chief Justice with the qualities of a leader; that is, with ability, learning and tact, each in full measure.

  • He is quite likely to be his superior in learning and ability.

  • If we could count on having as judges of our trial courts none but men of ability, learning and independence, it might be safe to leave it to them to say what this due process was.

  • His whole appearance was that of a healthful, happy, and beautiful infant, in the possession of a degree of learning and intelligence, to which infancy usually has no pretensions.

  • Though the necessity of the times sometimes forced him into it, his heart revolted, for he was inspired with the love of learning and philosophy.

  • His rapid progress in knowledge, and preeminence for truth and integrity, gained him the favour of the Emperor Adrian, who was a patron of learning and virtue.

  • This choice was mightily approved by a North-Briton present, who declared himself descended from that prodigy of learning and accomplishment, and said he had family-plate in his possession as vouchers for the fact, with the initials A.

  • To please will always be the wish of benevolence, to be admired must be the constant aim of ambition; and I therefore considered myself as about to receive the reward of my honest labours, and to find the efficacy of learning and of virtue.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "learning and" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    are going; captive balloon; civil cases; early summer; even while; formal declaration; general election; good memory; great circle; last autumn; last fall; learning and; luxuriant vegetation; people like; quiet corner; reveals himself; see that; seven books; skin smooth; teaspoonful soda; then moved; turning pale