Now there is rejoicing throughout the country, ovation after ovation, and a celebration of the anniversary of my accession in a more hearty and universal fashion than I have been accustomed to for a long time.
The following day the Czar, after attending a Te Deum in the open air in celebration of the victory, sent for Osman Pacha, who had not yet quitted the vicinity of Plevna.
Upon this austere occasion four great buffalo skulls were placed within the lodge where the celebration was held and they were offered the sacred nawishkaro or calumet.
In this celebration is embodied the spirit of the people, their pride, their hates and loves.
Accordingly, no effort was spared to make the celebration an enthusiastic success.
In the celebration proper the two engineers had an insignificant part.
They should set the celebration forward in the day, and let the blazing sun stare upon their mirth.
On any night of special celebration he is prevailed upon to mount a table and sing one of his own songs to this accompaniment.
It was at the celebration of the Armistice that I followed a sober fellow for a mile, who beat incessantly with a long iron spoon on an ash-can top.
It was said that they did not forbid the consecration, but that, nevertheless, they were not the effect of chance, for there is no such a thing as chance in the celebration of the Sacred Mysteries.
Symeon entered the church with a bag of nuts before him, and during the celebration of the divine mysteries threw nuts at the candles and extinguished several of them.
The celebration with renewed pomp in 1900 of Shivaji's "birthday" at Raighar marked the resumption of Tilak's operations.
On the fourth of July, after as much of a patriotic celebration as their circumstances allowed, they again launched into the sea.
He rejoiced to gather no less than fifty communicants at the first celebration of the Lord's Supper, and to organize them into a church according to the Reformed discipline.
The celebration surpassed anything the city had ever before witnessed.
There's been a talk about our havin' a celebration in the Parnassian Grove, and I think I could work in what your folks don't want and make myself whole by chargin' a small sum for tickets.
The fate of the celebration was on the knees of the gods.
An old man with a grey beard told a long rambling story of a Fourth-of-July celebration of his boyhood.
The origin of the Welsh Society, and the subsequent charity school, may perhaps be dated from the celebration of the birth-day of the Princess of Wales, Feb.
After tea our conversation turned upon the festivals of the church, and the propriety of observing those days which are set apart for the celebration of the great events which stand connected with the redemption of man.
Then as people are not so foolish as to erect monuments to commemorate what never took place, the historic certainty of the death of Jesus Christ receives an indisputable confirmation from the perpetual celebration of the Lord's Supper?
In the camps the soldiers were busy with evergreen and bunting, and the contents of boxes received from the North, preparing for the celebration of Christmas in something like the manner of the old days of home and peace.
The celebration of Christmas in the camps around Nashville was abruptly terminated by the reception of orders to march in the morning, with full haversacks and cartridge-boxes.
At a celebrationheld there in his honor he said that the German mind bears the same relation to music as to religion.
Thus he interpreted the meaning of the celebration there.
The big room is used for the celebration of the Moslem feast of Mohurram, which commemorates the martyrdom of the sons of Ali, the immediate descendants of Mahomet.
Some of her domestics and Catholic retainers, had assembled for the celebration of worship, after the form of the Romish Church.
Now, our celebration is to be just whatever you want.
Mr. Jefferson Forbes will be glad of suggestions as to what form said celebrationshall assume.
From these, the Gentiles, as they affected to rival the Israelites in all their ceremonies, borrowed the idea, and introduced its exercise into the celebration of their own ritual.
How different was theircelebration in our "Sacred Ireland!
I have promised to explain the origin of the word Eleusinian, as applied to the celebration of certain religious rites.
As, however, he did not come in for the actual observances, I shall supply the omission by detailing the form of its celebration in our own country.
Every city also joined in the celebration by sending an ox, and kings rivalled one another in giving entertainments and presents.
The day of celebration was the fourth of Quintilis or Julius.
Its celebration does not end with the wedding day: it is a constant celebration, a perpetual intermarrying of two souls while life lasts.
The marriage celebration was essentially a festival of religion.
All the distinguished Protestant leaders were earnestly invited to be present at the celebration of the royal nuptials.
The celebration of the Emperor's birthday is the only other occasion when the miya are paraded.
In Matsue its celebration is particularly interesting, as the old city still preserves many matsuri customs which have either become, or are rapidly becoming, obsolete elsewhere.
The 1792 celebration took place in New York City, where today's Italian-American population equals the population of Genoa.
The first Columbus Day celebration included a gala banquet$a thoroughly appropriate way to mark the event that changed the eating habits of the Old World forever.
Even the stern Pilgrims (who considered the celebration of Christmas pagan) drank wine and cider for their health.
The whole world celebrates annually the nativity of Jesus; how could there be a Christmas celebration if there never was a Christ?