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Example sentences for "generation"

Lexicographically close words:
generate; generated; generates; generating; generatio; generatione; generations; generative; generator; generators
  1. According to him[3] the land is divided among the different families and is held as strictly personal property, with hereditary rights or possessions descending from one generation to another.

  2. The same words in the same form are repeated from generation to generation, so that lexic and grammatic elements have a life that changes very slowly.

  3. This was a period when the social forces of Russia were half destroyed by the reaction under Alexander III, and when the young generation was trying to rest and to get away from the strain of social hopes and despair.

  4. Progress gives no man new wants, and the luxuries of one generation become the necessities of the next.

  5. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, lamented that he lacked Gall; but the melancholy Dane was dead years before the present generation of titled snobs appeared upon the scene.

  6. The printing press is a mighty phonograph that echoes back the joy and the sorrow, the glory and the shame of the generation it serves.

  7. How many of this generation can understand the remark of Agassiz that he had no time to make money?

  8. At Constantinople, a generation later than the time which we have now reached, the undue favour which an Emperor (Justinian.

  9. It cannot be expected that the players of to-day should patronise the modern Violin in order that the next generation should reap the benefit.

  10. The generation that succeeds our own Perhaps may finish it.

  11. When we are gone The generation that comes after us Will have far other thoughts than ours.

  12. Perhaps no generation has ever been so much at the mercy of such labels as our own.

  13. Thus only can each generation hope to gain some step on the road towards perfection unattained by its predecessor.

  14. His was the type which becomes, in a generation or so, typically Colonial or American; but no one could possibly have taken Jimmy Fort for anything but an Englishman.

  15. They represented in France the first generation which had not been educated by the Society.

  16. If they despair of being able to adopt it, let them go their own way, until another generation of Professors is ready to take their places.

  17. The youth, who could afford to obtain the education needed, went over to Europe, whence they returned, a generation quite different from what had been known of before.

  18. And, were the most eminent men assigned for work outside of the Jesuit colleges and universities, the younger generation of the Order would practically be debarred from the influence of their type of eminence.

  19. In him the corruption of the poet had not been the generation of the critic, as his great predecessor in the two arts, himself secure and supreme in both, had scornfully said.

  20. Mr Arnold belonged exactly to the generation to which in England, even more than in France, George Sand came as a soothing and sympathetic exponent of personal sorrows.

  21. They bought many thousands of little iron sugar mills, placed on the market a generation back by some English speculators, and will adopt any improvements of practical value if the price is brought within their slender means.

  22. There has been a marked improvement in the personnel of late years; and Mr. Banerjea's lurid pictures of corruption and petty tyranny apply to a past generation of policemen.

  23. Here is a nation, or tribe of men, bringing up children to certain habits, from generation to generation--and such and such is their character.

  24. No wonder that the generation now on the stage, early subjected to these abuses, should be found almost universally in the use of spectacles.

  25. The expression of truth, the transmission of knowledge and emotions between man and man from generation to generation, these are the purposes of literature.

  26. There is a great deal in the tone of this generation which tends to chill the missionary spirit.

  27. I am very much afraid that the present generation of Christian people do not, in anything like the degree in which they should, recreate and strengthen themselves with the contemplation which he here recommends.

  28. There may be noble teachings about self-control, purity, and the like, but an evil and adulterous generation is slow to dance to such piping.

  29. And I am sure of this, that one reason for the comparative feebleness of much so-called Christian teaching in this generation is just that the deepest needs of a man's conscience are not met by it.

  30. I am free to admit that a past generation has wrapped theological cobwebs round the gracious figure of Christ with disastrous results.

  31. This generation superficially tends to cut practice loose from faith, and so to look for grapes from thorns and figs from thistles.

  32. Paul and his generation were probably to see the coming of the Lord from heaven.

  33. We hear a great deal at present, or we did a few years ago, about this generation having recovered Jesus Christ, and about the necessity of going 'back to the Christ of the Gospels.

  34. And although it can only be a word, I want to put in here a very earnest word which the tendencies of this generation do very specially require.

  35. It must inevitably end in the degradation and unhappiness of those of the generation who persisted on that downward path.

  36. She simply verified and stabilized the assertion that physically the newer generations of girls were markedly more beautiful than those of any generation before.

  37. What had the war done to the generation of its period--to Helen, to Mel Iden, to Lorna, to Bessy Bell?

  38. I confess that it is on this, its humanizing mission, that the Society's best claim to the gratitude of our generation seems to me to depend.

  39. Every generation will produce its Job, its Hamlet, its Faust, or its Sartor Resartus.

  40. The course of history is nothing but the story of men's struggles from generation to generation to find the more and more inclusive order.

  41. What's more, this old dame and her sons have generation after generation done the sweeping of the bamboo groves.

  42. But the problems of France were intricate, and what most appealed to the judgment of Henry was the need of domestic reorganization after a generation of slaughter which had left the land desolate.

  43. Generation after generation has found them to be capable of stirring peculiar emotions, and of stimulating profound thoughts on the mystery of life.

  44. He little thought that he was to wait near forty years for the settlement of his account, and that a generation was to pass away before he should be able to feel as Loredano felt when he heard of the death of Francesco Foscari.

  45. So, if our generation demands ministry in newspapers instead of folios, a man may still win an honest immortality without the biography and the bother of it.

  46. Of the infant Liston we find no events recorded before his fourth year, in which a severe attack of the measles bid fair to have robbed the rising generation of a fund of innocent entertainment.

  47. Many of the instructions contained in it are handed down from generation to generation with little change except in diction.

  48. In the forty-second generation there will be a purgation which will separate the wheat from the chaff--such tribulations as man has never yet endured: fortunately they will be short, or all flesh would perish utterly.

  49. The main interest to the present generation of the career of this remarkable man consists in the fact that it is illustrative of the belief that a man of action can also be a man of letters.

  50. It has been reserved for the present generation to witness the fulfilment of prophecy in the case of European Turkey.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "generation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aeon; age; authorship; beginning; birth; breeding; coinage; conception; concoction; contrivance; creation; cycle; date; day; development; devising; fabrication; formation; generation; hatching; improvisation; invention; life; lifetime; mintage; multiplication; origination; parthenogenesis; procreation; proliferation; propagation; secretion; vintage