Another oar is now laid across, with its loom resting in the forks; a grummet strop or a short piece of rope is made fast to the middle of each of the boat's stretchers; if the end is frayed out, so much the better.
A bit of wood has three holes bored in it; a short piece of rope is passed through the end holes, and double knots turned upon its ends.
The two nuts may be put upon a short piece of screw, as shown in Fig.
This is obviated in some forms of gap lathes by fitting into the gap a short piece of bed that may be taken out when the use of the gap is required.
If the hose is not a tight fit, bind with a short pieceof fine copper wire.
A heavy wire was run through the perforations and a short piece of broom handle used to make a bail.
Connect the glass tube to B with a short piece of rubber hose, E.
When the tile is in place, a short piece of fuse wire is fastened to each of its two ends.
A short piece of rope or line made fast to anything to secure it, or as a handle.
A short piece of wood or iron, seized across the upper part of the shrouds at equal distances, to which the cat-harping legs are secured.
A short piece of rope with a large knot at one end, kept in the pocket for starting skulkers.
A short piece of rope worked grommet fashion into the bolt-rope of a sail, and containing a metal ring or thimble.
Defn: A short piece of ordnance, used for throwing bombs, carcasses, shells, etc.
Defn: A short piece of wire, or other material fixed across the finger board of a guitar or a similar instrument, to indicate where the finger is to be placed.
Procure a medicine dropper from a druggist, and attach it to the faucet end with a short piece of rubber tubing.
A short piece of seamless brass tubing should be procured, or, preferably, one of those capped brass cylinders for holding pencil leads, the button of which should be sawn off and the cap used to keep the alcohol from evaporating.
When the glass becomes soft, place one end of a short piece of tube in it and pull out into a thread.
A short piece of brass tubing can be mounted around the lamp to protect it mechanically.
An ordinary screw with two blades is a short piece of a screw of two threads.
A short piece of wire is bent in the shape given, and is wrapped on to a longer wire with strong thread, thus forming three toes, which are quite enough for a bird that will never walk.
A short piece of rubber pipe connected this with the nozzle, e, of a gardener's sprinkling can, which hung from the ceiling in the compartment for the shower bath.
Five dry battery cells would very readily heat a short piece of fine wire to a sufficiently high temperature to explode the mixture, but it is impossible to alternately heat and cool a wire twelve times a second.
By pushing a button in the handle connection is made between this battery and a short piece of resistance wire in the tip.
Lavatories, bath and toilets are sometimes connected with a short piece of lead on the supply.
The fire is conveyed from the tail of one case to the mouth of another, by a short piece of pipe, d, fig.
Next you must get a short piece of brass curtain-rod that will just fit tightly over this last tube and be the same length.
It had an ordinary paper tail, a bellyband, and a long fine string, with a short piece of silk ribbon tied at the end.
AÂ few inches back of the toggle is a short piece of stout thong plaited in the bridle end.
On the opposite side of the base two holes are made obliquely, that they will meet, and through them is threaded a short piece of thong.
Nick, who had seen some service at sea, hooked the block into a loop formed by a short piece of rope tied over a limb projecting from one of the trees.
The same pressure may be produced by pushing the nail downwards from above, using a short piece of stick; in such circumstances, the stick bears a compression stress of one pound.
A short piece of bar iron for rolling into a sheet; a small billet.
When the foot is out taut make the pendant fast; then take a short piece of rope and pass it round the boom and pendant just at the cringle and through that hole.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "short piece" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.