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Example sentences for "cruelty"

Lexicographically close words:
cruellie; cruelly; cruelte; crueltie; cruelties; cruet; cruets; cruise; cruised; cruiser
  1. This was no disciplined force fighting under trained officers, but a group of simple, manly men, not agreeing in all things, but united with the one idea of fighting against cruelty and oppression.

  2. Is here, think you, end of the cruelty That I have seen?

  3. I do not wish to exculpate Peter from cruelty or hardheartedness; I would neither justify him nor condemn him.

  4. But they were persecuted by their Catholic rulers with a rigor and cruelty never seen among the Lollards; for Ferdinand II.

  5. The supreme command had devolved on Tilly, able but bigoted, and best known for his remorseless cruelty when Magdeburg was taken by assault,--the direst tragedy of the war.

  6. To recite all the instances of cruelty which occurred would be endless; but it may be necessary to remark that no historical facts are better ascertained than the accounts of them which are to be found in Woodrow.

  7. He has borrowed the colour and Oriental cruelty with the banquet-scene from the Frenchman, and from the Fleming the simplicity of language and the haunting effect produced by the repetition of significant phrases.

  8. His insistence on the naked expression of lust and cruelty in Beardsley's drawings showed me that direct frankness displeased him; for he could hardly object to the qualities which were making his own "Salome" world-famous.

  9. The lust that inspires the tragedy was characteristic, but the cruelty was foreign to Oscar; both qualities would have injured him in England, had it not been for two things.

  10. But the curious thing about the boy was that he expressed the passions of pride and lust and cruelty more intensely even than Rops, [sic] more spontaneously than anyone who ever held pencil.

  11. The indescribable cold lewdness and cruelty of "Salome" quickened the prejudice and strengthened the dislike of the ordinary English reader for its author.

  12. The lady herself, who certainly ought to know, sometimes among her intimate friends alludes to the cruelty of relations, and the power which one's own people have of making mischief.

  13. Is it about Philippa's hopeless attachment for the man who will never marry her, and her cruelty to the reverend gentleman who will?

  14. With his last words he deplored the wanton cruelty with which his wars had been fought, and advised his people to refrain in future from such sanguinary acts.

  15. Some of the descendants of Yu became tyrants and pleasure-seekers, their palaces the seats of scenes of cruelty and debauchery surpassing the deeds of Nero.

  16. Your conduct to me is cruelty itself; I will bear it no longer.

  17. As for the cruelty and the treachery of the thing he meditated doing--that consideration never crossed the limits of his mental view.

  18. Who would have believed that there were reserves of merciless insolence and heartless cruelty in this woman--and that they had been lavishly poured out on a fallen sister not five minutes since?

  19. Let this man be tried by a temptation which insidiously calls into action, in his own interests, the savage instincts latent in humanity--the instincts of self-seeking and cruelty which are at the bottom of all crime.

  20. Well-authenticated instances of cruelty to slaves were brought to notice without being sought for.

  21. I find a hundred anecdotes of conscientious cruelty laid up against them, but not one of cowardice or of compromise.

  22. The cruelty of egg-collecting and the wanton destruction of birds for millinery purposes are becoming less tolerable every year in civilized communities.

  23. He mentions also the hideous acts of cruelty that are to be found in the records of Greek and Roman civilization.

  24. Aurora's humiliation can be imagined by those only who have experienced a like bitterness--the bitterness of awakening to a realization of the cruelty of love.

  25. Weakness, moreover, is the parent of panic, and panic brings cruelty in its train.

  26. The Conquistadores were wise in their hateful way, when they put forth the resources of cruelty to outrage the feelings of the people and stamp terror in their hearts.

  27. This deliberate cruelty to one whose heart was bursting with sorrow and regret!

  28. The bullion which flowed from Mexico and Peru was won by brutal cruelty to native races, but Europe accepted it as wealth poured forth in profusion from the mines.

  29. I am perfectly sane, though I have suffered cruelty and injustice enough to have driven me mad long ago.

  30. See, I bear you no malice for the cruelty and injustice I have suffered at your hands.

  31. Dearest, have you ever repented of your cruelty to me?

  32. I believed she had told him everything, but in her desire to atone for her cruelty to me she kept back all that dreadful story, and died in the fond belief that my happiness was secure.

  33. It would be cruelty to harrow your soul with suspicions that may be baseless.

  34. You drove me mad with the horror and cruelty of all I learned!

  35. But I doubt whether, by turning our fiscal code into a penal code for restraining the cruelty of the American planters, we should not, on the whole, injure the negroes rather than benefit them.

  36. While he is fast sinking into premature old age, negro boys in Virginia are growing up as fast into vigorous manhood to supply the void which cruelty is making in Louisiana.

  37. I see captive tyrants, whose treachery and cruelty might have excused a severe retribution, living in security, comfort, and dignity, under the protection of the government which they laboured to destroy.

  38. Its scope was to palliate the imputation of excessive cruelty with which Europe was then resounding.

  39. But what had the greatest efficacy in disgusting the English with Mary's system of faith, was the cruelty by which it was accompanied.

  40. Though rigour and cruelty tend frequently to overturn the government of feeble princes, it is unfortunately too true that, steadily employed and combined with vigilance and courage, they are often the safest policy of despotism.

  41. This includes not only such violent cruelty as endangers life, but all sorts of less serious assaults.

  42. The habitual drunkenness of a husband for three years, if the husband has habitually left his wife without support, or has habitually been guilty of cruelty to her.

  43. Persistent cruelty of the husband toward his wife; 5.

  44. If a husband has been guilty of cruelty he cannot obtain a decree for restitution.

  45. Cruelty or abusive treatment of one spouse by the other.

  46. Habitual cruelty of the husband toward his wife.

  47. Either party is entitled to a divorce because of the cruelty or serious insults of the one toward the other.

  48. Habitual drunkenness for four years with habitual cruelty or desertion on the part of the husband.

  49. The grounds for the limited form of divorce granted by the courts are adultery, cruelty or unnatural practices.

  50. The cruelty of Nero was not swift enough to satisfy him, and he called for the annihilation of the Senate at a stroke.

  51. The cunning and cruelty of the wild beast on the throne have taught a lesson of dissimulation to the subject.

  52. It is difficult for us now to understand this lust of cruelty among a people otherwise highly civilised, a passion which was felt not merely by the base rabble, but even by the cultivated and humane.

  53. But it unfortunately also gave its sanction to scenes of lust and cruelty which went far to counteract in later times any good it did.

  54. He feels acutely for the conquered provinces which have been fleeced and despoiled of their wealth and artistic treasures, and which are still exposed to the peculation and cruelty of governors and their train.

  55. He had himself witnessed the triumph of delation and the cold cruelty of Domitian.

  56. He can confer a benefit if he can suffer injury in the outrages which cruelty and lust inflict upon him.

  57. Cruelty in a king only multiplies his enemies and envenoms hatred.

  58. And around her sat a throng bearing ill-omened names, Cruelty and Lust, Lawlessness and Flattery and Sedition.

  59. Men who had shared in these obscene revels were the leaders in the awful scenes of perfidy, lust, and cruelty which appropriately followed the death of their patron.

  60. He brands in many a passage the cruelty and contempt of the slaveholder.

  61. There, the Chinese say, it remained for two or three weeks, a ghastly evidence of the callous cruelty of a people many of whom must have known Mr. Pitkin and the good work done at the mission compound not far distant.

  62. Mere commercial influence by its example or its teaching during all that time has had little effect on the cruelty and reckless shedding of blood and the human sacrifices of the besotted paganism which still exists near that coast.

  63. More patent to the superficial observer is a cruelty which appears to be callously indifferent to suffering.

  64. The cruelty characteristic of the savage is again noticed in this case.

  65. We have seen that cruelty and the persecution of the weak by the strong were among the reversionary symptoms of the social epidemic in many instances.

  66. At the same time he enjoined him to use pitiless cruelty toward the rest of the people.

  67. The inhabitants thereof were not a little astonished at the cruelty of Nebuchadnezzar, who made the captives march naked.

  68. And it is on this new doctrine that the justification for men's idleness and cruelty is now founded.

  69. They, poor things, have done what is considered right by their elders; but how are their elders to explain away this their cruelty to the people?

  70. Moral philosophy also justified every sort of cruelty and harshness; but this resulted in a philosophical manner, and therefore wrongly.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cruelty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    animality; atrocity; barbarity; bestiality; brutality; cruelty; devilry; ferocity; hardness; harshness; inclemency; inhumanity; outrage; relentlessness; ruthlessness; sadism; savagery; severity; truculence; vandalism; violence