The addition of tannin, one drachm to a quart of water, is serviceable.
Higginbotham, of England, recommends that a half drachm of ipecacuanha be taken so as to produce full vomiting.
A drachm of starch, with three ounces of any agreeable simple water, and a little sugar, compose an elegant jelly, of which a spoonful may be taken every hour or two.
Some persons take as a "sequitur" a drachm of Carbonate of Soda.
One drachm or a drachm and a half dissolved in three ounces of water were administered in twenty-four hours with, it is stated, good results.
Finney reports a case in which drachm iss of salicine were given daily for two days, anddrachm ij on the third day, when pericarditis set in, and on the fourth day hyperpyrexia supervened.
Cool the liquid by cautiously immersing the tube in cold water, and if it is not then at the level of the 4-drachm mark, raise it to this by adding distilled water.
The usual quantity is one drachm three times a day, dissolved in sufficient warm water.
No such good results are reported as those of the Boston City Hospital under doses of drachm ij to drachm iv per diem, the average residence in hospital being only eighteen days if four cases which became chronic are excluded, or 21.
A drachm of the solution will therefore contain one-eighth of a grain of sugar, which is the strength of the solution used in making the standard-color liquid.
To avoid these inconveniences, he gives three times daily drachm viss of meat-powder and drachm iiss of bicarbonate of sodium (or equal parts of calcined magnesia and bicarb.
If, however, the membrane be very extensive and the parts much swollen or difficult to reach, he resorts instead to douching with a Davidson syringe, using half a drachm to one drachm of the solution to a pint of warm water.
But doses of one to four grains, according to the age, can be administered with safety to children, so that half a drachm to a drachm and a half are taken in twenty-four hours.
I prefer a solution containing one drachm of boracic acid to the pint of water as hot as can be discovered to be productive of comfort, a drachm or two of glycerine being added to the solution.
The dose for an adult should not be more than a drachm and a half, or at most two drachms (6 or 8 grammes), in the course of twenty-four hours.
From the third to the fifteenth day after attack a half drachm of quinia was given daily.
Sometimes a drachmor two of chloroform dashed over them increases their anti-emetic action.
The dose of chlorate of potassium for a child two or three years old should not be larger than half a drachm (2 grammes) in twenty-four hours.
The dose is from one scruple to a drachm for a cow, and from ten grains to one scruple and a half for a sheep, which may be given twice a day, in any bland liquid.
To bring out the dormant picture it is necessary to wash it with a mixture of a drachm of concentrated solution of the green sulphate of iron and two drachms and a half of mucilage of gum arabic.
When the paper is nearly dry, it is to be brushed over with a solution of nitrate of silver, containing a drachm of the salt, to an ounce of distilled water.
When the urine is abundant, give one ounce of tincture of opium, with one drachm of powdered aloes, three times, at intervals of six or eight hours.
Give one fourth of a pound of Epsom-salts, with one drachm of Jamaica ginger, twice a day, for two or three days.
Give one drachm of the extract of belladonna, three times a day, dissolved in water; or calomel and powdered opium, of each one drachm three times daily.
Give upon the tongue, or in drink, half-drachm doses of nitrate of potassa, every three or four hours, until relief is obtained.
When the physic begins to operate, he should administer half a drachm of opium and half an ounce of sweet spirits of nitre.
The cause, however, is easily removed by administering doses of sulphate of iron, one-half drachm each, in molasses once or twice a day.
Half-drachm doses of the iodide of potash, dissolved in water, to be given three times daily, will be found useful in this disease.
When celery cannot be procured, half a drachm of the seed, finely pounded, will give a flavour to the soup, if put in a quarter of an hour before it is done.
Mix a drachm of powdered nitre, 2 drachms of carbonate of potash, 2 teaspoonfuls of antimonial wine, and a tablespoonful of sweet spirits of nitre, in half a pint of water.
The hair should be cut close, and round the spot it should be shaved off, and the part, night and morning, bathed with a lotion made by dissolving a drachm of white vitriol in 8 oz.
Liebreich has given the medicine in drachm doses, and recommended it as an hypnotic superior to chloral hydrate.
For the relief of wakefulness dependent upon a languid circulation, with cold feet and flatulence, the anodyne may be given in half-drachm doses well diluted with ice water, and repeated every fifteen minutes till relief is obtained.
Drachm doses of tincture of cannabis indica and of compound spirit of ether, may be given when a diffusible stimulant must be associated with the soporific.
Bromide of potassium and hydrate of chloral in drachm doses should be given in connection with conium.
For this purpose a drachm of chloral should be suspended with the white of an egg in half a teacupful of milk.
Nervous and atonic dyspepsias are often benefitted by the use of bitter beer, and by drachm doses of brandy or whisky largely diluted.
Take a quarter of a pound of Gum Ivy dissolved in Vinegar, a drachm of Orpiment, a drachm of Ant Eggs, and two drachms of Gum Arabic dissolved in Juice of Henbane, in which half an ounce of Quick-lime has been boiled.
Take a drachm of Musk, four ounces of Lavender Seeds, a drachmand a half of Civet, and half a drachm of Ambergrise.
Take two drachms of Orpiment, a drachm of Manna, the same quantity of Aloes and Frankincense, and six drachms of White Wax.
Dissolve a drachm of Cachoe (an Indian perfume) in a quart of Red Wine, and use it for washing the mouth.
Melt one ounce oil of almonds, half ounce spermaceti, one drachm white wax, and then add two ounces of rose-water, and stir it constantly until cold.
Fold in a white paper a mixture of one drachm of Rochelle salts and twenty-five grains of carbonate of soda, in a blue paper twenty grains of tartaric acid.
If it does not heal in due time, inject a little carbolic acid and water in the proportion of one drachm of the acid to one pint of warm water each time after using the suds.
Blisters were applied to the arms; and a drachm and a half of the Tinctura Serpentariæ was added to each draught.
The weight of the drachm was not everywhere identical.
One and a half drachms of nitrate of silver, one ounce of distilled water, half an ounce of strong mucilage of gum arabic, three-quarters of a drachm of liquid ammonia.
Dissolve half an ounce of gum and twenty grains of Spanish licorice in thirteen drachms of water, and add one drachm of lampblack, previously mixed with a teaspoonful of sherry.
Take two pounds of aloes, one pound of gamboge, four ounces of extract of colocynth, half a pound of castile soap, two fluid drachms of oil of peppermint, and one fluid drachm of cinnamon.
Hyde-Park Conduit-water, in which was dissolved a Drachm of Nitre.
It is very useful as an emetic in scruple or half-drachm doses, dissolved in any thin fluid.
In the absence of this instrument, emetics of half a drachm of sulphate of zinc, or a tablespoonful of mustard, must be employed.
One drachm is said to have destroyed life, but recovery has taken place after a much larger dose.
The smallest fatal dose when the drug has been swallowed is one drachm in a boy aged four.
Hence from thirty minims to a drachm of this tincture combined with the iodide of potassium may be exhibited.
The extract and the tincture are seldom given in larger doses than that of a drachm as a first dose, to excite uterine contraction.
In severe cases, it may be combined with choral, 1 drachm of the bromide with 20 grains of chloral.
The strength of each is half a grain in each fluid drachm (.
Its strength was stated at the inquest to be 25 grains to the drachm (41.
A quarter of an hour afterwards add eight or ten ounces of rice, with six ounces of ham or bacon, and a drachm of saffron put into a muslin bag.
Add half a drachm of beaten mace, one clove beaten, and half a grated nutmeg, and salt to your taste.
Half an ounce of cayenne pepper, a large head of garlic, half a drachm of cochineal, two spoonfuls of soy, the same of walnut pickle, and a pint of vinegar.
One drachm of cardamom seed, two scruples of saffron, three ounces of green root, two scruples of cochineal, and four ounces of orange-peel.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drachm" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.