And by mistake Saint Catherine and her wheel and Saint Margaret and her dragon wereoverlooked and left intact.
To Gloria it seemed inevitable that in this quest which overlooked nothing, and which as time wore on grew less frenzied and more systematic, they would find what King had found before them.
These hidden churches have their touching meaning for Christian minds--a twofold meaning indeed--and one which is often overlooked in this utilitarian age.
That is so; for the moment I had overlooked the existence of the law,” said the manufacturer, somewhat humiliated.
In many districts, they are evidently destined to be the ruling race, for they are improving in culture, and can no longer be overlooked by the social or religious philosopher.
There are one or two points more, overlookedin passing, of which we wish to take note.
A devotion approved by the highest authority, commended by the example of saints, and one full of consolation and piety, is here presented in a form that will give it currency among many who had overlooked it.
This balcony overlooked the park, and beyond was seen the city, made lovely by the soft gray veil of distance, which lends such beauty to a landscape.
Madame de Noailles was so busy with the front, that she overlooked the rear, where the lively young Marquise de Charente Tounerre, tired of standing, had glided down and seated herself comfortably on the floor.
She stooped to pick it up, and trailing it after her, she flew from room to room, until she came to the last one of the suite which overlooked the park.
In your just displeasure, you have overlooked the fact that we are not alone.
Her aunt she had overlooked entirely, until that lady recalled her wandering wits peremptorily.
So, too, was her agony of joy and relief when at last, almost by a miracle, they came on her lying in a linhay down a lane they had very nearly overlooked in the darkness.
That they were disobeying a strict injunction in taking the bracelet out of the house was a matter quite overlooked at the time.
Tess overlooked this mispronunciation, knowing it was useless to object, and turned the subject by saying: "Or maybe we'll see those Gypsies.
The great importance of leaving this priceless element in a community as free, as keen, and as active as possible, is overlooked by the thinkers who uphold coercion against liberty, as a saving social principle.
But one most important condition of this is constantly overlooked by people, who like to satisfy their intellectual vanity by scepticism, and at the same time to make their comfort safe by external conformity.
Unconsciously he had cultivated the happy, blind eye, and habituallyoverlooked the obvious.
The result of this system of explaining all artistic phenomena by ethical causes is, as we have remarked, that the real cause of any phenomenon, the explanation afforded us by history, is entirely overlooked or even ignominiously rejected.
It must not be overlooked that in bacteria and the blue algae no distinct differentiation into nucleus and protoplasm can be shown.
Very often this process of digestion takes place without loss of the total form of the organ and is overlooked by the pure morphologists.
This tree overlooked the garrison and both roads leading out of town.
One thing was entirely overlooked in all this speculation until about twenty years ago,--that pneumonia was due not simply to the depressing effects of cold, but to a specific germ, the pneumococcus of Fraenkel.
More fundamental, however, and vital, is the extent to which we have overlooked the precise method in which these violent emotional impressions alter bodily activities, like the secretions.
This measurement includes the motte, which was placed in the south-west corner on the line of the banks; it thus overlooked the river as well as the city.
There is no need to comment on the significance of this drawing and its inscription for the history of early Norman castles; what is extraordinary is that it should have been entirely overlooked for so long.
While correcting the errors of former editors, I may have overlooked some of my own.
There are obvious misprints in the first edition which Scott himself overlooked (see on ii.
I am the larger in this, because our author hath overlooked my first mention thereof.
It must, indeed, not be overlooked that the serious encouragement of instrumental music was taken up much later in the North than in Italy, Germany, and France.
It had however been overlooked that the cello, on account of its much larger dimensions, demanded an entirely different method of fingering.
The historic view is one of much importance, and is likely to be overlookedby the poets and novelists.
At one o'clock of the terrestrial morning, the projectile, like a balloon borne into space, overlooked the top of this superb mountain.
There was marked out the place for a temple, here the ground of a forum, on this spot the plan of a palace, in another the plateau for a citadel; the wholeoverlooked by a central mountain of 1500 feet.
Some minutes after passing Newton, the projectile directly overlooked the annular mountain of Moret.
This is a point often overlooked by little salesmen, but fully recognized by the "big" ones.
Sir William Hamilton made a still finer distinction, which is, however, generally overlooked by writers on the subject, but which is scientifically correct and which we shall follow in this book.
On one of these Mr. Smith's tents were pitched, overlooked by a craggy height on the opposite side of the river; and the blue stream of smoke that arose from the fire of his party, helped to impart life and beauty to the scene.
Nations, kindreds, and peoples are individuals in mass; and here the existence of an overlooked boiling-point is the one thing that makes history interesting.
By this time, I was about; and Mary brought me a blank form, which I had dropped and overlooked the night before.
But the last name, overlooked by Mr. Shandy, is no whit less important as a condition of success.
She was so sure of her own premises that she overlooked the possibility that the stranger might have put the supposition tentatively to Sherman and had been misled by her brother's lack of denial.
Her father and mother, in yielding to every whim, had quite overlooked the fact that the pretty child's character needed discipline, so that Carolina was selfish without knowing it.