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Example sentences for "imaginary"

Lexicographically close words:
images; imaginable; imaginably; imaginal; imaginaries; imagination; imaginations; imaginative; imaginatively; imaginativeness
  1. And so the imaginary flogging was finished to his satisfaction.

  2. He said cautiously--to an imaginary company: "Hold, my merry men!

  3. He indicates an imaginary abyss, which JEM stares at dubiously.

  4. Indicates an imaginary abyss, at which LADY FLO shakes her head).

  5. These began, perhaps, very early, when the imaginary laws of Edward the Confessor were so earnestly demanded.

  6. An equally imaginary history of Charlemagne gave rise to a new family of romances.

  7. The word cockney is not improbably derived from cocayne, the name of an imaginary land of ease and jollity.

  8. If some of our eloquent countryman's positions should be disputed, there are still abundant catholic testimonies that imaginary saints have been canonized.

  9. Many of them are professedly written by an imaginary Golias.

  10. Thus the Land of Promise may have been a fond title for the imaginary site of a monastery for which he was seeking in the Western Isles.

  11. Before long he was back, drew himself up alongside an imaginary platform, intimated that his grandmother was in the verandah, and then proceeded to let the steam hiss out of his safety-valve.

  12. There's no way to dispose of an imaginary intruder.

  13. I have solved many mysteries, I have found many criminals, but never before have I struck a case so absolutely devoid of even an imaginary solution.

  14. Across the summit of this brilliant and cloud-like peak, which formed the most distant object in the view, ran the imaginary line that divided Italy from the regions of the north.

  15. Perhaps she had been dreaming, and the imaginary events of her dream had blended themselves with the real occurrence which awakened her.

  16. With the help of Grant Allen's college friends we were able to visit every house in which he had lived, but were forced to conclude that the poem was written in the rooms of a friend or from an imaginary point of view.

  17. Hubrecht, as to imaginary differences between Darwin and myself, in the last Contemporary!

  18. She clung to her imaginary passion with all the obstinacy which is inherent in weak natures.

  19. He was sad, disillusioned, still apt to hurry and shorten himself through doors, and to retreat under sofas to brood over imaginary wrongs.

  20. I have no other intention in these remarks, than to show how men are betrayed into a concurrence in measures, of which, when the ardour of opposition has subsided, and the imaginary danger is past, they have very seldom failed to repent.

  21. He had read, during the latter part of his stay at Chambéry, so many medical books that he ended by becoming an imaginary invalid.

  22. A few real invalids and some imaginary ones crop up among the crowd of ruddy and buxom pleasure-seekers.

  23. And "that two and two make four is not a truth more unquestionably certain than that smoking does diminish a soldier's power of endurance, and does make him more susceptible to imaginary dangers.

  24. A goodly array of bugbears, quite aptly illustrating the remark of one of our medical professors, that hygienic reformers, in the length of their lists of imaginary diseases, are excelled only by the itinerant charlatans who vend panaceas.

  25. In other words, matter and spirit are but names for the imaginary substrata of groups of natural phænomena.

  26. No child has recourse to imaginary personifications in order to account for the ordinary properties of objects which are not alive, or do not represent living things.

  27. On and on he went, to the wood where he had killed imaginary Germans; and there, throwing himself on the ground, he began to fight another, a very much more real battle.

  28. There was nothing imaginary about this, and he lay awhile considering it.

  29. Then there were geometers who conceived it only as an imaginary line.

  30. The axis, in the sense of an imaginary line, cannot be found in the conception of Plato.

  31. The axis of the earth (what astronomers speak of as such) is an imaginary line traversing the centre of the earth; a line round which the earth revolves.

  32. For when we read therein that the earth is packed or fastened round the cosmical axis, how can we understand it to be packed or fastened round an imaginary line?

  33. A birthday cake with candles may be represented, or a line of telegraph poles, if father has gone on a journey, and over the imaginary wires a message may be sent.

  34. One child holds the ring while the little knight gallops around the circle on an imaginary steed and tries to capture the ring on his lance (wand), as at an old-time tournament.

  35. The mucilage top has the slot into which to drop the imaginary nickel.

  36. Until the year 1705 he was the imaginary ruler of an imaginary Empire: Vienna was a faint reflection of Madrid, as every other little capital was of Paris.

  37. Then, too, I experienced my first delicious thrill of imaginary terror.

  38. She was called frantically and finally when she appeared on the run, the manager caught her by the shoulders, rushed her across the stage and fairly pitched her on the imaginary stage--to the great amusement of the audience.

  39. I used to agonize all day over the question of tears for the night, and I have seen the time when even my own imaginary tomb failed to move me.

  40. Years were indicated by naming the "celestial stem" and the zodiacal sign to which the imaginary hands happen to be pointing, just as clock-time is indicated by the minutes read from the long hand and the hours from the short.

  41. And if we possess calmness, or generosity, or truthfulness, we are eager to make it known, so as to attach these virtues to that imaginary existence.

  42. But having only imaginary knowledge, they must employ those silly tools that strike the imagination with which they have to deal; and thereby in fact they inspire respect.

  43. We do not content ourselves with the life we have in ourselves and in our own being; we desire to live an imaginary life in the mind of others, and for this purpose we endeavour to shine.

  44. And this same man who spends so many days and nights in rage and despair for the loss of office, or for some imaginary insult to his honour, is the very one who knows without anxiety and without emotion that he will lose all by death.

  45. We labour unceasingly to adorn and preserve this imaginary existence, and neglect the real.

  46. The dying man was still wearing the dressing-gown of the "Imaginary Invalid.

  47. Rochet, in the service of an imaginary Russian lady, Baroness de Korff, impersonated by Mme.

  48. The Hôtel de Ville, from which he held forth, was now occupied in every corner by armed men, who had no intention of giving their weapons up for the equipment of any imaginary militia company; and as yet these companies were unformed.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "imaginary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.