If the Indian idolators have tortured me, they are poor, blind creatures, whom God will enlighten some day.
On the other side also, the idolators had not the exclusive ideas of religion peculiar to the Jews; they were tolerant, they admitted every species of worship, and were disposed to pay homage to every God that was proposed to them.
These idolators of self think the virtuous worship imaginary, unreal Gods.
Mecca, when the idolators thereof had broken the truce of Hodeibia.
Miraculous victories were achieved, and thousands and tens of thousands of the idolators slain, and Jerusalem and the land freed from the abomination.
They had applied to join in the work, but as the remnant considered them idolators and as not belonging to God's people, the application was rejected.
Pagans and Idolators could not have very distinct notions of an event peculiar to Judea.
It is true, that Vitringa's objection, that it can scarcely be imagined that the idolators should have chosen a place so unclean, is very plausible.
Gentiles; but in point of fact, the Prophet here, too, has to do with Judah driven into exile, to whom he was called by God to offer the means to remain stedfast under the temptations from the idolators by whom they were surrounded.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "idolators" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.