The followers of the False Prophet are in Spain, Sicily, and Naples, and threaten Rome.
At first he was friendly towards Israel; he told his followers to turn in prayer not towards the Kaaba, but towards Jerusalem.
The orthodox followers of Athanasius wished for no better weapon with which to crush the Arians, who denied the Deity of Christ.
But, as it happened, on the previous evening I had met my friends Collison and Miller on the banks of the Chobi, and found them both down with fever, and their native followers without food.
Even on foot I never found any difficulty in keeping up with a herd of buffaloes and shooting as many as I required to supply my nativefollowers with food.
Later on, the same day, another solitary old buffalo bull allowed me and my native followers to walk past within eighty yards of where he lay without even troubling himself to get up.
The idea of concentrating all taxes upon ground-rent has found followers in Great Britain, North America, Australia and New Zealand.
To the followers and imitators of Hartmann belong Ulrich von Zatzikhoven, the author of a Lanzelet (c.
Fox and the followersof Rockingham refused to serve except under the duke of Portland, a minister of their own selection, and resigned office.
There is much uncertainty about the early theological history of the sect, but it is probable that Mack and his followers were influenced by both the Greek Catholics and the Waldensians.
Like all mythology, it is infinitely complex, but two great divisions are distinguished, in the followers of Siva and the followers of Vishnu.
Many are followers of the religion of the "Latter Day Saints" without necessarily becoming polygamists.
The murderers were followersof Babian, one of the two envoys who visited England with Mr. E.
She was a charming hostess, combining discrimination with breadth of view; her Fridays were rallying days for the followers of many more cults than she would ever embrace, but for none toward which she could not feel tolerance.
At the conclusion of the tale Daimur called out all the guards and ordered them to arrest his uncle and his followers immediately, and convey them to a strong prison in the interior of the kingdom.
For a moment there was a dead silence while Prince Arnolde and his followers gazed at King Cyril with eyes that were clear for the first time in four years.
Thus the blasphemous followers of Gibb were surrounded by a bright light, no less than pious Mr. Welsh, a very distinguished Presbyterian minister.
But Keppoch, to whom honour and glory meant little, and for whom booty was everything, found various reasons for refusing his co-operation; whilst his followers declared that they could do nothing without the consent of their master.
His words were greeted with a cheer, which to Lochiel who heard it, seemed wanting in enthusiasm, and from which he drew for his own followers an omen of victory.
During the week which would have to elapse before the chieftains could all bring their followers to the trysting-place, he utilised his enforced leisure by drilling his small body of cavalry, and accustoming the horses to stand fire.
But the enthusiasm of many amongst their followers was beginning to wane; and by the time Colinton was reached, the ill-armed and undisciplined crowd had dwindled down again to a bare thousand.
Mrs. Wordsworth's has just embarked, we believe at Liverpool, with a set of the deludedfollowers of that wretch, in an attempt to join their society.
The civil disabilities, for the removal of which Mr. O'Connell and his followers are braving the Government, cannot but be indifferent to the great body of the Irish nation, except as means for gaining an end.
True, my lord," replied the Earl of Pembroke, who had been speaking in a low voice with some of the other followers of the prince.
In a few minutes, also, the disguises, which had been prepared to render himself and his followers as like a party of cotereaux as possible, were assumed, and De Coucy waited impatiently for the arrival of the cavalcade.
Hugo and his followers thronged after, widening the breach he had hewn in the enemy's ranks.
Compiègne, his followers say, must have been the cause, for yesterday he was as wise and calm as ever.
And several followers of the muses, as we have seen, have lately tried their hand at this kind of conversion.
Their followers have written, for the most part, intelligible English, but never poetry.
The followers of Judas, who impelled their countrymen into rebellion, were soon buried under the ruins of Jerusalem; whilst those of Jesus, known by the more celebrated name of Christians, diffused themselves over the Roman empire.
Guizot's expressions are not in the least too strong against this strange imagination of Gibbon; it may be doubted whether the followers of Judas were known as a sect under the name of Galilaeans.
The church of Antioch was distracted by heresy and schism; but the Arians and the Athanasians, the followers of Meletius and those of Paulinus, [14] were actuated by the same pious hatred of their common adversary.
They scattered rumors and suspicions, represented the archbishop as a proud and oppressive tyrant, and boldly accused him of violating the treaty which had been ratified in the Nicene council, with the schismatic followers of Meletius.
Tacitus could not be deceived in appropriating to the Christians of Rome the guilt and the sufferings which he might have attributed with far greater truth to the followers of Judas the Gaulonite, for the latter never went to Rome.
Footnote 61: The ordinary appellation with which Athanasius and his followers chose to compliment the Arians, was that of Ariomanites.
The hereditary chiefs of the tribes and families were still permitted to command their followers in peace and war; but the royal dignity was abolished; and the generals of the Goths were appointed and removed at the pleasure of the emperor.
He reckoned among his immediate followers two bishops of Egypt, seven presbyters, twelve deacons, and (what may appear almost incredible) seven hundred virgins.
He himself was one of the few followers who attended Ursicinus in his dangerous enterprise.
For both obtain the selfsame end, and the place which is gained by the followers of the one is gained by the followers of the other.
His son Wannalancet carefully followed his advice, and when Philip's War broke out, he withdrew his followers to Penacook, now Concord in New Hampshire, from the scene of the war.
Nor had any among their followers or servants done any wrong.
But it is wise to disregard laws when they conflict with justice, and it seems that you and your followers did not disobey our laws willingly, being forced into the Tube by Ruggedo.
Therefore Ruggedo and his followershad very good cause to shudder at the mere mention of eggs.
From this time therefore there began an intestine war, which lasted a great while, in which the followers of David grew stronger in the dangers they underwent, and the servants and subjects of Saul's sons did almost every day become weaker.
Hereupon he resolved to go away, and did go very prudently the road to Egypt; and then it was that he lodged in a certain temple; for he had left a great many of his followers there.
Accordingly, those forces that were sent destroyed both him that had deluded them, and those that were his followers also.
With a few words about his fall he draws tears from his followers and even from the caustic humorist Enobarbus.
How beautiful is his affection for his followers and even for his servants, and the devotion they return!
He made a gesture ordering his followers to move aside, and began to push himself rapidly, with queer darts this side and that round the inclosure.
The other fellow had been crowned, and his followers felt strong because they'd just conquered the country.
The two leaders had joined forces, so to speak, and the followers fell into line at "attention.
The bystanders had been growing excited by these outrageous proceedings; and now, fancying the duke would proceed to violent acts, they rose in a body for their bishop, and the duke and his followers were compelled to a speedy flight.
The contemporary notices of him do not imply that there was any obscurity: the charges brought against him; his own defences; the references his followers make to him, do not suggest it.
A few days after her death the Bishop and his followers assembled, and set down in evidence their different parts in that scene.
The pernicious and shameful crowd of camp followers fled before her like shadows before the day.
Her followers rushed after with that élan of desperate and uncalculating valour which was the great power of the French arms.
It was on the 7th September that Jeanne and her immediate followers reached the village of La Chapelle, where they encamped for the night.
An empty exchequer and followers who have despoiled themselves for their masters are difficult to deal with.
Crowds of camp-followers were carried along by the huge animal wave, crying, shouting, and fighting.
As indicated in this last sentence, Gordon seems to have had a presentiment that the relief which he had been looking to, more for the sake of his followers than of himself, would fail to arrive in time.
A small band of Wad en Nejumi's followers forced their way into the building and dashed up the steps.
In December, Osman left Omdurman, and proceeded by way of Gedaref and Kassala with the object of gathering followers with whom to renew the struggle in the Tokar district.
As it was, he contented himself with staying with his followers in the neighbourhood of Khartoum, the pillaging of which no doubt afforded an agreeable relaxation after a long and arduous siege.
Happily the Mahdi did not follow up his success, but remained in the neighbourhood of Obeid for several weeks, occupied, probably, in dividing with his followers the spoils of victory.
The result was that over 500 of his followers seceded and made their way back to Matuka, whence they subsequently went further south.
The Mahdi enjoined the English to become Moslems if they wished for peace, and promised protection to Khasm-el-Mus and hisfollowers if they submitted.
A great many of his followers also rushed out through the gate and threw down their arms.
The delay in the advance from Metammeh inspired both him and hisfollowers with fresh courage.
The camp-followers and transport animals were placed in a temporary camp behind the hills in front.
For this, and other reasons, he was prevented from sending the reinforcements intended to his followers on the Nile.
None but hardened pioneers could have endured what Lincoln and his followers did in this march.
For instance, to a superficial observer, it would hardly seem possible that a Persian and a Mahdist were followers of the same religion, or that a Spaniard and an English Broad Churchman were so.