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Example sentences for "paganism"

Lexicographically close words:
paeon; paese; paff; paga; pagan; paganisme; paganization; paganized; paganizing; pagans
  1. Bishop Warburton, in his 'Divine Legation of Moses,' professes to see in it a defense of Paganism at the expense of struggling Christianity.

  2. After a few lapses into paganism in some localities, we find these people, who lately had swept Christian Britain with fire and sword, themselves became most zealous followers of Christ.

  3. It was a pleasing trait in the old Paganism that it loved to trace in every operation of nature the agency of deity.

  4. And, in like manner, Christians were not likely to entertain the question of the abstract allowableness of images in the Catholic ritual, with the actual superstitions and immoralities of paganism before their eyes.

  5. An idolatrous Paganism tended to repress the externals of Christianity, as, at this day, the presence of Protestantism is said to repress, though for another reason, the exhibition of the Roman Catholic religion.

  6. History shows us what anxiety and effort it cost her rulers to keep Paganism out of her pale.

  7. As philosophy has at times corrupted her divines, so has paganism corrupted her worshippers; and as the more intellectual have been involved in heresy, so have the ignorant been corrupted by superstition.

  8. The heathen sects and the heresies of Christian history were dissolved by the breath of opinion which made them; paganism shuddered and died at the very sight of the sword of persecution, which it had itself unsheathed.

  9. The war was followed by the great persecution of the Christians, the last expiring effort of Roman paganism against the invasion of the new faith.

  10. Every respectable form of Christian worship enjoys full liberty, and so does every respectable form of paganism and anti-Christianity.

  11. They rose clear and distinct on the horizon, an outwork of Christianity against the paganism of Eastern Asia.

  12. There were essential parts of the Roman wedding usages which were independent of paganism and which were necessarily performed at home.

  13. All the art of his ornate and courtly periods cannot disguise the fact that there was nothing now for paganism to say.

  14. But we should be altogether in error if we inferred, as some have done, that paganism never rose to the conception of virtue concealing itself from the world, and consenting voluntarily to degradation.

  15. It is not, therefore, surprising that there should have arisen between the two creeds an animosity which Paganism could never rival.

  16. His strong attachment to Paganism made him at length the avowed representative of his party, which several causes had contributed to strengthen.

  17. A full review of the allegorical and mythical interpretations of paganism is given by Eusebius, Evang.

  18. But these principles, upon which the whole social system of Paganism had rested, were now disregarded.

  19. Paganism disappears through weariness of the flesh and the need of a more lofty and pure faith.

  20. However, he asked himself whether in all this there was not a decisive proof that Catholicism was the very vegetation of Rome, Paganism modified by Christianity.

  21. No doubt the paganism which reappeared in the art of Michael Angelo and Raffaelle was tempered, transformed by the Christian spirit.

  22. Still, if it be childish on the one hand to deplore that the Christian earnestness of the earlier masters had failed, it would be even more ridiculous to complain that paganism had not been more entirely recovered.

  23. It does so, because it first succeeded in humanising the religion of the Middle Ages, in proclaiming the true value of antique paganism for the modern mind, and in making both subserve the purposes of free and unimpeded art.

  24. The motives of revived paganism in like manner were exhausted, and at this time the feeling for antiquity had lost its primal freshness.

  25. That is to say, it was straightforward and truthful; whereas the strange caprices of the later Renaissance too often betrayed a double mind, disloyal alike to paganism and to Christianity, in their effort to combine divergent forces.

  26. One great advantage of the early days of the Renaissance over the latter was this, that pseudo-paganism and pedantry had not as yet distorted the judgment or misdirected the aims of artists.

  27. Florentine realism and quaint fancy being thus curiously blended, the artistic result may be profitably studied for the light it throws upon the so-called Paganism of the earlier Renaissance.

  28. Jacopo Sansovino marks the final intrusion of paganism into modern art.

  29. At this crisis it was proved how inferior was the neo-paganism of the sixteenth century to the paganism of antiquity it aped.

  30. Nor again were artists justified before the bar of conscience in selecting the baser elements of Paganism for imitation, instead of aiming at Greek self-restraint and Roman strength of character.

  31. But paganism alone could give them nothing but its vices; it was incapable of communicating its real source of life--its poetry, its faith, its cult of nature.

  32. In fact, despite Cocom's asseverations to the contrary, Jack began to be doubtful as to his really being a Christian, for he betrayed far too much knowledge of paganism in its worst form to be quite orthodox.

  33. Being a Protestant, Jack had no scruples about the matter, and Cocom was such a queer mixture of paganism and Catholicism, that his views were not very decided.

  34. When King Aethelbert died, and was succeeded by his son, who was a heathen and an evil liver, a great portion of the men who so easily accepted Christianity fell back into paganism again.

  35. The Northumbrians thought that Eadwine's God had been found wanting in the day of battle, and most of them relapsed into paganism in their despair.

  36. Paganism was laid under contribution for its military spirit.

  37. No relic of Paganism was permitted to remain in its casket.

  38. We might as well say that all the evil of Paganism was due to its abuse.

  39. We are not concerned with particular beliefs and rites; it is Paganism as a philosophy of life, and Christianity as a philosophy of life, that we desire to investigate.

  40. It is the return to Paganism which has given to Christmas and Easter their great popularity, as it is the revival of Paganism which is everywhere replacing the Bible ideas of monarchic government with republicanism.

  41. To prove this, let us make a careful comparison between Paganism and Christianity.

  42. Paganism is the religion of a self-governing race.

  43. And at the threshold of our investigation we must bear in mind that Paganism was born and grew into maturity in Europe, while Asia was the cradle of Christianity.

  44. But if the different religions of Paganism must be classed according to their outward rites and outward objects of worship, the diversity of sacrifices would constitute a far better and more important standard of classification.

  45. It is an error to consider ancient Paganism as nothing more than mere poetry or agreeable fiction.

  46. He adds that their numbers had already increased to such an extent that the altars of Paganism were nearly abandoned; and that a great number of women, boys and children belonged to their sect.

  47. They set him upon a marble column in the midst of that temple, and him did they hold in great reverence and adored as their god, what time Paganism lasted in Florence.

  48. They appear to be destitute of any system of religion, but traces of various forms of paganism are found in their language and customs.

  49. Charles Kingsley, the scene of which is laid in Alexandria, at a time when Christianity was gaining ground against Paganism and the neo-Platonism of the schools.

  50. Piast dynasty, who renounced paganism in favor of Christianity, and was a vassal of the German emperor.

  51. Such worship, I repeat, is not what we commonly imply either by paganism or by pantheism.

  52. Hakon Jarl, the last great partisan of paganism in Scandinavia, woos in his old age beautiful Gunhild, but she is unwilling to expose her blooming youth to the risk of being burned with her aged husband.

  53. The tableau of Paganism must be first produced, after which the machinery should slowly revolve, bringing into the view the tableau of Christianity.

  54. The tableau of Christianity should be formed on the light side, and Paganism on the dark side.

  55. And it then simply becomes a question whether it is better to have a prevalent corrupted system of religion containing many important truths, or a system of downright paganism with few truths at all.

  56. Paganism had been suppressed by law; even heresies were extinguished in the West.

  57. We copy either the horizontal lines of Paganism or the vertical lines of the ages of Faith.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "paganism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.