While she lacked intellectual appreciation of his genius, she was proud of and idolized him, finding ready excuse and forgiveness for his failings.
Madame Campan, whom the queen loved and took into her service, in return idolized and sought to shield and bless her.
Still more costly honors than Artemisia lavished on her Mausolus, did the Great Mogul, Shah Jehan, grandson of Akhar and father of Aurungzebe, pay to his idolized wife, Moomtaza Mahul.
She was almost idolized by the Roman people, and occupied, indeed, the proudest position of any woman in the history of her country.
The pure and wise Ballanche, who idolized her, said that she was originally an Antigone, of whom people vainly wished by force to make an Armada.
While she lived, they shared souls; and, after her departure, the sons idolized her memory.
Many of her poems were written to these two idolized friends.
He fell away from his original purity and constancy, lost his religious faith for a season, and seemed almost to forget those who idolized him with such deep fondness.
Players on opposing teams liked him, the umpires respected him, his mates idolized him, and the great baseball public hailed him with acclamations whenever he appeared on the field.
We're not worrying a bit about that," put in Clara, looking proudly at her idolized brother.
Fear of endangering the prospects of her idolized nephew, Charles, should she make a mesalliance, was probably Marguerite's main reason for disobeying the dictates of her heart.
To the stricken sister, mourning the loss of her idolized brother, the tenderness of Prince Frederick was balm.
Five fair-browed, innocent young faces circling about the idolized wife, and baby Annie nestling in her cradle beside the hearth, playing with her waxen fingers and crowing softly.
Puzzled at first, he now saw that the idolized brother of the girl must have taken the money.
You try to reform him because he's idolized by his sister that you're in love with.
She idolized me, and passed away with my name on her lips.
If she were half as handsome, no wonder Mr. Royal idolized her, as they say he did.
It's demoralizing for her to hear her idolized brother held up to ridicule.
His father was the man whom I idolized as men worship gods.
If she had not had Cosette, it is certain that her daughters, idolized as they were, would have received the whole of it; but the stranger did them the service to divert the blows to herself.
The king called to see her, carrying in his arms his infant son, the idolized child of the fair Gabrielle.
Imprisonment was not to be thought of, for no fortress in France could long hold one so idolized by the populace.
He was much younger--evidently--but young men adored ripe women, and young girls idolized elderly soldiers.
I should have despaired, had I not perceived and idolized both in you, gracious Madonna, and you and your gentle godliness in myself.
Not a child among all the earl's tenantry that had not received proof of her affection, in the shape of creature-comforts and even as she idolized children, so was she invariably loved by them in return.
He only knew Heaven had restored him his beautiful, idolized child-bride.
But it did not take Paul long to learn that, in spite of the nickname, he was idolizedby every inhabitant of the district for miles round.
In the circle of the countess, Mary saw him welcomed like an idolized being before whose cheering influence all frowns and clouds must disappear.
Foolish must that woman be who would sacrifice the most precious gift in her possession--her heart--to the superficial graces or empty blandishments of a self-idolized coxcomb!
The eldest of fifteen children, devoted from his earliest years to his younger brothers and sisters, he was almost idolized by them, and every line received from him was read with rapture.
He was an excellent companion, and idolized by the soldiers and his brother officers, whose gloomy hours were enlivened by his inexhaustible fund of anecdote.
Susan often wished she might scrub him, just to see what he really looked like; for she idolized Jimmy.
Mary idolized her child, and Adellan's great tenderness for it, inexpressibly endeared him to her heart.
Her fair form and face seemed to greet the return of her idolized husband.
About a year after the death of Alexis, the little Peter Petrowitz, the idolized son of the Czar, also died.
The little girl idolized him as she might haveidolized an indulgent brother had she had one.
Besides, these cutting criticisms followed close on the strong admiration expressed by his friends, by all the society in which he was then moving, and by a mother who idolized him!
He is and always will be the idolized author of young maidens.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "idolized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.