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Example sentences for "imbibed"

Lexicographically close words:
imbecility; imbed; imbedded; imbedding; imbibe; imbibes; imbibing; imbibition; imbitter; imbittered
  1. Her intellect was of such a keen and brilliant order that she grasped knowledge almost as easily as she imbibed her food.

  2. But Lucy had imbibed all the traditions with regard to the willful Irene, and was horrified at the thought of having her now in the school.

  3. There Balzac went eagerly during the spring of 1832, and imbibed the strange old-world atmosphere of the exclusive Faubourg, of which he has given a masterly picture in the "Duchesse de Langeais.

  4. The sequel indicates that Mrs. Corey foresensed the visit she was about to receive, imbibed knowledge of the intended test, and of action to thwart its success.

  5. This confirmed the people in their general suspicion, that he had imbibed the opinions of the Manichees.

  6. And I had imbibed these sentiments so thoroughly that they constituted a part of my being.

  7. The colored guardian, having imbibed rather inordinately one day, was disposed to court the favor of the sleepy god, and stretched herself at full length upon one of the easy lounges of the office.

  8. He has been too long in the society of these psalm-singing rascals not to have imbibed some of their notions.

  9. On one occasion having imbibed more than he had money to pay for, and the landlord pressing him for a settlement, he went out to the road, along which an old man was coming with a heavy load of oats on his back.

  10. The most intelligent inhabitants of New Haven became converts to the same opinion; but the prejudices imbibed by the mass of the people being still insurmountable, a vote in favour of the union could not be obtained.

  11. Such notions are too easily imbibed by those who are desirous to indulge their vicious inclinations, and Reeves being of this stamp, greedily listened to all discourses of such a nature.

  12. He had imbibed the spirit of the Boston Puritans against the Quakers, and sought to infuse his spirit into the minds of his assistants (or executive councillors) and the deputies; but he was stoutly opposed by Josias Winslow and others.

  13. Some have imbibed from high culture a high conception of the value of life, and of what they ought to do with their lives; and they will not waste the days of their youth in looking for a husband in order to begin their work.

  14. Born, says the Athenaeum, at Milan, in 1788, he imbibed at an early age that hatred of the rule of Austria which a few years afterwards inspired his muse.

  15. Gabet, and had imbibed a sort of hazy notion of Christianity, which was often curiously mingled with reminiscences of his early creed.

  16. Smithers' confidence increased, when he had imbibed a glass or two of generous wine; and he related to Markham the particulars of his interview with Katharine.

  17. Let it not be supposed I have imbibed the fashionable idea that it is peculiarly unhealthy for the young to sleep with the old.

  18. He had imbibed the idea that it was beneath the dignity of a man ever to say or do anything expressive of pain.

  19. The leader in these atrocities was that Espartero, who having imbibed in his boyhood a knowledge of the faith, had learned in South America the awful art of shedding blood for the sake of personal ambition.

  20. Born in Paris of a mother whose loose morals made her a by-word to all who knew her, he imbibed at her breast that appetite for lawlessness and iniquity which ruled him to the last hour.

  21. Squarcione was an indifferent painter, but must have been an able teacher, and it was from him that Mantegna imbibed his love of the antique.

  22. It is supposed that Sodoma went as a young man to Milan and there imbibed the influence of Leonardo da Vinci, but this theory (maintained by Morelli) of a close connection between Leonardo and Sodoma is not accepted by all critics.

  23. Thrown early among mankind, I should early have imbibed their feelings, and grown like them by the influence of custom.

  24. The sentiments he had imbibed from Barton led him to prefer the more moderate counsels, and in the conduct of the contending factions he had seen so much to condemn, that he wished to abstain from all interference in public affairs.

  25. He confessed that until he had imbibed prejudices against the Liturgy, he had joined in it with as hearty fervency, as he afterwards did in other prayers, and felt, from its imperfections, no hinderance in his devotions.

  26. The prejudices which Barton had imbibed against the Liturgy and discipline of the Church seemed to increase from a conscientious apprehension that worldly motives might influence him to conformity.

  27. You, Sir, cannot instruct me; for the principles I imbibed from them will support me in my last moments.

  28. The principles he had imbibed from Barton forbade every deviation from the path of honour; and an alliance with a conspicuous royalist, would either have estranged him from his family or exposed them to ruin.

  29. Roger Williams and hiz adherents imbibed an inveterate hatred against the colony of Massachusetts, and in particular against the clergy, whoze rigid zeel occasioned their expulsion from the colony.

  30. In the same manner, vulgar, obscene and illiberal ideas, imbibed in a nursery or a kitchen, often give a tincture to the conduct through life.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "imbibed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.