Let a man turn his face to us, accepting the commercial disadvantages that would bring upon him, and talk of what is near to our hearts, Irish Kings and Irish Legends and Irish Countrymen, and we would find it a joy to interpret him.
To the trained eye of Cluff, swift to interpret physical indications, it seemed that Perkins's weight had almost imperceptibly shifted its center of gravity.
At that distance, Carroll could not interpret the sound, but some unidentified quality of it struck chill upon his fancy.
If I could but feel truly, I could interpret truthfully.
His eyes were unable to interpret to his brain all her marvellous beauty, and his other senses abandoning their proper functions had hastened to the assistance of his sight He saw, he heard, he felt her loveliness.
We might interpret the phenomena in this case, as also in that of D.
But are we also compelled to interpret the phenomenon in the above manner?
It required," says the eminent scientific man who visited the spot in 1835, "little geological practice to interpret the marvelous story which this scene at once unfolded.
But it is vastly more to learn to interpret the whole of life in the terms of the goodness of God.
He may meet his temptations with it, interpret his sufferings with it, build his ideal with it.
A fig for the orthodoxy that cannot interpret tears!
It is neither an easy nor a trifling matter for the parent to be able to read suitable stories to them and to interpret helpfully such stories.
It has been Professor Bailey's purpose to interpret the new school movement to put the young into relation and sympathy with nature,--a purpose which he has admirably accomplished.
By the light of that applause we must interpret the real feeling of the North, and its probable future course toward us.
And to succeed in that, he knew he must rightly interpret and enforce the general sentiment and desire of the loyal people.
The Southern essayist or historian naturally gravitates to the past of his own section,--and naturally he seeks to vindicate his comrades or his ancestors, and to interpret the past from their standpoint.
Like the Old Testament as a whole, they grew up out of real life and truly reflect and interpret it, and therefore have a living, vital message to life to-day.
Sidenote: Value of knowing an author's point of view] It also enables us intelligently to interpret his words and figures.
There will always remain, however, an outstanding theological discipline, whose function it is to interpret worship, or the living religious attitude, in terms of the theoretical principles of philosophy.
It is the function of philosophy to interpret knowledge for the sake of a sober and wise belief.
More and more mankind will discover that we have to turn to poetry to interpret life for us, to console us, to sustain us.
Everyone, they say, has a right to interpretthe Holy Scriptures according to his own views, so they take many different meanings out of the very same words.
They appointed judges tointerpret or explain the laws and give the correct meaning when disputes arise.
He desires to interpret the coming of Jesus Christ into the world, to declare whence and why He came, and to explain how His coming, as light in the midst of darkness, brought a crisis into the lives of all with whom He came in contact.
This motive would account not only for the arrangement of the material, but also for certain changes in the language which seem intended to remove difficulties, and to interpret what is ambiguous or obscure.
I need not enumerate the different sects into which these Puritans were divided, so soon as they felt they had the right to interpret Scripture for themselves.
Let Jefferies interpret for us: "The black rooks are busy in the old oak-trees carrying away the brown acorns one by one in their strong beaks to some open place where, undisturbed, they can feast upon the fruit.
The system according to which we tried to interpret the myth is less ondoyant et divers.
We interpret it as a tale of the intercourse between mortal men and immortal maids, or between men and metamorphosed animals, as in India and North America.
We shall afterwards see that attempts have been made to interpret one of these narratives as a nature-myth; but the attempts seem unsuccessful.
The ordinary dictionaries interpret all these as whipping-tops, adding that [Greek] is sometimes 'a magic wheel.
We might now expect to interpret also the upper right-hand corner of page 31, but here almost everything is in a deplorable state of obliteration.
Following this in 4 is the hieroglyph which I have proposed tointerpret as the sign for beginning (Globus, Vol.
There are a number of small dots around B's head, which on page 11c we attempted to interpret as the starry sky.
Let us now try to interpret the meaning of the remaining rectangles (always omitting the Saturn sign as a matter of course.
It was his business to interpret to the first the wishes, or rather the inspirations, of the second, and to convey to the second the decisions, or rather the indecisions, of the first.
In his poems of strenuous action, although Byron has not the rare quality of heroic simplicity, he could at times strike a high vibrating war note, and could interpret romantically the patriotic spirit.
And he went a step farther in his hypothetic interpretation, when he insisted on "symbolism" as one of the ways in which one stratum of our personality will often interpret the influences of another.
She was watching her father's face, and trying to interpretthe thoughts which were beating through his brain.
One glance was sufficient for him to interpret the purpose of their preparations.
How would he interpret her father's action, and how long would it be before the Chilcats began the attack?
We cannot fail to understand what words are intended to convey; we may very easily interpret in a hundred different ways the message of sound.
The instrument that could give shape to the stars would interpret to me the composition of that lonely orb as clearly as though I stood upon her surface.
I interpret this from the world about me, and knowing it, I have no fear and own no tyrant but my own passions.
Some expression that I could not interpret was on her face.