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Example sentences for "courageous"

Lexicographically close words:
coupon; coupons; coups; courage; couraged; courageously; courages; couragious; couragiously; courant
  1. This episcopal letter the pastor had received on the previous evening, and he had been courageous enough to keep the secret until Christmas night, in order to give it more solemnity.

  2. The manly and courageous view which Chantrey took of his duties as an artist sustained him in every attempt he made to impress that view upon his works.

  3. I remember that this courageous act of Margaret Catchpole's was much talked of at the time, and the Rev.

  4. It was very courageous indeed to speak like that in a world which was accustomed from the beginning, in the pagan as in the Christian epoch, to adore greatness, to divinise great men, to imitate and to worship heroes.

  5. These extracts of evidence demonstrate the guilty nature of the outrage, and the careful and truthful statement of the young Englishman, as well as his cool and courageous conduct in a case at the time apparently so desperate.

  6. The inhabitants of that town, however, were more courageous than the Alexandrians: every house therein was used as a fortress, whence a constant fire was directed against the assailants.

  7. Modest yet courageous in manner, plain but not ungraceful in style, his address told upon the house.

  8. As Sun Bird watched the twinkle of the distant fires he had grave fears for the safety of the courageous little company who were advancing to meet him.

  9. There were few among them who expected to again see the courageous youths who had just ridden away.

  10. At that instant Kicking Bull turned his head and saw that the courageous lad was attempting to help him.

  11. I am naturally very timid, but, being silent under strong emotions of either pleasure or pain, I am credited with being courageous in the hour of danger.

  12. I was always courageous in saying what I saw to be true, for the simple reason that I never dreamed of opposition.

  13. Louise had decided that she would perform the courageous act that had for weeks been in her mind.

  14. He was a wise and courageous pontiff, who, when the Saracens approached Rome to pillage it, boldly marched out to meet them, unsupported by the emperors of the east or the west.

  15. Some of the Puritan troops pushed into the undergrowth in a courageous attempt to be the first to capture the wily chief, but they were ambuscaded, shot at by an unseen enemy, and eight were killed.

  16. The courageous Indian leader--the Custer of the Cheyennes--staggered and reeled.

  17. At this awful moment, Heaven came to the aid of the courageous English.

  18. A monument was erected to the memory of these courageous men.

  19. Stout, courageous old Herkimer had died of his wounds after the bloody battle of the Oriskanay, but the English cause was not dead by any means, and the Indians were still upon the warpath.

  20. But the courageous Captain Church exhorted them to keep up a bold front, to save their ammunition until they saw the head of an enemy, and to be of good cheer, because he was certain that help would soon be at hand.

  21. With a regard for his great bravery, the frontiersmen did not move the body of the courageous warrior from its bed of boughs.

  22. Formerly designated not only a courageous man, but his counterpart, a braggart, a bully, or a dandy.

  23. He hesitated but for a few minutes for private prayer; he had hitherto shown himself hearty and courageous in preaching, and it was his business to encourage the timid flock.

  24. His carriage was condescending, affable, and meek to all, yet bold and courageous for Christ.

  25. What, for a young soldier to be more courageous than he that hath been used to wars!

  26. When she returned from the adjoining room she was no longer weeping; her face wore its customary expression of calm and courageous resignation.

  27. Hundreds, into whose hands this volume will fall, will never forget the promptness and the courageous efficiency with which Rev.

  28. He was not a weak and nerveless preacher of righteousness, but a man of strength, of dauntless resolve, and of courageous action.

  29. On the 18th of February, Field-Marshal Piccolomini himself entered Freiberg, and highly commended the courageous and unexampled defence that had been made by a town so slightly fortified.

  30. In the same proportion, let me add, our courageous Philanthropist will be found entitled to the praise of every upright mind, to the homage of every feeling heart.

  31. Well now, courageous athlete, we applaud your intention.

  32. Benoiston de Chateauneuf, one of the most courageous of those savants who have devoted themselves to the arid yet useful study of statistics.

  33. Come now, courageous athlete, who have taken as your task that which is expressed in the little apostrophe which our first Meditation addresses to people who have the charge of a wife, what are you going to say about it?

  34. Nevertheless, the next morning, the courageous celibate received a sword thrust which nearly proved fatal, and confined him six months to his bed.

  35. They are one of the most pugnacious and courageous of birds attacking and driving away any feathered creature to which they take a dislike, regardless of size.

  36. On the authority of the Greek historian Herodotus, a little bird is found in Egypt called the TrA cubedchilus, which is noted for the friendly and courageous office it performs for the Crocodile.

  37. The Marsh Tit, like the Tom Tit, has been observed to enlarge the hole which it has selected for its nest, and to carry the chips in its bill to a distance, and it is equally courageous in defence of its eggs and young.

  38. That it is remarkably courageous and daring, all accounts agree.

  39. But it is not enough to respect the moral person, it is necessary to perfect it; it is necessary to labor to return the soul to God better than we received it; and it can become so only by a constant and courageous exercise.

  40. There was a space of silence, in which the two vessels came nearer each other, and I would have you know that hearts ever so courageous were thumping at a lively pace.

  41. Mark my word, lad, the King will shortly have need for such courageous gallants as thou.

  42. Some courageous magistrates have been willing to do their duty.

  43. These courageous efforts, though innocent in so pure a woman, had nevertheless a dangerous effect upon the weak-minded.

  44. The Migueletes were a semi-military force composed of picked youths of courageous conduct, wearing uniform and armed with a short gun, with a sword, a single pistol and carrying a cord by which to secure their prisoners.

  45. They are courageous too, these Spanish road agents, ready to fight at need as well as to rob, to overbear resistance and to meet the officers of the law with their own weapons.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "courageous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adventurous; audacious; bold; brave; chivalrous; confident; courageous; daredevil; daring; dauntless; enterprising; fearless; gallant; game; gritty; hardy; heroic; indomitable; intrepid; knightly; maneuver; manly; martial; mettlesome; plucky; soldier; spirited; spunky; stalwart; stout; superhuman; unafraid; unblenching; undaunted; valiant; valorous; venturesome