My dear Emily, I earnestly beg that you will stay as long as it is convenient to you.
They strive earnestly to possess strong and swift horses, but not garnished with ornaments or decked with trappings, thinking of battle and of victory, and not of pomp and show, and studying to inspire fear rather than admiration.
I therefore earnestly beseech you, that as these brothers of the Temple have hitherto been blessed with the love of God, so now they may be gladdened and sustained by our love and favour.
May God favour him who earnestly seeketh after righteousness and doeth good, and wisheth peace, and walketh in the ways of the Lord.
The countess of Tripoli retired with the garrison into the citadel, and from thence she sent messengers to her husband and the king of Jerusalem, earnestly imploring instant succour.
Brothers Philip de Mewes, Thomas de Burton, and Thomas de Staundon, were advised and earnestly exhorted to abandon their religious profession, who severally replied that they would rather die than do so.
She had gained a good social position; she was not only valued as a singer, but always sought wherever the women of Ghent were earnestly pursuing music and singing.
At the same time he earnestly entreated her to repress her wish to see the sufferer again, and to bear in mind that she could receive no visitor, take no step in this house or in the city, which would not be known in the Golden Cross.
On no account would she have left the capital during this period of decision, and, though her husband earnestly entreated her to go to the springs, whose waters had proved so beneficial, she remained in Brussels.
When, just after Don Luis married her, his Majesty took her young husband away, she entreated me most earnestly to look after him, and I could sometimes be of assistance.
Barbara at that time was very small, but now she had ceased to be a child, and, after she devoted herself earnestly to acquiring the art of singing, the old warrior had undertaken to keep the little chapel in order.
His first errand after the period of severe suffering through which he had passed was to Barbara, earnestly as old Ursel had endeavoured to prevent him.
We settled our indebtedness with everybody, and my father, who had earnestly worked under my supervision along with the others, was very, very happy.
I applied myself as earnestly as I possibly could, and lost no time in getting right down to business.
In the meantime I had become reconciled, and had worked as earnestly as I could to please the instructor in sawmilling.
That I must serve my fellows earnestly and unselfishly was never forgotten.
The Night-School is designed for young men and women who earnestlydesire to educate themselves, but who are too poor to pay even the small charge made in the Day-School.
Anthony, "because you are trying so earnestly to teach your girls other means of livelihood besides sewing, housework, and cooking.
He left the government of the kingdom to the queen, his mother, and earnestly recommended to her the care of his wife and children.
Of many engaged in the labors of this Association, it can be truly said, that no business or commercial house was ever more faithfully and earnestly served, than this charity has been by them.
He entreated me most earnestly not to say a word to his father on the subject, otherwise he would fare still worse.
And we earnestly ask the contributions of those able to give, to help us in carrying forward the work.
Such persons should earnestly strive to share the joys and sorrows of those about them and to make the experiences of others their own.
If you have a tendency to hold aloof, if you are not at your ease with those with whom you happen to be thrown, and find it difficult to enter into friendly relations with them, set yourself earnestly to correct this defect.
To be a faith-inspirer is a privilege we should all earnestly covet.
I plucked my father by the coat, and whispered earnestly in his ear: "Oh!
The candle, a little this way," he said, and stooping over me he lookedearnestly in my face.
This is what I repeat and inculcate, and earnestly recommend to the attentive thoughts of the reader.
I noticed that Belcher whispered very earnestly into Harrison's ear as he rose from his knee, and that the smith nodded his head curtly, with the air of a man who understands and approves of his orders.
The coach-house had in the mean time been cleared; Berks with many curses had staggered at last to his feet, and had gone off in company with two other bruisers, while Jem Belcher alone remained chatting veryearnestly with my uncle.
He shot a mischievous glance at my mother as he spoke, and she laid down her knitting on her lap and looked very earnestly at him.
He soon began to show some symptoms of returning animation, and James earnestly inquired-- "How are ye yet?
King Malcolm, while earnestly regarding the keys, was stabbed by Moubray through the left eye to the brain, and died instantly.
During that period I would earnestly entreat you to repent of the wrongs you have done already, and to entirely reform the constitution of your whole body.
One of these 'chimney sweep' spirits came to me, and begged me earnestly to pray for his admission into heaven.
How is it that you wish us to take earnestly what is nothing but a huge bad joke?
Perhaps she was not strong enough to love so earnestly such a one as Mr. Carr, or else she had such strength as could bear the trial that was given her to bear.
Jack Robinson earnestly advised the faithless man to go home, and help his grandmother, thenceforth, to plant murphies; after which he embarked in his canoe alone, and paddled away into the dreary north.
The Franciscans, animated by pious inspiration, earnestly preached the doctrines of Christ to the wild inhabitants of the distant forests; but they communicated little information to the rest of world.
The doctor whispered to him again more earnestlythan before.
It has never been attributed to you," I returned, earnestly responding to her earnestness.
Em'ly, with her arms around her neck, kneeled by her, looking up most earnestlyinto her face.
She was very earnestly and humbly entreating Miss Murdstone's pardon, which that lady granted, and a perfect reconciliation took place.
The memorandum shows how earnestly he labored for peace at Berlin, at Petersburg, at Vienna, and how all his attempts were baffled by the settled purpose of the German Government to force on war.
In consequence of these betrayals of a heart too faithfully shown and a confidence too earnestly given, Emmy Lou is cautious now, laughter having become a lion in the path and ridicule a bear in the bush.
Alice, seeing her earnestly scrubbing her desk each morning before school and arranging it for the day, laughed in her eyes.
And no wonder that Emmy Lou quite earnestly knew the rules for her prayers.
I never could contrive to ask God for spiritual gifts in the same voice and spirit in which I could ask a human being for objects which I knew he could give me and which I earnestly desired to possess.
I earnestly desire that no trace of that absurd self-pity which is apt to taint recollections of this nature should give falsity to mine.
People hung on at the confines of regeneration, often for a very long time; my Father dealt earnestly with them, the elders ministered to them, with explanation, exhortation and prayer.
It was found that she herself had wished to be a candidate and had earnestly desired to be baptized, but that this had been forbidden by her parents.
I did very earnestlydesire to follow where my Father led.