Hence an endless succession of piques, misunderstandings, and jars between the royal Lady and her imperious Mistress of the Robes.
The telegraph lines and the ocean cables labored with the messages that in endless succession, and burdened with an infinity of detail, were sent all over the earth.
Like the Happy Valley of Rasselas, it was surrounded by the most wild and rugged mountains, which rose in endless succession, one behind another, stretching away in the distance till they resembled a faint blue wave on the horizon.
Immensely tall trunks of trees, gray and leafless, rose up in endless succession as far as the eye could reach.
Skirting along the banks of a small river for a couple of leagues, we then crossed to the opposite side, where hills arose in endless succession, soaring to the clouds in the distance, and where we were destined to pass.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "endless succession" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.