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Example sentences for "chivalrous"

Lexicographically close words:
chitterlings; chiu; chiualrie; chiv; chivalric; chivalrously; chivalry; chives; chivied; chlamys
  1. I would ask the reader, who may be inclined to think that the principal character is too chivalrous and refined for the age, to peruse for himself the tale named the "Great Breach of Murthemney.

  2. On the contrary, his reckless temper, chafing under her unexpected obduracy, now welcomed the opportunity of discarding the disinterested and chivalrous part he had assumed.

  3. She could not urge any dislike to the chivalrous young lord who had honoured her by his preference, and to confess that she had given her heart to one who had never spoken a word of love to her was not to be dreamed of.

  4. His only reason for standing thus long in talk was his chivalrous dread of leaving a maiden alone in the streets of the city.

  5. I tremble at the thought that our own civilized and chivalrous people may at any moment be confronted with this lava flood of savagery and destructiveness.

  6. I appeal to the chivalrous public to boycott that new road.

  7. He felt how chivalrous he was, and superior to that clod Joe--just brushing that small, rough hand with his mouth I Her shrinking ceased suddenly; she seemed to tremble towards him.

  8. All the more chivalrous to escort them to the tram without a hat!

  9. Chivalrous and fearless, he at first lent his genius to Jefferson's administration, but shrunk from the awful consequences of war when it approached.

  10. Such an act was characteristic of Scott, who fierce and fearless in battle, was chivalrous and kind in all his feelings.

  11. His report of that famous battle is so full and complete, and so clearly displays his unselfish and chivalrous nature, that I am confident I cannot do better than to incorporate it as a part of this sketch.

  12. His admirable qualifications for his duties and his pure and chivalrous character were soon recognized and appreciated, and infused new life and spirit into the command.

  13. Tew, who was killed at Sharpsburg; the Fourth by the chivalrous and lamented Brigadier-General George B.

  14. We cheerfully accept the well-merited tribute General Early pays the chivalrous and knightly Ramseur, but it is insisted he is entitled to one still higher.

  15. He was doubtless carried away by a combination, in his probably at this time somewhat excited imagination, of the chivalrous figures of the crusading times with thoughts of the German Knight Templars and other soldierly characters.

  16. It was a chivalrous remark, the offspring of a chivalrous disposition.

  17. He had no inclination to steal, nor much to lie; and he despised "meanness" and stinginess, and had a chivalrous feeling toward little girls.

  18. This last is perhaps a chivalrous concession by the victor to one who continues to put up a game fight.

  19. They are more chivalrous than most of the nations in Europe and more chaste than any.

  20. Though he spoke only a word or two to me, he did a very chivalrous thing; one that needed courage and coolness.

  21. She knew nothing to his advantage except one chivalrous action, and she had not desired to arouse his pity, but he had an honest face and had shown an understanding sympathy which touched her, because she had seldom experienced it.

  22. The solo inheritor of her estate was William Sullivan, the knight of the rosy countenance, who with chivalrous spirit captivated Miss Patty's virgin heart, and gained her lasting favour.

  23. But that chivalrous spirit accepted not a reward so disproportioned to the slight service he had rendered the old lady.

  24. Its principal distinctive excellence consists in the portraiture of the early life of Ignatius as the accomplished, valiant, and Christian knight, whose noble and chivalrous character formed the basis of his future heroic sanctity.

  25. In all the world there was no worthier knight, nor a more chivalrous and gallant gentleman.

  26. So debonair was he and chivalrous that his fame and praise crossed the water, and were noised abroad in his own land.

  27. He became a knight both chivalrous and brave.

  28. In this last great chivalrous war, a war for race and creed and country, all honor is due to the vanquished, who poured out their blood like water for their homes and their religion.

  29. Many stories are told of his chivalrous and gallant conduct, especially towards womanhood, and of the wonderful combination in his character of almost feminine tenderness and sympathy with the roistering vigour of an ancient Viking.

  30. He knew that her love for him was of the fanciful, romantic, high-flown order; and as such, it appealed to every chivalrous instinct within him.

  31. But apparently he was a chivalrous old gentleman, and would not disappoint her.

  32. No wonder that the old Spanish Benedictine, Benito Jeronimo Feijoo, in his chivalrous Defensa de la Mujer, lost all patience with such fantastic theorizers and wrote: "Did I write .

  33. Woe betide the ill-advised misogynist who should venture to declaim against the inferiority of the female sex, or to protest against the honors which an appreciative and a chivalrous age bestowed upon it with so lavish a hand.

  34. But their reproaches provoked a reply from the saint that was worthy of the most chivalrous champion of woman, and revealed, at the same time, all the nobility of soul of the roused "Lion of Bethlehem.

  35. And, lastly, there are the chivalrous Percy Waring and the inscrutable Mrs. Lovell, two gentle ghosts whose proper place is the shadow-land of the American novel.

  36. Life had not given her a fair chance; and she appealed to the chivalrous instinct in men, as well as to their less creditable passions.

  37. The favorite character of the Japanese drama is the otokodaté, the chivalrous champion of the common people who rescues beauty in distress from the lawless, bullying, two-sworded men.

  38. The more chivalrous the man the more helpless very often.

  39. She had determined to thank him for the words spoken at Kofn Ford, and to show him how entirely she comprehended their chivalrous intention.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chivalrous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.