It was not every knightly general in those days who would have accepted the task, even with direct orders, of marching to the sack of Rome, and the open defiance of its sacred ruler.
The maddest imaginings of the poets, the most fantastic tales of knightly wanderings and successes, seem slight beside the exploits of these daring, dauntless, heartless cavaliers of Spain.
She belongs, through both parents, to a family of knightly lineage, entitled to bear a coat-of-arms and appear in the lists at tournaments.
She had looked up to him as to a mountain peak whose jagged summit touched the sky when her father and others had related his knightly deeds, his victories over the most powerful foes, and his peerless statesmanship.
While he yet struggled, there rode up Sir Owain who had followed in hot haste from the court; and when he saw the fallen knight, he was amazed that a mere lad, unarmed and unskilled in knightly exercises, should thus have prevailed.
So the King sent his knights to Leodegrance, to ask of him his daughter; and Leodegrance consented, rejoicing to wed her to so good and knightly a King.
Never again, from that time forth, had Geraint a doubt of the love and truth of Enid; and never from that time had she to mourn that he seemed to set small store by his knightly fame.
There Tristram learnt all knightly exercises, so that there was none could equal him as harper or hunter; and after seven years, being by then a youth of nineteen, he returned to his own land of Liones.
Now this knight was Sir Pellinore, and at that time he had not his equal for strength and knightly skill, nor had any been found that might stand against him.
No knightly deed had he ever done, and he hated to hear the good report of others because he himself was a coward and envious.
Then Sir Gawain related how two stranger knights, bearing white shields, had won great glory, and in especial one, who wore in his helm a crimson sleeve, had surpassed all others in knightly prowess.
Then the holy man gave Sir Launcelot good counsel and made him rest there that night; and the next day he gave him a horse, a sword and a helmet, and bade him go forth and bear himself knightly as the servant of God.
Then all men knew that it was Sir Launcelot, come knightly to rescue the Queen, and in their hearts they rejoiced.
Gustavus is now in the old palace--thus far his theatre has been daily rising, from the subterranean cell to a knightly manor, thence to a military academy, and finally to a princely castle.
And so finely was all this presented that at the end of it you felt but a conventional sympathy for the unfortunate John, while Gelert remained in the mind as a mixed, but on the whole a knightly character.
There was once a poor young knight, and he went out into the world, to seek adventures and do knightly deeds.
Rodrigo felt too deeply the force of his wrongs and sufferings to have any heart to bandy words with him; he had come to demand satisfaction, and, by his knightly honour, the Conde could not refuse.
Ere long, however, they had to contend with a more formidable foe than the knightly sheriff.
His early education, like that of most of the noble cavaliers who came forward before the improvements introduced under Isabella, was taken up with knightly exercises, more than intellectual accomplishments.
He and Cuthbert would gladly have ridden forth together upon some knightly quest; but the days for such things had gone by, as both recognized with a sigh.
She now reached the lower landing and with a graceful movement turned toward her husband, who welcomed her with knightly courtesy.
We wandered for three hours among the chambers and crypts and dungeons of the fortress, and trod where the mailed heels of many a knightly Crusader had rang, and where Phenician heroes had walked ages before them.
Pat thy steed and turn him free, Knightly Rider of the Knee!
Sit thy charger as a throne-- Lash him with thy laugh alone: Sting him only with the spur Of such wit as may occur, Knightly Rider of the Knee, In thy shriek of ecstasy.
Illustration: The Happy Little Cripple--Tailpiece] THE RIDER OF THE KNEE Knightly Rider of the Knee Of Proud-prancing Unclery!
Towards his equals and superiors in rank he bore himself with a knightly chivalry that at once commanded respect and confidence.
I was greatly impressed with his invariable courtesy of manner and great amiability and kindness of heart, to which was added a knightly bearing and cordiality of greeting which, combined, made Gen.
In this incident we have a beautiful and touching illustration of the strength and warmth of brotherly love and of the knightly bearing of the Lees of Virginia.
As so she passed adown the meads, A gentle childe in knightly weeds Cried: "Fair one, wait!
Especially the Germans, representing an outlying civilization, would send their sons, while still boys, to some French court to serve as pages and acquire especially the language as well as other branches of knightly culture.
His new master was a knightly gentleman, professedly a lady-servant, and the lessons that Ulrich had caught as a child from the conversation in his father's hall were reinforced by this Margrave Henry.
He was of a knightly family, though poor, and much of his life was spent at the courts of several German princes and emperors.
Our liveliest pictures of old German peasantry come, as we should expect, from a singer of theknightly class.
Sometimes the knightly guest entered into the gay interlude of conversation, entertaining a merry screaming group.
Just as we have seen Walther and Ulrich bewailing the lost sunshine of chivalry, Wernher laments that the old-time honesty has gone, and with it the knightly light-hearted honorable joys.
His head was covered with a small bonnet, or velvet cap, ornamented by a single long white feather, showing that he had not yet reached knightly rank; and round it curled in large masses his glossy dark-brown hair.
But the only force in presence consisted of some six or seven hundred armed peasantry, headed by about six score men-at-arms, with three or four gentlemen apparently of knightly rank.
Every tone had been knightly and generous while he stayed in the chateau; but no results had followed.
You have not defiled knightly rank; you have not degraded noble birth; you have not violated all that should keep men honest and true.
At the very last that was fought between any two gentlemen of rank and station, I was judge of the field, and know right well what appertains to knightly combat.
Then I will have your knightly word, that a fair maiden whom you know, named Ella Brune, shall be mine.
He was the eldest son of a family of some distinction, and his father, Berenger, was determined to give his son an education in keeping with his own knightly rank.
Love so overmastered Tristan that he was false to his knightly vows, false to the trust imposed, and yet happy in his guilty love for the betrothed of King Mark.
In 1314 he was already able to wear knightly panoply of war, and in the following year he accompanied the royal army in an aimless expedition to Flanders, while his mother stayed at home and had prayers recited for the safety of her son.
For the weak and the fallen there is little of pity; a word as some brave knight falls, a word of the sorrow of those dependent upon him, and on we go to fresh fields, fresh knightly exploits and pageants.
We have seen in the case of the troubadours something of the nature of the extravagant amorous devotion avowed for his lady by the knightly poet.
The troubadour himself must go in knightly panoply, and he and his musicians or jongleurs were usually provided with rich clothing.
Thibaud was of a gallant temperament, priding himself upon his knightly accomplishments, but not less upon his talent as a poet; for he was one of those imitators of the troubadours whom we might almost class with the troubadours themselves.
Knightly orders continued to be founded, but they were the amusements of dilettanti in honor and ancient custom.
And the young Ferdinand, of whose personal beauty and knightly accomplishments we hear much, manifested also excellent qualities of disposition and intelligence.
And mere fighting, in whatever cause, so it were bravely and knightly done, was the most honoured and noblest profession of that day.
Breckinridge was the idol of Kentucky, a knightly man in every respect.
Breckinridge, as knightlyand courteous as ever; then there were Colonel Humphrey Marshall, John H.
Knightly blood, customs, and manners linger yet in the "dolce far niente" of this unwaked paradise of the Occident.
He will not own that Philip Sheridan's knightly sword might have reached the crest of the unconquered Stonewall Jackson.
They were decorated in knightly fashion with silver lace.
The Greek tragedy, the monkish legend, the knightly romance, each has ruled its own period.
At the name alone of that knightlyman the Polish land has taken another form, another spirit has begun to govern the heart of the dweller in an oppressed country.
Nor is there wanting a touch of that wild and romantic spirit of knightly adventure which runs all through the history of a country that for centuries defended Christendom against Turk and Tartar.
The admission of the candidate was in the nature of a semi-chivalrous and national function, bearing the stamp of the knightly and romantic traditions of Poland.
He lifted the cup high in his right hand with a knightly and courtly gesture.
The knightly part of the great muster had already gone back to their tents and lodgings.