It was the sound of horses' feet knocking up through splashy ground, as if the bottom sucked them.
On my offering him the fly a second time he made a big splashy rise; I struck, and was in him.
After a long, splashy fight in the pool I got on terms with him, and he began to flounder, and then I could see I had the light-coloured fish on.
The meadows were a bit splashy of course, but the water never got anywhere near the house.
About this time we were in the grip of the first rapid, a long splashy one, with no danger whatever, but large enough to keep us busy until we had passed from view.
We also saw some jumping trout in a splashy little rapid.
We encountered two splashy little rapids this day, but with no rocks, or any dangerous feature whatever.
As to the actual dive down of the moor-hen, whenever I have seen it it has always been a sudden duck, sometimes in a rather splashy and disordered manner, but whether the wings were ever thrown partly open I am not able to say.