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Example sentences for "caballero"

Lexicographically close words:
cabala; cabalistic; cabalistical; caball; caballeria; caballeros; caballing; caballo; caballos; cabals
  1. At last, as we turned our steps towards where the girl lay, he said, "Is it possible that you are the caballero we parted with before sunset?

  2. A Caballero rich as that should give her a necklace of real pearls," said another.

  3. The high and mighty caballero may smoke his cigar, or take his siesta, like the rest of his lazy nation; I'll not disturb him, though his nap should last till the Moors come again!

  4. The lady would look on Alcala no longer as the drudging clerk, serving a foreign heretic, but as the chivalrous caballero of Andalusia, valiant as ever was knight who couched lance against the Moors in the time of Queen Isabella.

  5. Fever will probably ensue; let some one sit up with the caballero during the night.

  6. The judge will find the caballero guilty, of course--for the folk at the court want such as he out of the way; then he'll be shipped off to Cuba to work on the plantations.

  7. Donna Inez doubtless comes to entreat my intercession for the caballero her brother," said the governor's daughter.

  8. I who have been for nigh sixty years in the service of the illustrious caballero Don Pedro de Aguilera, his son, and his grandson besides!

  9. It is well that your illustrious brother is not here to see your weakness; it would make the caballero blush for his sister!

  10. They are natural enemies of the caballero who dares to do for honour what they are trained to do for gold.

  11. I guess there's many a one of the whining beggars that beset one in the Calle de los Sierpes, that fares better than the caballero Don Aguilera.

  12. In a tone of irritation Teresa replied that the illustrious caballero was not in the house.

  13. To think of his ordering off to prison a caballero like Don Alcala de Aguilera!

  14. The caballero came in and out at his pleasure: he might be spending the evening at the governor's palace, he might not be home till midnight.

  15. In prose, Fernan Caballero was a fertile novelist and an attentive and accurate painter of manner.

  16. Don Roberto had been a handsome caballero in his youth, but his face, like that of most Californians, had coarsened as it receded from its prime.

  17. He had been an eloquent caballero in his youth, but had grown to be as careful of words as of investments.

  18. At the end of a week Prince had the remnant of the band surrounded in a mountain park close to Caballero Cañon.

  19. His posses were to sweep the country between Saco de Oro Creek and Caballero Cañon.

  20. He wanted to make sure they had not slipped past his guards into Caballero Cañon.

  21. Then I see not why I should send for the property which is truly no longer mine, nor for my brother who will amuse himself after the fashion of his country in the company of so honorable a caballero as yourself?

  22. Caballero has a Spanish story (see Ingram, "Dame Fortune and Don Money").

  23. Here and there a caballero dashed up and down to show his horsemanship and the silver and embroidered silk of his saddle.

  24. A moment later Reinaldo and Prudencia appeared, the former as splendid a caballero as ever, although wearing the chastened air of matrimony, the latter pre-maternally consequential.

  25. A caballero serenaded his lady at midnight in Monterey.

  26. Now and again a girl swept the strings of a guitar or a caballero sang.

  27. Thus equipped, the [Pg174] caballero snaps his fingers at all the hotels garnis of the universe, and is perfectly independent in every movement.

  28. In Durango, during my sojourn there, a well dressed caballero was frequently in the habit of entering our meson, whom mine host soon pointed out to me as a notorious brigand.

  29. So lovely was she that many a caballero had already sung at her grating, but she would listen to none of them.

  30. But I am a caballero of Aragon, Don Sancho Penelosa, and, though I be no king, I am yet ready to pay a fitting price for my ransom.

  31. Furious, the steer turned and charged resentfully at the caballero who was following him and shouting taunts.

  32. Since I have found one better than I, Don Andres shall keep the medalla until I or some other caballero has won it fairly.

  33. But is it not your boast that the Señor Allen is the supreme caballero of California?

  34. One can scarcely find a Spanish romance that is not rich in reference to the Moor, who is usually alluded to as a caballero and a worthy foe.

  35. And one of the other girls say: 'It is the handsome caballero with the little black moustache and sad white face that I have seen in the garden that make this.

  36. And when the other young girl have tell to him how the caballero look, he say: 'The saints save us!

  37. No, the ladies that the caballero had seen had not been to mass!

  38. There is not one caballero here, but myself.

  39. But I do not see the caballero to whom we have incurred so great an obligation.

  40. When a man carries on a large business, as I do, the acquaintance of a caballero so distinguished as you appear to be can only be most advantageous.

  41. But remember, Kidd, that if it has pleased this Caballero to forget your offences, I have not pardoned them.

  42. A caballero never breaks his pledged word.

  43. Show this caballero out," the senator said.

  44. What has happened between this caballero and yourself?

  45. This appointment was an arbitrary act, which the Spanish government refused to confirm, and therefore Espinar's political life was cut short almost at its inception, and General Caballero de Rodas became Captain-General of the island.

  46. Cubans, I await you, and the undeserved consideration shown to me by the first authority of Cuba which fortunately is held by Senor Don Antonio Caballero de Rodas I offer to use in your behalf.

  47. This caballero will do me the honour to breakfast with me.

  48. And she, being an orphan, dwelt with her uncle, this priest: who was named Don Juan de Nava and was a person of rank, being a caballero of the orders of Santiago and Calatrava.

  49. He was a caballero of the Order of Santiago--some say that he wore also the habit of Calatrava--and the colonel of the regiment of the Tres Villas.

  50. I have given the caballero a gaspacho, and if he will wait till Antonio arrives he shall have a puchero in addition, and a grilled tomato.

  51. Verdaderamente, Senor," replied the guerrillero, recognizing from Jack's tone that he had a caballero to deal with.

  52. Is the caballero himself the allied army?

  53. Fernan Caballero gathered up these flowers of speech as they fell from the lips of the common man, and wove them into her tales.

  54. Unlike her illustrious compeers, Fernan Caballero did not grow up amid the scenes she drew.

  55. Fernan Caballero began to publish when past fifty, attained instant success, and never again reached the high level of her first book.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caballero" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bachelor; banneret; baronet; beau; caballero; cavalier; companion; cowboy; cowpuncher; equestrian; fellow; flame; gallant; gaucho; horseman; jockey; knight; man; philanderer; puncher; rider; seducer; squire; swain; vaquero