The front door opened and slammed shut, the newcomerdropping into the nearest chair.
Then he laughed and slapped the newcomer on the shoulder: "Hullo, Ace, my boy!
The Cub turned to see who the newcomer was and thereupon transferred his glare to the smiling puncher.
Each newcomeremerged from it, his Sunday hat and coat powdered as thickly as the wayside weeds.
The newcomer was a fat, wheezy woman, spattered with mud from the hem of her skirt to the crown of her big crape bonnet, which had tipped on one side with the jolting of the wagon.
Roberts looked up a little surprisedly, but a few words from Fields explained the situation, and the newcomer turned to Roger quite affably.
Now if Mr. Cibber thought to find in thenewcomer an ally of the past in its indiscriminate attack upon the present, he was much mistaken; for the old actress made onslaught on this nonsense at once.
Herbert, shrinking back as the newcomerturned toward him.
Mammy explained, amid the good-natured laughter of the older children, that the newcomer had no teeth and couldn't eat anything but milk.
Within a few hours a newcomer is usually accepted, and thenceforth he huddles with other members of the group when at rest, and hostility is rarely evident.
Voles that have been kept in containers for periods of hours or days tend to be more hostile and aggressive toward a newcomer than are those newly introduced.
At first, each vole is intimidated by movements of the other, and as a result, the original occupants huddle in their established corner while the newcomer cowers in the most remote part of the container.
After series of meetings resulting from the exploratory behavior of the newcomer and the curiosity or normal activity of those longer confined, hostility gradually subsides.
The newcomer wore motor-cycling togs and was hatless.
With easy deliberateness the newcomer unwound the scarf from his neck and opened his great-coat, but removed neither.
The newcomer stopped short, holding up the light between us and his face.
The newcomerwas dressed in a suit of gray cloth, much worn and badly cut, the coat collar, by reason of the misfit, being hunched up under his hair.
The residents, from the officials down, return their cards, and the visitor or newcomerreceives invitations to social functions.
Sometimes the newcomer sends out cards for several days in a month, to those with whom she would like to become acquainted.
He now took hold of the child's clothes, the dog readily yielding up the treasure he had carried, seeing that the newcomer was likely to afford better assistance than himself.
The men in the room regarded the newcomer with frank stares of curiosity.
The newcomer had herself got into bed, where she lay with a quantity of red hair tossed about on the pillow, and a heavy freckled face turned upward, with the eyes shut and the mouth slightly open.
Cecil Temple, who had been arranging a small dark green table-cloth with daffodils worked artistically in each corner on her little table, stood up as the newcomer uttered these words, and regarded her fixedly.
The newcomer had curled herself up comfortably in her bed.
Billy Porter stared at the newcomerand dropped his soup-spoon with a splash.
As the newcomer drew nearer they saw that she was erect and lithe, slender but full-chested and that her face-- "Rhoda!
Notwithstanding his distraction of mind the newcomer smiled somewhat wanly at the impetuosity of the other.
The newcomer was the author of the play, named Offutt; his age was less than thirty; and his manner was cheerful, as befitting an author who is less than thirty and has placed a play with an established firm.
The newcomerwas the same man who had followed them so recently.
The German lieutenant gazed at this newcomer threateningly, then a look of the greatest astonishment passed over his face.
It was a scene that might have puzzled a newcomer to the frontiers of space.
The raider so far showed as a newcomer to the frontiers of space; he was one who as yet had never faced the Hawk, one to whom the tales that were told of him seemed laughable, to whom the rich consignment of horn looked like a gift.
There was scarcely an empty table; and many of the women being in hats and semi-evening dress, the red and gold restaurant suggested to the newcomer a living picture of Paris.
That a newcomer should set herself contrary to a custom that had always been honored at the Hall, was considered unpardonable.
The former purposed to take an active part in whatever was done to the newcomer because she believed she could influence the more thoughtless girls to the extent that nothing very harsh would be done to Rhoda.