Where to the ignoramus all things look alike, and life is just one thing after another, to the specialist things are highly individual.
The countryman in the crowded street, the landlubber at sea, the ignoramus in sport at a contest between experts in a complicated game, are further instances.
This bore the title of The Case and Argument against Sir Ignoramus of Cambridge.
But we found his Eminence a very ignoramus in ecclesiastical polity.
You can have no idea of such an ignoramus of an architect--a downright numskull, incapable even of tracing a plan.
The reason, an ignoramus will say, is because I wish it.
Let the reader remember that he was not an ignoramus in mathematics: he might have won his spurs if he could have first served as an esquire.
I gave only a glance at the rest: I found I was either knave or fool, with a leaning to the second opinion; and I came away satisfied that my critic was either ignoramus or novice, with a leaning to the first.
Let ignoramus juries find no traitors[3], And ignoramus poets scribble satires.
You were quite right in your contention," said the Inquisitor, "but yet every truth is not good to utter, and it was wrong to call the man an ignoramus in his presence.
He knew that a despised ignoramusbecomes an enemy, and Haller wished to be loved.
All were curios of value, or else beauty, for he was no ignoramus in his madness.
This is what Mr. Ralph means when he says Field was no ignoramus in his madness.
In his fourteenth year the supposed unlettered Israel was appointed caretaker in the Beth-Hamidrash, where the scholars considered him the proverbialignoramus who "spells Noah with seven mistakes.
Well, thank Heaven, thou wilt never discover who and where this ignoramus of an Israel is.
Look thou, sister mine, I give thee the alternative--either divorce this ignoramus or let me buy thee a horse and cart and send you both packing from the place.
The Honest Ignoramus strays into the next box, shedding some of his honesty by the way.
He will find my colleague, Quicherat, or some other professor at the school, to show him what an ignoramus he is.
It went even so far as to confuse the scholar and the ignoramus in the same burst of praise.
He believed in the page, and did not want to give up his idea; but he didn't know a man to hand it to other than this untrained, eager ignoramus whom he had a queer personal liking for.
If you hadn't of took me in the Alexanderses would of, and then I wouldn't of been kep' out of school and growed up a ignoramus like you is.
They intrusted me, because I never had been use to looking at so many niggers.
I was thinking, if all them tales wasn't jest dern foolishness, how I wisht I would really find a dad that was a high-muckymuck and could come back in an automobile and take her away.
Sam, he had lived in town five or six years, and he looked down on all these here ignoramus country niggers.
The ignoramus who organized this equally absurd and impossible experiment!
Now pray do not forget that you see before you a perfect ignoramus whose ignorance goes so far that he cannot even understand the difficulties!
Of course, if you can see them, it will be better than the imperfect copying of an ignoramus in music like me.
Is it worth while talking about an ignoramus and a savage, who wishes to remain an ignoramus and a savage, and does not conceal the fact?
A Dialogue betwixt the Devil and the Ignoramus Doctor.
When you know a little more law you won't be ignoramus enough to come into a public hearing and try to break it up.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ignoramus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.