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Example sentences for "deteriorate"

Lexicographically close words:
detent; detention; detentions; deter; detergent; deteriorated; deteriorates; deteriorating; deterioration; determinable
  1. Do not expose them while in flower to the mid-day sun, for it will deteriorate the fine colour.

  2. Some of the earliest blooming kinds of these will now begin to flower, and the sun will greatly deteriorate their rich colours where they are near the glass with a south aspect.

  3. Menstruation during nursing is more likely to weaken the mother, and consequently to deteriorate her milk, and thus make it less sweet and less pure.

  4. As long as children are the accidents of lust instead of the premeditated objects of love, so long will the offspring deteriorate and the world be cursed with deformities, monstrosities, unhumanities and cranks.

  5. If it were going to deteriorate it would have begun by now.

  6. Will this negative deteriorate as time goes on?

  7. He had a good, swaggering military figure to which uniform was becoming, and a kind of animal good looks which would deteriorate early.

  8. When fowls are intended for the table worms should not be given, as they are said always more or less to deteriorate the flavour of the flesh.

  9. If a cock and hen have both the same defect, however trifling it may be, they should never be allowed to breed together, for the object is to improve the breed, not to deteriorate it, even in the slightest degree.

  10. My passion for that sprightly dame and her gracious acceptance of it were happily not to deteriorate under the regard of any possible daughter, however egregiously might we flaunt to her trained eye our need to be "finished.

  11. As to the damage suit, Westley found it unthinkable that Potts could deteriorate ten thousand dollars worth and still walk the earth.

  12. Strong acids, alkalies, and organic solvents may deteriorate and decompose rubber articles.

  13. Effects of Biological Weapons Biological warfare is the intentional use, by an enemy, of live agents or toxins to cause death and disease among personnel, animals, and plants, or to deteriorate materiel.

  14. Yet this is the argument of those who would wish us to prohibit the importation of corn, because it will deteriorate or annihilate that part of the capital of the farmer which is for ever sunk in land.

  15. Who, under such circumstances, would exhort him to forego the use of the better machinery, because it would deteriorate or annihilate the value of the old?

  16. The last two movements--Marche miniature and Gavotte--deteriorate so distinctly into a mere pattern of sounds, that it is impossible to derive from them any real artistic enjoyment.

  17. They deteriorate less, however, if they are covered with earth or sand.

  18. In time the strongest characters deteriorate with inferior associates and only small interests to occupy their minds.

  19. Without constant watchfulness and foresight, without constant efforts in improvements and repairs, almost every form of realized property will rapidly deteriorate and become unproductive.

  20. The process of keeping up a stock of tools of trade is unlike the process of keeping intact a stock of materials and unfinished goods, because the modes in which the two kinds of capital goods deteriorate and perish are unlike.

  21. Walls, roadways, bridges, and buildings slowly deteriorate till the time comes when for productive purposes their room is worth more than their company.

  22. When goods deteriorate as they grow older, users have to buy new ones often if they are not willing to use those which are worn out and inferior.

  23. Do they disturb the brain when they come in contact with its substance; and deteriorate it if the contact be long continued?

  24. It is worth trying whether the finer sorts that deteriorate by keeping, might not, after being sliced and dried in the sun, become articles of export, either in that state or when ground to meal.

  25. Madder does not deteriorate by keeping, provided it be kept dry.

  26. A maximum speed of 12 miles an hour is quite sufficient for city streets; and with careful treatment the batteries can be very economically used and will not deteriorate nearly so rapidly as they would under tramway conditions.

  27. The sense of affection and moral responsibility, duty to family and friends deteriorate and vanish.

  28. I consider that cigarette-smoking is the greatest vice devastating humanity to-day, because it is doing more than any other vice to deteriorate the race.

  29. Tradition had its value when it did not deteriorate into superstition, into the mechanical, automatic transmission characteristic of the mediaeval Church, for the very suggestion of which Peter had rebuked Simon in Samaria.

  30. To go back to the Middle Ages would be to deteriorate and degenerate.

  31. So that there are sexual ante-natal influences which may deteriorate the quality of the progeny.

  32. They are turned out fresh, as wanted, which is important, as all such preparations, no matter how carefully made and put up, deteriorate with age.

  33. Any depression in the lean animal will give a deficient deposit of flesh and fat at that point, when sold to the butcher, and thus deteriorate its value; and hence the animal must be round and full.

  34. We may not be able to explain why servile imitation of nature degrades art and degrades woman, but both deteriorate without an ideal so high that there is no earthly model for it.

  35. Much is expected of them, but time after time they deteriorate in a disappointing way and are lost to sight.

  36. Plants that are reproduced asexually often appear to deteriorate after a few generations unless a sexual generation is introduced.

  37. Experience has proved the remarkable fact that English workmen deteriorate in Siberia.

  38. Formerly Madeira was the vinous panacea, until the increased demand induced disreputable traders to deteriorate the article, which in the reaction became dishonoured.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deteriorate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aggravate; alter; ameliorate; amplify; annoy; augment; break; change; checker; chop; damage; decay; decline; deepen; degenerate; deteriorate; deviate; diverge; diversify; droop; embitter; enhance; enlarge; erode; fade; fail; fall; flag; flop; harm; heighten; hurt; impair; improve; increase; injure; intensify; irritate; jibe; languish; lapse; magnify; meliorate; mitigate; modulate; provoke; putrefy; regress; relapse; retrograde; revive; seed; sharpen; shift; sicken; sink; slacken; slip; sour; stagnate; suffer; swerve; tack; turn; vary; veer; warp; weaken; worsen