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Example sentences for "large size"

  • The Japanese walnuts generally grow fast but usually do not attain a large size.

  • A systematic and thorough search of the United States and Canada for productive trees yielding nuts of large size, of good cracking and extraction quality and pleasing flavor.

  • These courts were all paved either with baked bricks of large size, or with stone slabs, which were frequently patterned.

  • The pavement consisted in part of stone slabs, part of kiln-dried bricks of a large size, often as much as two feet square.

  • It was of a large size, and singular form; its wings short, like those of an ostrich, and wholly incapable of sustaining its heavy body, even for a short flight.

  • They live in houses built of wood, that are generally of large size, and frequently contain as many as one hundred persons.

  • The forests of Mindanao contain a great variety of trees, some of which are of large size, rising to the height of one hundred and and one hundred and fifty feet.

  • The French transferred the fregate of the Mediterranean to the northern shore of their country, and constructed it with bluffer bows and of a large size, to contend with the heavy seas of a northern region.

  • The scrub growth is totally distinct from forest growth, which will be described later, in that the bulk of the timber growing in it, much of which is of large size, is of a soft nature, and once cut down soon rots away.

  • The tree is healthy, grows rapidly and to a large size.

  • They are of large size, and conspicuous for their fine colour.

  • The mango grows to a large size here, even when comparatively young.

  • That it reaches a large size is proved by the capture of the fish alluded to above, which weighed 15lb.

  • The Dolly Varden is a greyish-coloured fish with light salmon-coloured spots of rather a large size.

  • Their huipilis are among the most striking we have seen, being made of native cotton, decorated with elaborate embroidered patterns of large size, in pink or red.

  • On every church and farm-house of large size, straight lines of little bonfires were built along the edges of the roof.

  • I have generally found them to prefer tamarinds of large size.

  • I have never heard of their attacking men, but few four-footed beasts, even of large size, escape them.

  • Jerdon states that it is common in the fort of Madras, where he killed many, some of large size.

  • These are frugivorous bats of large size, differing, as remarked by Jerdon, so much in their dentition from the insectivorous species that they seem to lead through the flying Lemurs (Colugos) directly to the Quadrumana.

  • Do you know of any individual trees of the above mentioned kinds that are superior because of large size of nuts, excellent flavour of kernel, thin shells, rapid growth or high yields?

  • It grows to a large size, sometimes reaching a height of one hundred feet and a diameter of five feet at the base.

  • The tree grows to a large size, sometimes attaining a height of 90 feet and a trunk diameter of 5 feet.

  • The upper surface of these insects is very striking and showy, as they are of a large size, and are adorned with a broad band of rich orange on a deep bluish ground.

  • Shortly afterwards the trout began again to take bait, and we caught several of large size.

  • As soon as we entered the clear green water off Cape Bathurst, we perceived a strong flood tide setting against us, and saw several white whales, and some black ones of a large size, but of a species unknown to Ooligbuck.

  • The bed of this rivulet presents accumulations of boulders of large size, arranged so as to form two terraces, the upper of which is considerably above the highest level either of the rivulet, or of Bear Lake River.

  • Japanese maple (Acer polymorphum) It has several varieties of different hues and it colors beautifully in the fall; it does not grow to large size.

  • Form and size: The tree grows in an irregular form to large size, with its branches rather slender as compared with the white oak and with a more open and narrow crown.

  • It grows to a large size in Colorado and the Middle West.

  • Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) Popular for its beautiful white flowers in the early spring and the rich coloring of its leaves in the fall; does not grow to large size.

  • Many vases of this period, especially those of large size, were expressly designed for funeral purposes.

  • For producing pointed flames the finer jet of the air-tube must be used, but when a highly oxidising flame of large size is required it must be removed.

  • For producing a flame of large size, rich in air (Fig.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "large size" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    great development; large amount; large amounts; large areas; large bowl; large characters; large enough; large forest; large herd; large income; large increase; large meeting; large part; large party; large piece; large pieces; large plantation; large portion; large stock; largely subsistence; larger force; larger growth; larger work; largest producer; outward things; put them