Lactic acid also, in from ten to twenty-five parts of water, has yielded no better results in my hands.
A solution of hyposulphite of soda, or lactic acid, given just before the process of tanning is said to remove the grease, although a slight loss results in the case of those leathers sold by weight.
A quick and effective method of deliming is to treat the skins in a weak solution of lactic acid.
The greatest if not the latest novelty in dairying in the last decade of the 19th century was the isolation of lactic acid bacilli, their cultivation in a suitable medium, and their employment in cream preparatory to churning.
Lactic acid, applied with one to ten or more parts of water is also of value in the sclerous and verrucous types.
Lactic acid, with one to several parts of water, applied once or twice daily, acts in a similar manner.
A number of workers have separated organisms, having a lactic acid effect, which diverge considerably from the orthodox type of lactic acid bacillus.
Milk is curdled solid in from twenty-four to forty-eight hours, and a large amount of lactic acid produced.
The process set up by the lactic ferment is simply a decomposition, an exact division of one molecule of sugar into two molecules of lactic acid, there being neither oxidation nor hydration.
The most generally accepted view at the present time is that the physiological action of meconic acid is similar to that of lactic acid--viz.
Their formation is closely connected with that of lactic acid, and they are rarely tested for.
This meal does not contain lactic acid, and is usually given when detection of lactic acid is important, as in suspected gastric cancer.
Lactic acid is the most common, and is taken as the type of the organic acids which appear in the stomach-contents.
Lactose buttermilk or lactic acid milk is used in the feeding of infants who have persistent green stools, and in cases of acute toxic diarrhea brought about through the action of gas bacillus.
The substitution of different milk, such as lactic acid milk, Bulgarian culture buttermilk, Eiweissmilch, cream and whey mixtures, as the individual needs of the infant demand.
In the buttermilk mixtures the precipitation of the casein is brought about by lactic acid bacilli (Bulgarian culture).
The affinity of these minerals for lactic acid is stronger than for phosphoric acid; so they let go of the latter and unite with the lactic acid, forming lactates and leaving the phosphoric acid free.
We think both propositions look reasonable, and we should like to see a series of scientific experiments made to determine both the effects of oxygen and the effects of lactic acid on the butter product of cream.
We, however, prefer the sweet, delicate flavor of cream butter, free from caseine or lactic acid.
Defn: Pertaining to, or designating, an amido acid related to lactic acid, and called also amido-propionic acid.
In this change the milk sugar, before assuming the form of lactic acid, presumably passes through the stage of glucose.
The product of the above formulae is a solution of lactic acid.
Lactic acid is by no means an unimportant constituent of the human organism.
This is lactic acid, which has lost half (1 equiv.
Lactic acid may be given in doses of one or two teaspoonfuls, similarly diluted.
In such cases hydrochloric acid and lactic acid are useful.
Lactic acid is used in no large quantity, although it is of some value as a medicine and in the arts.
The manufacture of lactic acid is an industry of less extent than that of acetic acid, and yet it is one which has some considerable commercial importance.
At the present time the only method we have for the manufacture of lactic acid is dependent upon bacteria.
Thus in clarifying an alkaline gelatine sol, hydrochloric or sulphuric acid is to be preferred to acetic or lactic acid.
First the enzyme cerealin converts bran starch into glucose, which is then fermented by the drench bacteria with the production of lactic acid, some acetic acid and small amounts of formic and butyric acids.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lactic acid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.