Armstrong says that in almost all cases at the time of the menopause the amount of urine passed is below normal, the specific gravity is increased, and that the urine contains urates and almost always uric acid in excess.
In either case the manifestation of the disease indicates an excess of uric acid in the system, and a diet becomes a necessity.
Garrod's test of subjecting the serum of the blood to a search for uric acid (thread-test).
The latter is far more nutritious, and is free from the uric acid and excrementitious matter that are present in meat decoctions.
MEAT AND URIC ACID In the thorough investigation that Dr.
On the other hand, it has been found that any appreciable excess of protein or nitrogen results in both uric acid secretion and increased blood-pressure, meaning, in all probability, finally fatal strain on the organism.
Uric acid, the chlorides, and, more markedly, aromatic sulphates are reduced in quantity.
It is generally accompanied by an excess of uric acid in the blood, and a deposit of urate of soda about the affected joint.
The liver also changes the waste and surplus albuminous matter into bile, and into urea and uric acid--the forms in which nitrogenized waste is excreted by the kidneys.
The formation of murexide is used as a test for the presence of uric acid, which on evaporation with dilute nitric acid gives alloxantin, and by the addition of ammonia to the residue the purple red colour of murexide becomes apparent.
Methyl and dimethylalloxans are also known, the former being obtained on oxidation of methyluric acid, and the latter on oxidation of caffeine (q.
They tend to produce an excess of acids, are very prone to putrefaction, and contain "purins" which lead to the production of uric acid.
The Effect of Alcohol and Alcoholic Fluids Upon the Excretion of Uric Acid in Man, Amer.
Purins, in flesh food, leading to production of uric acid, 39; found in some vegetable foods, 40.
This, together with the fact that uric acid is frequently deposited as crystals, constitutes its chief interest to the practitioner.
Upon addition of acetic acid they dissolve, and rhombic plates of uric acid appear.
Uric acid is the most important of a group of substances, called purin bodies, which are derived chiefly from the nucleins of the food and from metabolic destruction of the nuclei of the body.
The figure in the right-hand column of figures corresponding to the top of the fluid gives the amount of uric acid in parts per thousand.
The chief organic constituents are urea and uric acid.
Factors which favor an early deposit are high acidity, diminished urinary pigments, and excessive excretion ofuric acid.
This amount may be regarded as uric acid, since this substance usually constitutes nine-tenths of the purin bodies and the clinical significance is the same.
Pathologically, the greatest increase of uric acid occurs {68} in leukemia, where there is extensive destruction of leukocytes, and in diseases with active destruction of the liver and other organs rich in nuclei.
Uric acid is decreased before an attack of gout and increased afterward, but its etiologic relation is still uncertain.
When treated with hydrochloric or acetic acid they slowly dissolve and rhombic crystals of uric acid appear.
Rhombohedral or hexagonal crystals, containing uric acid, form in the cells and become plentiful in old tissue.
They contain uric acid, and probably consist of urate of soda.
This is generally associated with the uric acid states which so often result from school strain.
These may arise from irritation by uric acid of the mouth of the bladder in boys, or of the vagina and bladder in girls.
These often coincide with the uricacid tendency to express itself in "storms," like other periodical phenomena of the nervous system.
This nerve-strain interference with the purifying work of the kidneys leads to increased strain on the liver and other glands, whence result migraine, the uric acid states, rheumatisms, and the other perversions of nutrition.
The uric acid or gouty states, for example, are, as Fothergill long ago pointed out, assumptions by mammalian organs of the functions of those of birds and reptiles.
Calculi are frequently found in the kidney, consisting usually of uric acid, sometimes of oxalates, more rarely of phosphates.
Calculi are usually formed in the pelvis of the kidney, and their formation is dependent either on the excessive amounts of uric acid, oxalic acid, &c.
This quantity usually holds in solution about one ounce of urea, and ten or twelve grains of uric acid.
Sediment or stone formed in the urine by uric acid.
The stricture, which resulted from an injury, had been greatly aggravated by uric acid crystals which were continually forming in the urine.
Its principal constituents are urea and uric acid, together with various other animal matters of less importance, and saline substances, held in solution in a proportionately large amount of water.
The two prominent varieties are the red, containing uric acid, and the white, or phosphatic, gravel.
These appear in alkaline decomposition of the urine; it is isomeric with uric acid in acid urine.
Researches have shown that alcohol increases the amount of uric acid in the body and decreases the amount of urea found in the urine.
In chemical composition caffeine closely resembles a waste, called uric acid, and in the body is converted into this substance.
The conclusion to be drawn is that alcohol interferes in some way with the change of the harmful uric acid into the comparatively harmless urea—an interference which in some instances results in great harm.
If one is in a weakened condition, the uric acid may fail to be oxidized to urea, as occurs normally, or to be thrown off as uric acid.
By introducing a waste which forms uric acid into the body, thereby throwing an extra burden upon the organs of elimination.
They contain alkalies which help to lessen the accumulation of uric acid.
Haig, in his works on uric acid, states that, containing as they do considerable xanthin, an exceedingly harmful poison, they are not to be commended as healthful articles of diet.
Again, in some lepidopterous insects a white or a yellow appearance is produced by the deposition of uric acid or a nearly allied substance on the surface of the wings.
In one case he made a daily estimation of the amount of uric acid, and found it greatly diminished on the second and third days, normal on the fourth, and much increased on the fifth.
The uric acid has been found increased, and so also have the phosphates, crystals of which are frequently found mixed with the urates.
Uric acid is uniformly increased, the amount of increase being relatively greater than that of the urea; it is often doubled, and sometimes the increase is even more than this.
It contains an increased amount of urea and of uric acid, the latter of which is not infrequently spontaneously precipitated.
Contemporary with, and to a certain extent a corollary of, the uric acid fallacy was another, viz.
Chicago and claimed to be a “urinary antiseptic, uric acid solvent and diuretic,” was examined in the laboratory of the American Medical Association to determine to what extent the claims made for it are justified.
In spite of the fact that Haig’s theories are utterly discredited, and have been for years, the uric acid fallacy still persists, although it is now largely confined to the public.
The label on a trade package states that: “Maizo-Lithium promptly facilitates the elimination of the uric and phosphatic deposits from the system.
These internal organs should be avoided, as they contain even more than the rest of the animal certain extracts liable to produce URIC ACID (see).
The tendency to a "uric acid" constitution is hereditary, and is prevalent among families who live high.
Percy, who kindly undertook to examine this substance, informs me that he has been unable to detect uric acid in it.
In the aperture of the anterior blind sac he found a concretionary matter which he supposed to contain uric acid, but chemical analysis did not confirm the supposition.
In the course of this study, Emil Fischer established uricacid and a number of its derivatives as having the elementary skeleton of what he called "pure uric acid," abbreviated to purine.
The nitrogenous products of the degradation were identical with substances previously prepared in the long study of uric acid.
In children, in whom there is a rapid disintegration of nitrogenized tissues, a uric acid calculus in escaping from the bladder may block the urethra and give rise to sudden retention of urine.
One milligramme may be added to compensate for loss, and the whole multiplied by four gives the percentage of uric acid in the urine.
A sandy precipitate of free uric acid will not dissolve on warming the urine, and its identity can further be determined by means of the microscope, or by applying a well-known color-reaction.
The determination of the proportion of uric acid in urine was formerly rather neglected by physicians.
By determining the amount of combined silver, the percentage of uric acid can readily be calculated.
The proteid that is really used by the body is oxidized, and is excreted by the kidneys chiefly in the form of creatinin and uric acid.
They are composed of urea, uric acid, creatin, etc.
A much-advertised lithia water, before the passage of the pure food and drugs act, was highly vaunted as a uric acid eliminant because of the lithia it was said to contain.
After carefully rinsing the slide, I placed some alga spores (some of which were ruptured, thus allowing the starch grains to escape) and some minute crystals of uricacid upon it.
Whenever the actinophrys touched a starch grain with a pseudopod, the latter was at once retracted, carrying the starch grain with it into the abdominal cavity of the actinophryan; the uric acid crystals were always ignored.
Another belief, strongly supported by some otherwise "advanced" scientific men, is that tomatoes are bad for those who suffer from a tendency to gout, or uric acid disease.
Haig, the gout specialist, on account of the belief that they tend to increase the secretion of uric acid.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uric" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.