Although reference has been made several times to compartments, it should be understood that the chambers are not subdivided internally by means of partitions.
Massed rubber often cannot be inspected properly, and hence is always open to suspicion that internallythere may be unsuitable portions.
Its bark is called soap-bark, and is rough and dark-colored externally, but internally consists of numerous regular whitish or yellowish layers, and contains a large quantity of carbonate of lime and other mineral matters.
It has been employed internallyto check hemorrhages, but with doubtful effect.
It was formerly celebrated as an ophtalmic, both taken internally and applied externally.
This is used internallyin dropsies, obstinate gleets, and leucorrhoea.
It was afterwards administered internally in the same affections; and numerous cases, in which it had proved successful, were given on the authority of the German practitioners.
The root is moderately astringent: and as such is sometimes given internally against diarrhoeas and other fluxes; and employed in gargarisms for strengthening the gums, &c.
They were formerly accounted excellent vulneraries, and of great use for cleansing and healing old ulcers and cancerous sores: some have recommended them internally in leprous and scrophulous disorders; as also in hydropic cases.
This was internally of a white colour, and void of bitterness.
Tar, which is well known from its oeconomical uses, is properly an empyreumatic oil of turpentine, and has been much used as a medicine, both internally and externally.
It is employed in all kinds of immoderate haemorrhages and other fluxes, both internally and externally, where astringency is the only intention.
Give rectal injections of Soap and Warm Water or Sweet Oil, give about two ounces of Castor Oil internally and feed soft, sloppy food.
Internally administer Quinine, two ounces; Iodide of Ammonia, two ounces; Ammonia Bicarbonate, two ounces.
Internally in their drinking water give two drams of Potassium Iodide morning and night.
Internally it may affect the tongue, mouth, throat or lungs, but rarely the intestines.
Stem= white, attenuated and rosy flesh-color internallyat the base.
Whole fungus homogeneous, gelatinous, shrivelling when dry, reviving when moistened, pervaded internally with branched filaments, terminating toward the surface all round in sporophores.
Stem equal or larger above, externally rigid, elastic or brittle, internally stuffed or hollow.
Shell foliaceous, the centre internally pearly and iridescent: the form irregular; the margins fragile and transparent.
The exterior is decorated with sculptures and tile-work, and internally it is divided, broadly speaking, into a museum of general antiquities below, and the large gallery of pictures of the Dutch and Flemish schools above.
It is used internally in medicine, and must not be adulterated with the bitter almond.
Internally it is remarkable for its remains of ancient stained glass, fine carvings and interesting monuments, including one to the famous Admiral de Ruyter (d.
The absence of fortifications both at Cnossus and Phaestus suggest that at this time Crete was internally peaceful and externally secure.
To prevent the premature explosion of the shell, by the friction of the grains of powder on discharge, it is heated and coated internally with a thick lacquer, which on cooling presents a smooth surface.
Of drugs usedinternally sulphate of calcium, in pill, 1/6 grain three times a day, is a very useful adjunct to the preceding.
In the camel the rumen forms an enormous globular paunch with villous walls and internallyshowing a trace of division into two regions.
In this space are three vertical structures--externally the tendon of the biceps, just internal to this the brachial artery, and still more internally the median nerve.
On the back of the arm the three heads of the triceps are distinguishable, the external forming a marked oblique swelling when the forearm is forcibly extended and internally rotated (fig.
When given internally it increases the actual amount as well as the rate of flow of the bile.
Taken internallyaconite acts very notably on the circulation, the respiration and the nervous system.
The western doorway is one of its most striking external features; but internally it is full of interest in every part.
And yet all the while he chuckled internally as he thought of the terrible dilemma in which she would be speedily caught, and how completely it would place her at his mercy.
He did not dare to utter any threats against his persecutors, but he internally vowed to be revenged upon them--cost what it might.
They were also administered internally in cases where powerful cures were needed.
Precious stones were often employed as amulets, and some even ground them up and took them internally in order to be more sure of their magical effects.
This powder was used externally, and also given internally in cases of dropsy and other diseases.
The "Leech Book" gives us one to be worn and another to be taken internally for this purpose.
Illustration: Calenders Heated Internally by Steam, for Spreading India Rubber into Sheets or upon Cloth, called the "Chaffee Machine.
It is very clear, then, that of the light traveling in directions within a diamond, a far larger proportion is internally reflected than is the case with any other stone.
Her appearance was indeed unusual, and though they saw at once, that she was not one of the exalted and proud ones of the land, they internally confessed, that she was well worthy of that distinction.
The first question, when properly put, gives the pupil the command of the whole proposition; but it requires considerable mental effort in the child to recall the words, and internally to translate the ideas for the first time.
We refer to that acquirement, by which persons are enabled, without distraction of mind, internally to prepare and arrange their ideas, at the moment they are verbally communicating them to others.
In this way the sanctuary was entirety surrounded by these vast and splendid buildings, and the whole was enclosed by a wall, covered internally and externally with symbols and hieroglyphics, which went round the magnificent edifice.
Vulcanite is not only expensive and brittle, but has other disadvantages; common iron pipes, coated internally with cement or asphalt or glazed internally, with all unions and joints cemented, have been used with more or less success.
He'll hardly pull through ef he hes blood pizening; I never knowed anybody thet hed hit internally thet evur got up again.
If they die inside, the patient has to take internally some powderized stork's stomach.
The main characteristic of the mactra shell is the prominent triangular-shaped fossette, or cartilage plate, situated internally and just under the beaks.
Entire frond cylindrical, divided internally by transverse septa; one fourth to one half of an inch in diameter, tapering at each end; ordinarily one to twelve feet long, but sometimes attaining a length of forty feet.
There are vast numbers of parasitic worms, which live internally or externally on their hosts, there being no animal of land or sea, of high or low degree, which is not subject to the affliction of these visitors.
A vast number also are parasites and infest, internally or externally, nearly every living creature.
These beaks are attached by flexible stems and are provided internally with powerful muscles by which they are constantly opened and closed; the beak can bite with considerable force.
The body-wall then puts out a bud internally and forms a new polypide, which absorbs, or passes out, the brown body.
Internally the pallial line is plain, and the sinus well marked but not deep.
In respect to my mental possessions, I was a squid, which had neither internally nor externally something to hold on to, and therefore also no place to feel at home.
Externally, I laughed about it, but internally I was outraged, and I had a few hard nights.
Even for a man who was a prisoner externally as well as internally this was too much.
Never again have I seen such a filthy, internally and externally perfectly rough, extremely dangerous collection of books like this one!
I did rise again, though, but only externally; internally I stayed down in mindless unconsciousness; for weeks, even for months.
The proposal was a blessed relief to the captain of the train-bands, who internally promised himself to take very good care to give the long-legged Frenchman as little of his company as possible.
It was of circular form, and had internally two rows of Ionic columns, with arches springing immediately from the capitals.
The surface of this monument is covered externally and internally with hieroglyphics, comprehending a written, language, which it is to be hoped the labour of modern literati will one day render intelligible.
Seeds rather large and more firm; externally a loamy gray, internally deep reddish brown.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "internally" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: internally; intimately; intrinsically; inwardly; naturally; originally