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Example sentences for "chasms"

Lexicographically close words:
chasers; chases; chaseth; chasing; chasm; chasquis; chasse; chassepot; chassepots; chasser
  1. Enormous crags and bold peaks of bare rocks, mostly compose the mountains, while the streams flow at the bases of towering precipices in deep chasms and canyons filled with broken rocks.

  2. About two days' march from where we had planted our kraal there arose ranges of mountains rugged and steep, their summits crowned with straight cliffs, and their bases split up into rifts and chasms and great gloomy ravines.

  3. He had sunk into one of those chasms or fissures of which I have spoken as gaping half concealed by the grass.

  4. The roads are mere mule-paths straggling amidst rocks and along the verge of precipices, clambering vast craggy heights, or descending into frightful chasms and ravines, with scanty and uncertain foothold for either man or steed.

  5. By degrees the little force of De Aguilar was augmented by numbers of fugitives who issued from caves and chasms where they had taken refuge in the night.

  6. It is not uncommon to meet chasms of considerable depth produced by small streams the beds of which are dry for a large portion of the year.

  7. Right and left of the larger gorges such secondary chasms are often found.

  8. Vast chasms were at the same time opened in the ground, and into these the two small rivers above mentioned plunged.

  9. It was on the flats immediately surrounding the site of the town and on the rising grounds beyond them that the great fissures and chasms were opened.

  10. The way was so confined by chasms and abysses on the one side, and walls of rock on the other, that there was scarcely room for a horse to pass.

  11. Immense chasms are filled with lava masses, which have lain here for many years cold and motionless, and will probably remain for as many more, for their fury has spent itself.

  12. In the grand attack which completed the ruin of the French, the third division, being foremost, was assailed by a fiery storm of artillery and musketry, which made fearful chasms in its ranks.

  13. To the pedestrian it is a task; and there are places into which he even cannot penetrate without scaling cliffs and traversing chasms deep and dangerous.

  14. In daylight it would have been difficult enough, yawning chasms to be crossed barransas--with cliffs to be climbed, in comparison with which the escarpments of the Pedregal were but as garden walls.

  15. These are the chasms that lie in the path of mere Atheism.

  16. The higher you climb the deeper the chasms on the right hand and on the left.

  17. The ice also had fissures in many places, some of which formed chasms of one or two feet; but as these are not uncommon in ice even in its best state, and the dogs easily leap over them, they are frightful only to strangers.

  18. There are men whose lives are spent in the chasms of light where the rivers are sunk in the dominant element, but who never venture within its green surface, just as one would not go beneath the waves to walk in the twilight of the sea bottom.

  19. The Lord only knows how deep these vast chasms go down, they seem to extend into blue black nothingness thousands of feet below.

  20. These extend many miles and include some chasms big enough to take the Terra Nova all standing.

  21. At the highest water, there are other minor channels; but generally this continental flood is cribbed and compressed within its three chasms suddenly opening in the level floor, each chasm hardly wider than a leap a hunted fiend might take.

  22. This deposit is cleft by chasms often more than a thousand feet deep, at the bottom of which there usually flows a stream of clear, cold water.

  23. To chasms of this nature the name of canyons has been applied, borrowed from the Spaniards of Mexico.

  24. Stalactites and stalagmites dozens of feet in length were visible hanging from the roof and obtruding from the floor, the latter being broken by chasms and ravines, many of which seemed to have a depth that was fathomless.

  25. Standing there, they could look back on the awful chasms spread below their feet, the crimsoned walls, sparkling and scintillating with innumerable gems, with the craggy roof seemingly almost within their reach.

  26. The country here consists of a tableland of calcareous rock rent at intervals by those great chasms which are characteristic of a limestone formation.

  27. M120 The deity of these great chasms was called Zeus by the Greeks, but he was probably a god of fertility embodied in vegetation and water.

  28. The devotion to Poseidon he explains partly by the earthquakes and floods by which the land has been visited, partly by the remarkable chasms and subterranean rivers which are a conspicuous feature of its limestone mountains.

  29. Light and fitful as were his slumbers, his mind was haunted by weird visions of desolate scenes, cliffs infested with fierce carrion birds, and chasms teeming with venomous reptiles.

  30. Streams of the consuming element shot up from a hundred cracks, crevices and chasms opened by the disturbance, wiping out whatever had life and breath.

  31. Glass of all shades and no shade; masses of all colors and no color; fissures, clefts and chasms of all forms and no form, with none of the elemental conditions which create and further life, characterized the appalling desolation.

  32. If we do not flee the malicious Div will hurl us into one of those bottomless chasms which swarm with venomous serpents," warned the guide.

  33. I'll show you such chasms and gorges and crags as you've never turned those two lovely eyes of yours upon, Mrs. Gloria King.

  34. There are no lovelier meadows and woodlands than the English, no nobler crests or chasms than those of Snowdon and Glencoe.

  35. The white road climbed like a white cat; it spanned sunless chasms like a tight-rope; it was flung round far-off headlands like a lasso.

  36. On its eastern aspect, the nature of the fortification can be traced easily; for walls fill the chasms from rock to rock, forming altogether a place of defence admirably strong.

  37. The soil is mostly of a soft crumbling stone, large fragments of which seemed just balancing at the brink of the precipice above, and appearing to require only a touch to impel them into the great chasms below.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chasms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.