If one be, So are they all: for euerie grize of Fortune Is smooth'd by that below.
They arriue first on the North-coast, where almost euerie hedge serveth for a Roade, andeuerie plashoote for Springles to take them.
Others notwithstanding are not bound to buy or sell at this price, but euerie man left at libertie, to make his best market.
These bounds he is bound to renew once euerie yeere, as also in most places to bestow some time in working the Myne, otherwise hee loseth this priuiledge.
Euerie tenement is parcell of the demaynes, or seruices of some Manner.
On which ground I build these consequences, That the first and principal point sought in euerie Language, is that we may expres the Meaning of our Minds aptly to each other.
The Lord of the soyle is most-where allowed libertie to place one workman in euerie fifteene for himself, at like hand with the aduenturers, if hee be so disposed.
In priuate life, there commeth into consideration, their Tenements, which yeeld them sustinance, and their houses, which afford them a place of abode.
He maried one of Viels coheires; and though endowed with fayre reuenues in Deuon, maketh Cornwall beholden to his residence.
To find the Load-workes, their first labour is also imployed in seeking this Shoad, which either lieth open on the grasse, or but shallowly couered.
My last proofe is grounded on this, that where the most part of the shire is seuered into inclosures, you cannot easily make choyce to stand in any one of them, aboue a quarter of a mile distance from some dwelling house.
The third thing they talke of is vsurie, a trade brought in by the Jewes, now perfectlie practised almost by euerie christain, and so commonlie, that he is accompted but for a foole that dooth lend his monie for nothing.
Be the Iackes faire within, the Gils faire without, the Carpets laide, andeuerie thing in order?
I cannot tell: but I had as lief take her dowrie with this condition; To be whipt at the hie crosseeuerie morning Hor.
Go sirra, take them to the Butterie, And giue them friendly welcome euerie one, Let them want nothing that my house affoords.
Thus, euerie daie he made his master sporte, And to his clogge, was chained in the courte.
That men maie knowe I cut oneuerie side, And when I come, I armies can deuide.
And some, farre off on flowers freshe doe fall, Yet all at nighte vnto their home repaire: And euerie one, her proper hiue doth knowe Althoughe there stande a thousande on a rowe.
Sharpe prickes preserue the Rose, on euerie parte, That who in haste to pull the same intendes, Is like to pricke his fingers, till they smarte?
In like maner slate of sundrie colours is eueriewhere in maner to be had, as is the flint and chalke, the shalder and the peble.
The heads also of euerie acre at the raising will store an acre and an halfe of new ground, which is a great aduantage, and it will floure eight or ten daies togither.
But whatsoeuer this bishoprike be now, in externall & outward apparance, sure it is that it paid in old time 9000 ducates at euerie alienation to Rome, as the record expresseth.
In euerie degree and sort of men vertue is commendable, but not egally: not onely because mens estates are vnegall, but for that also vertue it selfe is not in euery respect of egall value and estimation.
And from thense, the king and the queene going vpon raie cloth barefooted, went vnto saint Edwards shrine, and all his nobilitie going with him, euerie lord in his degree.
For the custome of the countries adjoining neere to the sea is (especiallie in the time of warre) on euerie hill or high place to erect a beacon with a great lanterne in the top, which may be seene and discerned a great space off.
Euerie one giue but one sure stripe, & suerlie the iournie is ours.
But when this craftie dissembler Peter Landoise, which was no wilier than an old fox, perceiued that the earle was departed (thinking that to be true that he imagined) Lord how currors ran into euerie coast!
And on euerie side of the king there went one bishop, that is to saie, the bishop of Bath, and the bishop of Durham.
And to the intent to passe forward with sure and short expedition, he assaulted euerie place where his enimies had set anie men of warre; which with small force, and lesse difficultie, he brieflie did ouercome & vanquish.
And by this policie the fame is soone blowne to euerie citie and towne, in somuch that aswell the citizens as the rurall people be in short space assembled and armed to repell and put backe the new arriued enimies.
Now when he had ouerlooked his armie ouer euerie side, he paused awhile, and after with a lowd voice and bold spirit spake to his companions these, or the like words following.
Which thing if it had beene true, as it was not indeed, euerie good & naturall child would haue rather mummed at it, than haue blasted it abroad, and especiallie she being aliue.
The proud bragging white bore (which was his badge) was violentlie rased & plucked downe from euerie signe and place where it might be espied: so ill was his life, that men wished the memorie of him to be buried with his carren corps.
The Britains being thereof aduertised, made hast towards the place, and besieged it on euerie side.
And when he saw the enimies now at hand, he commanded that euerie man with one generall voice should answer him, crieng alowd the same crie that he should begin.
London dailie to be watched, let all good men beside do euerie where what they can, surelie the misorder of apparell in mean men abrode, shall neuer be amended, except the greatest in Courte will order and mend them selues first.
And thus, the trew difference of stiles, in euerie Author, and euerie kinde of learnyng may easelie be knowne by this diuision.
Basil, Cicero, or Liuie, hath expressed Hesiodus best, the iudgement is as hard, as the workemanship of euerie one is most excellent in deede.
We began after Christmas: I read vnto him Tullie de Amicitia, which he did euerie day the ready way to the Latin tong.
And I heare say, that an excellent learned man, Tomitanus in Italie, hath expressed euerie fallacion in Aristotle, with diuerse examples out of Plato.
I haue read as many as I could get diligentlie, and what I thinke of euerie one of them, I will freelie say my mynde.
The whole doctrine of Comedies and Tragedies, is a perfite imitation, or faire liuelie painted picture of the life of euerie degree of man.
The poore people were so glad of this pardon, and so readie to receiue it, that without bidding farewell to their capteine, they withdrew themselues the same night euerie man towards his home.
But the cheefe and onelie cause vndoubtedlie, was the diuision within the realme, euerie great man desiring rather to be reuenged on his foe at home, than on the common enimie abroad, as by that which followeth you may plainelie perceiue.
All these being assembled cast their heads togither, and euerie one seuerallie had his deuise for the perfecting of their purpose, whereto there wanted in them neither will nor hardinesse.
After this, the earle caused certeine bulworkes to be made round about the towne, casting trenches betweene the one and the other, laieng ordinance in euerie place where he saw that any batterie might be deuised.
He also tooke the towne of Baugencie, suffering euerie man which would become subiect to the king of England, to inioie their lands and goods.
After this admonition, and diuerse daies of communication, euerie partie brought in their demands, which were most contrarie, and farre from anie likelihood of comming to a good conclusion.
Why euerie day to morrow, come goe in, Ile shew thee some attires, and haue thy counsell, Which is the best to furnish me to morrow Vrsu.
Blastes and Fogges vpon thee: Th' vntented woundings of a Fathers curse Pierce euerie sense about thee.
Euerie kinred doeth sacrifice in their owne tent, and hee that is most auncient is their Priest.
They do furthermore crie owt of all corners at all their altars vnto their sainctes / as thoughe they were present euerie where.
Hee was to imagine me his Loue, his Mistris: and I set him euerie day to woe me.
I would cure you, if you would but call me Rosalind, and come euerie day to my Coat, and woe me Orlan.
Then there is no true Louer in the Forrest, else sighing euerie minute, and groaning euerie houre wold detect the lazie foot of time, as wel as a clocke Orl.
O Rosalind, these Trees shall be my Bookes, And in their barkes my thoughts Ile charracter, That euerie eye, which in this Forrest lookes, Shall see thy vertue witnest euery where.
There were none principal, they were all like one another, as halfepence are, euerie one fault seeming monstrous, til his fellow-fault came to match it Orl.
King Egbert hauing ouercome his enimies of Wales and Cornewall, began to grow in authoritie aboue all the other rulers within this land, in somuch that euerie of them began to feare their owne estate, but [Sidenote: Bernulf king of Mercia.
This Inas was the first that caused the monie called Peter pence, to be paid vnto the bishop of Rome, which was for euerie houshold within his dominion a penie.
Kentish king to libertie, but also bestowed great rewards vpon all the prelates and noble men that were come to the feast, euerie priest had a peece of gold, and euerie moonke a shilling.
Wherein it was ordeined, that whereas the prouince of Westsaxons in times past had but two bishops, now it should be diuided into fiue diocesses, euerie of them to haue a peculiar bishop.
The linage of Cerdicus was in that season so confounded and mingled, that euerie one as he grew in greatest power, stroue to be king and supreame gouernour.
For the which theyre is allowed vnto them of the towne for euerie horse thurtie-three shillinges and foure pence, that is to say for foure horses vili.
That is to saye, the Mayor and euerie of his bretherene called the xxiiii.
For you my singular good lord, by your vertuous acts and noble feats, haue gotten to you in manner an immortall fame, which in euerie mans mouth is extolled & aduanced aboue the high clouds.
And in the east end of the same church, shall be a window of nine daies, and betwixt euerie butterace a window of fiue daies.
If they lacke actiuitie, euerie creature (be he neuer so base of birth) shall foile and ouerthrow them like dum beasts and beastlie dastards.
And westward beyond these houses, and the said kitchin ordeined for the hall, a bakehouse, brewhouse, and other houses of office: betwixt which there is left a ground square of fourscore foot in euerie pane for wood and such stuffe.
And in the nether end of the same hall toward the middle of the same pane, a pantrie & butterie, euerie of them in length twentie foot, and in breadth seuenteene foot.
Then king Lewes called his companie againe, and with most lowlie and amiable commendations tooke his leaue of the king of England, speaking certeine friendlie words to euerie Englishman: king Edward dooing likewise to the Frenchmen.
And ouer euerie of all these chambers, two chambers, and with fiue towers outward, and three towers inward.
I warrant Sir, Ile giueeuerie one of them a good stoole.
The Moone me-thinks, lookes with a watrie eie, And when she weepes, weepe euerie little flower, Lamenting some enforced chastitie.
Twas prettie, though a plague To see him euerie houre to sit and draw His arched browes, his hawking eie, his curles In our hearts table: heart too capeable Of euerie line and tricke of his sweet fauour.
Faith there's a dozen of em, with delicate fine hats, and most courteous feathers, which bow the head, and nod at euerie man.
I haue but little more to say sir of his honesty, he ha's euerie thing that an honest man should not haue; what an honest man should haue, he has nothing Cap.
I will neuer trust a man againe, for keeping his sword cleane, nor beleeue he can haue euerie thing in him, by wearing his apparrell neatly Int.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "euerie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.