Of this is gathered that they do beleeue the immortalitie of the soule, for that they doo confesse there is another life, and that thither they do returne and liue for euer without ende.
But amongest them all, there was in particular three brethren that bid exceede all the rest that euer were in mightinesse and valiantnesse.
Where might I loue euer better beset Then in this Lilie, likyng to beholde?
No boughs are stird with blasts of winde, no noise of tatling toong Of man or woman euer yet within that bower roong.
Then hedge them, and ditche them, bestow thereon pence: for meddow and corne, craueth euer good fence.
Bacon is good for carters, and plowe men, the which be euer labouryng in the earth or dunge; but and yf they haue the stone and vse to eate it, they shall synge 'wo be to the pye!
At bed and at boord, howsoeuer befall, what euer God sendeth be merrie withall.
Much spice is a theefe, so is candle and fier, sweete sauce is as craftie as euer was frier.
What euer it cost thee, what euer thou geue, have done sowing wheate, before halowmas eve.
Yong children and chickens would euer be eating, good seruants looke dulie for gentle intreating.
As that man that pas not, but sell away sell: shall neuer kepe good house, where euer he dwell.
His memorie pregnant, old euils to recite, His mind euerfixed each euill to requite.
What euill is left vndone, where man may haue his will, Man euerwas an hypocrite, and so continues still.
His friendship is counterfait, seldome to trust, His dooings vnluckie andeuer vniust.
Pinche weannels at no time, of water nor meate: if euer thou hope to have them good neate.
Besides they had our ships in marvelous admiration, and all things els were so strange vnto them, as it appeared that none of them had euer seene the like.
That day we landed in one of the saide Islands, and met with fiue men that were hunting of wilde beastes, who as freely and familiarly came to our boates without any feare, as if we had euer bene brought vp togither.
And because the Indians staid in their towns the Gouernour only lodged in the houses of the Cacique, and his people in the fields; where there was euer a tree, euerie one tooke one for himselfe.
He was very iust of his promise: for many times we deliuered him merchandize vpon his word, but euer he came within the day and performed his promise.
Our ancient freedome hee empeacheth more, Then euer King or Tyrant did before.
The Heauen appal'd to see such hideous sights, For feare puts out hereuer burning lights.
Can I bee safe and Pompey in distresse, Or may Cornelia suruiue they death, 410 What daunger euer happens to my Soule.
Dam me, if euer I traduc’d your name, |1550| What imputation can you charge me with?
It’s no matter Sir, the Flashes haue euer bin knowne to |1040| be quicke and light enough.
Sesu I thinke he’s as tidy, and as tall a Poet as euer |1905| drew out a long verse.
Troth I shall neuer bee enameld of a bare-headed man for this, what shift so euer I make.
By my faith he made more of a balde head, than euer I shall be able: he gaue them their due truely.
Dam me ift be not the best that euer came from me, if I haue any iudgement, looke sir, tis an Epithalamium for Sir Walter Terrels wedding, my braines haue giuen assault to it but this morning.
He takes the sweetest oathes that euer I heard a gallant of his pitch sweare; by these Comfits, & these Carrawaies, I warrant it does him good to sweare.
Has a very sufficient name, and is a man has done God and his Country as good and as hot Seruice (in conquering this vile Monster-Poet) as euer did S.
Nay sirra the Palinode, which I meane to stitch to my Reuels, shall be the best and ingenious peece that euer I swet for; stay roague, Ile fat thy spleane and make it plumpe with laughter.
Nay good roague marke, for they are the best lynes that euer I drew.
If I have any Iudgement, tis the best stuffe that euer |355| dropt from thee.
No, tho he has a very bad face for a souldier, yet he has as desperate a wit as euer any Scholler went to cuffes for; tis a Sentleman Poet, he has made rimes called Thalamimums, for M.
But if you now grant me life, I shall be a witnesse for euer of your mercifull clemencie.
And thus in reforming the state of things, he wan him great praise in time of peace, the which either by negligence or sufferance of the former lieutenants, was euer feared, and accounted woorse than open warre.
Oh good: conuey: Conueyers are you all, That rise thus nimbly by a true Kings fall Bull.
Now Thomas Mowbray do I turne to thee, And marke my greeting well: for what I speake, My body shall make good vpon this earth, Or my diuine soule answer it in heauen.
Alack, why am I sent for to a King, Before I haue shooke off the Regall thoughts Wherewith I reign'd?
A Iewell in a ten times barr'd vp Chest, Is a bold spirit, in a loyall brest.
Heauen saue your Maiesty, and wel met Gentlemen: I hope the King is not yet shipt for Ireland Qu.
As I intend to thriue in this new World, Aumerle is guiltie of my true Appeale.
Your Grace mistakes: onely to be briefe, Left I his Title out York.
Oh no, the apprehension of the good Giues but the greater feeling to the worse: Fell sorrowes tooth, doth euer ranckle more Then when it bites, but lanceth not the sore Gau.
Where no man euer comes, but that sad dogge That brings me food, to make misfortune liue?
For euer may my knees grow to the earth, My tongue cleaue to my roofe within my mouth, Vnlesse a Pardon, ere I rise, or speake Bul.
Before I freely speake my minde herein, You shall not onely take the Sacrament, To bury mine intents, but also to effect What euer I shall happen to deuise.
If iudgement lye in them, then so do we, Because we haue beene euer neere the King Gr.
Oh, if you reare this House, against this House It will the wofullest Diuision proue, That euer fell vpon this cursed Earth.
First,we are plast vpon extreamest height, And oft supplanted with exceeding hate, But euer subiect to the wheele of chance; And at our highest neuer ioy we so As we doubt and dread our ouerthrow.
And therfore howe greate so euer their skyll bee, which attribute that choyce of armes to Chaucer [they] had no moore skyle in armes then they needed.
Liue long and happy, and with gray haires crown'd, Reade thy youths acts, which fame shalleuer sound.
No time to be Would euer end my datelesse miserie.
Thus lay they sleeplesse, thoughtfull, euer thinking on sluggish humor of expected Morne, They thought that Louers eyes were neuer winking nor sleepe they e're in whom Loues newly borne.
For euer since the fall of Phaeton, that then displaced, them they were at strife For their degrees, till his alluring Tone.
To cary mine owne selfe was all that euer I might, And sometime for ease my sachell made I light.
No autumne, nor no age euer approach This heauenly piece, which nature hauing wrought, She lost her needle and did then despaire, 75 Euer to work so liuely and so faire.
Set Phoebus, set, a fayrer sunne doth rise, From the bright Radience of my Mrs. eyes Then euer thou begat'st.
In me there is now speaks to you As true a friend and seruant to your Honour, 140 And one that will with as much hazzard guard it, As euer man did goodnesse.
Why does your Lordship thinke, the mouing of A cause more honest then this Court had euer The honor to determine, can deserue 95 A checke like this?
The kyng said: aEuro~Be my ffaye, 2335 And he euer scape away, FuAEsAEs dere he shaAEsAEs be sold!
Torent of the day was fuAEsAEs blithe, [1520] And of the valey he did hym~ swith, As fast aseuer he may.
Euro~Eoeyt A3/4ou art the trewest knyght, That euer slepyd in wynturs nyght.
This chylde is come of gentiAEsAEs teme, Where euerthis beest hym~ ffond.
Sidenote: goes up a mountain,] The carefuAEsAEs lady was fuAEsAEs blith, 1855 Vp to lond she went swith, As fast aseuer she myght.
She said aEuro~knyghtis and ladyes gent, Grete weAEsAEs my lord sir Torrent, Yeff ye hym~ euer sene!
If that Martin could thatch vp his Church, this mans scabship should bee an Elder, and Elders they may bee, which being fullest of spungie pith, proue euer the driest kixes.
Go too Lamilia (quoth hee), you feare what I meane not, but how euer ye take it, Ile forward with my tale.
Be thou Antony, the flowing Oratour, like Dooue, or the skilfull Heralde, like Clarentius; and euer remember thy Portugall voyage vnder Don Antonio.
Marry this rule he kept, what euer he fingerd aforehand was the certaine meanes to vnbinde a bargaine, and being asked why he so sleightly dealt with them that did him good?
To driue which pestilent infection from the heart, heeres a medicine more potent, and more precious, than was euer that mingle-mangle of drugs which Mithrydates boyld together.
Italie, to go whither so euer lust will cary them, they do not like, that lawe and honestie should be soch a barre to their like libertie at home in England.
Here was the oak under which Cornelia and he had gathered acorns.
The person awakened swore quietly to himself in Greek.
Hasn't a man who fought with Marius, and helped to beat those northern giants, the Cimbri and Teutones, a right to his opinion?
The dust lay thick on the pavement of the highway, and rose in dense, stifling clouds, as a mule, laden with farm produce and driven by a burly countryman, trudged reluctantly along.
And thou were the sternest knyghte to thy mortall foo that euer put spere in the reyst.
And thou were the truest frend to thy louer that euer bestradde hors, & thou were the truest louer of a synfull man that euer loued woman.
Slee me ye may wel, said Accolon, and it please yow, for ye ar the best knyghte that euer I fonde, and I see wel that god is with yow.
And thou were the goodelyest persone that euer came among prees of knyghtes.
And O most gracious Lord, (said she) what euer become of me, preserve the vertuous Musidorus.
And thou were the mekest man & the gentylest that euer ete in halle amonge ladyes.
What man didd'st thou euer know vnthrift, that was beloued after his meanes!
Might we but haue that happinesse my Lord, that you would once vse our hearts, whereby we might expresse some part of our zeales, we should thinke our selues for euer perfect Timon.
So would I: As good a tricke as euer Hangman seru'd Theefe Foole.
Haue I bin euer free, and must my house Be my retentiue Enemy?
Ile euer serue his minde, with my best will, Whilst I haue Gold, Ile be his Steward still.
Tis in few words, but spacious in effect: We banish thee foreuer Alc.
I am so much endeered to that Lord; hee's euer sending: how shall I thank him think'st thou?
Performance, is euer the duller for his acte, And but in the plainer and simpler kinde of people, The deede of Saying is quite out of vse.
Where euer we shall meete, for Timons sake, Let's yet be Fellowes.
Thy Flatterers yet weare Silke, drinke Wine, lye soft, Hugge their diseas'd Perfumes, and haue forgot That euer Timon was.
Euer at the best, hearing well of your Lordship 2 The Swallow followes not Summer more willing, then we your Lordship Tim.
Ten thousand worse, then euer yet I did, Would I performe if I might haue my will: If one good Deed in all my life I did, I do repent it from my very Soule Lucius.
Indeede, I was their Tutor to instruct them That Codding spirit had they from their Mother, As sure a Card as euer wonne the Set: That bloody minde I thinke they learn'd of me, As true a Dog as euer fought at head.
My Lords, you know the mightfull Gods, (How euer these disturbers of our peace Buz in the peoples eares) there nought hath past, But euen with law against the willfull Sonnes Of old Andronicus.
And then they call'd me foule Adulteresse, Lasciuious Goth, and all the bitterest tearmes That euer eare did heare to such effect.
Who markes the waxing tide, Grow waue by waue, Expecting euer when some enuious surge, Will in his brinish bowels swallow him.
Ah that this sight should make so deep a wound, And yet detested life not shrinke thereat: That euer death should let life beare his name, Where life hath no more interest but to breath Mar.
Did euer Rauen sing so like a Larke, That giues sweet tydings of the Sunnes vprise?
Oh Brother, With the dismal'st obiect That euer eye with sight made heart lament Aron.
My worthy Lord if euer Tamora, Were gracious in those Princely eyes of thine, Then heare me speake indifferently for all: And at my sute (sweet) pardon what is past Satu.
Compassion on the King commands me stoupe, Or I would see his heart out, ere the Priest Should euerget that priuiledge of me Warw.
For euer should they be expuls'd from France, And not haue Title of an Earledome here Pucell.
Me thinkes I should reuiue the Souldiors hearts, Because I euerfound them as my selfe Talb.
A statelyer Pyramis to her Ile reare, Then Rhodophe's or Memphis euer was.
There is no hope that euer I will stay, If the first howre I shrinke and run away: Here on my knee I begge Mortalitie, Rather then Life, preseru'd with Infamie Talb.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "euer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.