They haue no Lawyers, buteuery man is his owne Aduocate, and both the complaint of the accuser, and the answere of the defendant, are in maner of petition deliuered to the Emperour, intreating iustice at his hands.
Giuen the day, moneth, and yeere vnderwritten, of which instrument into euery of the sayde Shippes one testimoniall is deliuered, and the first remaineth with the sayde Companie in London.
The 16 day of September the Emperour sent home vnto our lodging for euery of vs a Tartarie horse to ride from place to place as we had occasion, for that the streetes of Mosco are very fowle and mirie in the Summer.
That the Pope is Antichrist, and that euery Priest hath the power that the Pope hath.
And where your Lordship sayth, it is too muche to preache euery Sonday: in deede I thinke it is too litle, and also woulde wishe that your Lordshyp dyd the like.
So euery one comfortyng an other, and assuring them selues to sup together in the kingdome of heauen, that nyght commended them selues to God, and dyed constantly in the Lord.
Marke what I say, which you shal finde By euery sillable a faithful veritie.
Euery Letter he hath writ, hath disuouch'd other An.
Euery Subiects Dutie is the Kings, but euery Subiects Soule is his owne.
If euery of your wishes had a wombe, & foretell euery wish, a Million Char.
The Shepherd knowes not Thunder fro[m] a Taber, More then I know the sound of Martius Tongue From euery meaner man Martius.
Thou art as opposite to euery good, As the Antipodes are vnto vs, Or as the South to the Septentrion.
But for the most party euery stroke that Accolon gaf he wounded sore Arthur, that it was merucylle he stode.
The rest of the membres, haue euery one their own place and office apointed: but none may haue nether the place nor office of the heade.
We were brought into the Church, euery one with a S.
Ouer against these woods there fell euery night such a dew, that euery morning when we rose, the decke of the ship was so wet, that vntill the sunne was of a good height, we alwaies made the decke durtie with going vpon it.
Euery day we passed by goodly branches of riuers, some falling from the West, others from the East into Amana, but those I leaue to the description in the Cart of discouery, where euery one shalbe named with his rising and descent.
For by the space of many daies they had eaten nothing but parched and sodden Maiz; which they had by allowance euery day an headpeece ful by strike for euery three men.
Portugals disturbe them much, and combate with them euery day, saying, it is part of their conquest, and to the maine land they cannot come at any hand.
These Indians came decked after sundry fashions, some came with a painting that couered their face all ouer, some had their faces halfe couered, but all besmouched with cole, and euery one as it liked him best.
The chaines seemed of a bony substance, euery linke or part thereof being very little, thinne, most finely burnished, with a hole pierced through the middest.
They eate the best cakes that euer I sawe, and euery body generally eateth of them.
So then to conclude, in[cc] euery Magicall action, there must be a concurrence of these three.
Wherein sundry Propositions are laid downe, plainely discouering the wickednesse of that damnable Art, with diuerse other speciall points annexed, not impertinent to the same, such as ought diligently of euery Christian to be considered.
Thus euery light trifle (for what can be lesse then sweeping of a lttle dust awry?
Posteritie will giue toeuery man his due: Some ages hereafter will affoord those, who will report vnpartially of all.
And is not this (said he) an errour in vs, to permit euery man to be a writer of Historie?
Here he spent the whole yeere following, in ordering affaires of State, and in visiting euery corner of the Countrey.
During the time of the eclipse mentioned before, the King was trauersing the sea into Normandie; whither hee vsually went, sometimes euery yeere, but euery third yeere at the furthest.
Also how many villaines euery man had, what beasts or cattell, what fees, what other goods, what rent or commoditie his possessions did yeeld.
According to this Roll taxations were imposed; sometimes two shillings, and sometimes sixe shillings vpon euery hide of land (a hide conteyning 20.
Their armour was not sufficiently either compleate or of proofe to defend them, but euery hand, euery finger breadth vnarmed, was almost an assured place for a deepe, and many times a deadly wound.
The seconde are common rules, whych be called dignities ineuery science.
And of such strengthe is the ende, that hereof is taken the felicitie of euery thyng.
The rest that were not put to the sword in fury, fled to the rocks in the Iland, and others hid themselues in chambers and sellers, which were euery day found out in great numbers.
Besides the which companies there were many bands also of Castilians and Portugals, euery one of which had their peculiar gouernours, captaines, officers, colours and weapons.
During this time Captaine Hinder was sent with some chosen out of euery company into the countrey for prouisions, whereof he brought in good store, and returned without losse.
But vnder the titles and superscriptions of euery mans particuler letter these wordes were endorsed.
It sheweth verye lyuely and most apertly vnto euery man his ful dutie.
Let vs laye a side all disdayne and spite of names, and admitte the Epicure too bee suche one, as euery man maketh of hym.
So that if by onely learned men in phisicke & not this waye also it should be holpen, it were nedeful almost halfe so many learned men to be redy in euery toune and citie, as their should be sweatynge sicke folkes.
For euery thynge is suche as that whereof it commeth.
And for that euery man hath not the knowlege to discerne which of these is the cause of let in sweatyng, I wil shewe you plainly howe to do with moste suretie and leste offense.
Wherfor it shal be wel done, if you take of this composition folowyng euerymornyng the weight of ij.
Fourthly for that the common settyng furthe and printing of eueryfoolishe thyng in englishe, both of phisicke vnperfectly, and other matters vndiscretly diminishe the grace of thynges learned set furth in thesame.
Others, except sitting artificers, haue theire exercises by daily labours in their occupations, to whom nothing niedeth but solace onely, a thing conuenient for euery bodye that lusteth to liue in helth.
And for me to write of euery particular estate and case, whiche be so manye as there be menne, were so great almost a busines, as to numbre the sandes in the sea.
Euery deserued souldier and scholler, As if when nature made him, she had made 190 The generall Antipathy of all vertue?
The Lion is not angry that does sleepe 375 Nor euery man a Coward that can weepe.
Thy worth, in eueryhonest brest buyldes one, Making their friendly hearts thy funerall stone.
And thou like a knaue must stand by, and see euery Iacke vse me at his pleasure.
Fr: Soiorne in Mantua, Ile finde out your man, And he shall signifie from time to time: Euerygood hap that doth befall thee heere.
If euer you disturbe our streets againe, Your liues shall pay the ransome of your fault: 50 For this time euery man depart in peace.
But not euery man patient after the noble temper of your Lordship; You are most hot, and furious when you winne.
Returne he cannot, nor Continue where he is: To shift his being, Is to exchange one misery with another, And euery day that comes, comes to decay A dayes worke in him.
Oh Pisanio, Euerygood Seruant do's not all Commands: No Bond, but to do iust ones.
It is not fit your Lordship should vndertake euery Companion, that you giue offence too Clot.
Helpe Gransier helpe, my Aunt Lauinia, Followes me euery where I know not why.
Marcus, Euen thou hast stroke vpon my Crest, And with these Boyes mine Honour thou hast wounded, My foes I doe repute you euery one.
With Voyces and applause of euery sort, Patricians and Plebeans we Create Lord Saturninus Romes Great Emperour.
My louely Aaron, Wherefore look'st thou sad, When euery thing doth make a Gleefull boast?
O that delightfull engine of her thoughts, That blab'd them with such pleasing eloquence, Is torne from forth that pretty hollow cage, Where like a sweet mellodius bird it sung, Sweet varied notes inchanting euery eare Luci.
Vnto which wordes of mine euery man applauding most with like words of request and the rest with gesture and countenances expressing as much, M.
Lest that my heart of stone yeelde to compassion, And euery part that should assist reuenge, [G3] Forgoe their proper powers, and fall to pitty.
O farre better man, vse euery man after his deserts, Then who should scape whipping?
King Hamlet is ship't for England, fare him well, I hope to heare good newes from thence ere long, If euery thing fall out to our content, As I doe make no doubt but so it shall.
For they accompt great men and noble men for men onely in their contrye I tell you, setting their armes abroade in euerycorner of their house for a shewe.
But when it comes to that once they make spare and whip it away at a sodaine I warraunt you, they facion out euery thinge in his dew time & place.
It is on euery syde fortified with mountains, in the stead of walles or bulwarkes, and hath foure entries.
At euery vaulte of the turret is fastened a rounde circle of iron, lyke to the ryng of a doore.
On euery syde of those gates or doores, are seene many bookes in manner of a librarie, on the one syde 20, and on the other syde 25.
In the entry the gylted walles shyne on euery syde with incomparable splendour.
Euery of these haue their proper bookes of factes and traditions.
The entrance is by a discent of twelve stayers or degrees on euery part[FN#34]: in the church porche, are sold only jewels and precious stones.
They enter into the turret by a gate of syluer, and is on euery syde besette with vesselles full of balme.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "euery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.