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Example sentences for "giue"

Lexicographically close words:
gits; gitten; gittern; gittin; gitting; giuen; giues; giueth; giuing; give
  1. The above testers say they are redy to giue oath to ye aboue written testimony when called to it.

  2. The testor is ready to giue oath to sd testimony.

  3. This aboue written testor is redy when called to giue oath to the aboue written testimony.

  4. After sundrie of the passages in ye wrighting were read, she was asked if these things did not giue just ground of suspition to all that heard them that she was a witch.

  5. Ye testers are redy to giue oath to ye aboue written testimony when called therunto.

  6. The testors, as concerned are ready to giue oath to the above written testimony if called thereunto.

  7. If thou dost marry, Ile giue thee This plague to thy dowry: Be thou as chaste as yce, as pure as snowe, Thou shalt not scape calumny, to a Nunnery goe.

  8. Forbeare Leartes, now is hee mad, as is the sea, Anone as milde and gentle as a Doue: Therfore a while giue his wilde humour scope.

  9. Why looke, it is a thing of nothing, T'is but stopping of these holes, And with a little breath from your lips, It will giue most delicate musick.

  10. And shall finde time From this enormous State, seeking to giue Losses their remedies.

  11. I shall sir giue you attention: 10 By my troth me thinkes t'is very colde.

  12. No by my faith mother, heere's a mettle more attractive: Lady will you giue me leaue, and so forth: To lay my head in your lappe?

  13. More bitterly could I expostulate, Saue that for reuerence to some aliue, I giue a sparing limit to my Tongue.

  14. Of my kind Vnckle, that I know will giue, And being but a Toy, which is no griefe to giue Glo.

  15. Catesby hath sounded Hastings in our businesse, And findes the testie Gentleman so hot, That he will lose his Head, ere giue consent His Masters Child, as worshipfully he tearmes it, Shall lose the Royaltie of Englands Throne Buck.

  16. Why then 'tis time to Arme, and giue direction.

  17. Madam, and you my Sister, will you go To giue your censures in this businesse.

  18. Commend me to Lord William: tell him Catesby, His ancient Knot of dangerous Aduersaries To morrow are let blood at Pomfret Castle, And bid my Lord, for ioy of this good newes, Giue Mistresse Shore one gentle Kisse the more Buck.

  19. So, I am satisfied: Giue me a Bowle of Wine, I haue not that Alacrity of Spirit, Nor cheere of Minde that I was wont to haue.

  20. Why then giue way dull Clouds to my quick Curses.

  21. Giue me a Kalender: Who saw the Sunne to day?

  22. Ah Keeper, Keeper, I haue done these things (That now giue euidence against my Soule) For Edwards sake, and see how he requits mee.

  23. The honest Tusser sets out the usage in jingling rhyme: Grant haruest lord more by a penie or twoo to call on his fellowes the better to doo: Giue gloues to thy reapers, a larges to crie, and dailie to loiterers haue a good eie.

  24. God giue thee ioy of him: the Noble Lord Most honorably doth vphold his word King.

  25. Well sir, be it as the stile shall giue vs cause to clime in the merrinesse Clo.

  26. Here comes one with a paper, God giue him grace to grone.

  27. Then wish me better, I wil giue you leaue King.

  28. Breake the necke of the Waxe, and euery one giue eare Boyet reades.

  29. Studie me how to please the eye indeede, By fixing it vpon a fairer eye, Who dazling so, that eye shall be his heed, And giue him light that it was blinded by.

  30. Faire I giue you backe againe, and welcome I haue not yet: the roofe of this Court is too high to bee yours, and welcome to the wide fields, too base to be mine Nau.

  31. Ile giue you Aquitaine, and all that is his, And you giue him for my sake, but one louing Kisse Prin.

  32. These earthly Godfathers of heauens lights, That giue a name to euery fixed Starre, Haue no more profit of their shining nights, Then those that walke and wot not what they are.

  33. Madam, and prettie mistresses giue eare, Immediately they will againe be heere In their owne shapes: for it can neuer be, They will digest this harsh indignitie Qu.

  34. Too much to know, is to know nought but fame: And euery Godfather can giue a name Fer.

  35. Giue me the paper, let me reade the same, And to the strictest decrees Ile write my name Fer.

  36. If th' elements which haue nor life, nor sense, Can breed in vs so great a powre as this; Why giue they not themselues like excellence, Or other things wherein their mixture is?

  37. For though our eyes can nought but colours see, Yet colours giue them not their powre of sight; So, though these fruits of Sense her obiects bee, Yet she discernes them by her proper light.

  38. Ro: Alas that loue whose view is muffled still, 95 Should without lawes giue path-waies to our will: Where shall we dine?

  39. Fr: Ile giue thee armour to beare off this word, Aduersities sweete milke, philosophie, To comfort thee though thou be banished.

  40. Rom: Heeres twentie duckates, Giue me a dram of some such speeding geere, As will dispatch the wearie takers life, As suddenly as powder being fierd 45 From forth a Cannons mouth.

  41. Ser: Then will I giue it you, and soundly to.

  42. Giue me some sudden counsell: els behold Twixt my extreames and me, this bloodie Knife Shall play the Vmpeere, arbitrating that Which the Commission of thy yeares and arte Could to no issue of true honour bring.

  43. And if thou heare one tread within this Churchyard, Staight giue me notice.

  44. For Venus smiles not in a house of teares, Now Sir, her father thinkes it daungerous: That she doth giue her sorrow so much sway.

  45. Nurse giue leaue a while, we must talke in secret.

  46. What if the Frier should giue me this drinke To poyson mee, for feare I should disclose Our former marriage?

  47. Moun: But I will giue them more, I will erect Her statue of pure golde: That while Verona by that name is knowne.

  48. Rom: Giue me a Torch, let wantons light of hart 20 Tickle the senceles rushes with their heeles: For I am prouerbd with a Grandsire phrase, Ile be a candleholder and looke on, The game was nere so faire and I am done.

  49. These Letters he deliuered me, Charging me early giue them to his Father.

  50. Rom: Giue mee this mattocke, and this wrentching Iron.

  51. Giue her no token but stones, for she's as hard as steele Pro.

  52. Sir Thurio, giue vs leaue (I pray) a while, We haue some secrets to confer about.

  53. He should giue her interest: & she giues it him Val.

  54. But if thou linger in my Territories Longer then swiftest expedition Will giue thee time to leaue our royall Court, By heauen, my wrath shall farre exceed the loue I euer bore my daughter, or thy selfe.

  55. I know it well sir: you haue an Exchequer of words, And I thinke, no other treasure to giue your followers: For it appeares by their bare Liueries That they liue by your bare words Sil.

  56. Giue him leaue, Madam, he is a kind of Camelion Thu.

  57. That I might sing it (Madam) to a tune: Giue me a Note, your Ladiship can set Iul.

  58. And when they ioine battel against any other nation, vnles they do all with one consent giue backe, euery man that flies is put to death.

  59. They must haue spies also on euery side to giue them notice when the rest of the enemies bandes approch.

  60. So that euen the very Tartars assigned to giue attendance vnto them, were they neuer so base, would alwaies goe before them, and take the vpper hand of them, yea, and sometimes would constraine them to sit behinde their backes.

  61. And out of those salte pittes Baatu and Sartach haue great reuenues: for they repayre thither out of all Russia for salte: and for each carte loade they giue two webbes of cotton amounting to the value of half an Yperpera.

  62. But before we came into Bathy, two of our Tartars rode afore, to giue him intelligence of all the sayings which we had vttered in the presence of Corrensa.

  63. They which giue the first encounter must send one band before, and must haue another in a readynesse to relieue and second the former in time conuenient.

  64. They withdraw not themselues from the combate, till they see the chiefe Standerd of their Generall giue backe.

  65. Wherefore, if Christians would withstande them, it is expediennt, that the prouinces and gouernours of countreies should agree in one, and so by common counsell, should giue them resistance.

  66. Of whom when wee had enquired, what answere he would send vnto our Lord the Pope, he said that he had nothing to giue vs in charge, but onely that we should diligently deliuer that which the Emperour had written.

  67. I will not see him, but giue him a iutte in deede.

  68. He promised to giue you a whole pecke of golde.

  69. Then giue we all ouer, and there let it lye.

  70. So sirra, if I should not with hym take this way, I should not be ridde of him I thinke till doomes day, I will call forth my folkes, that without any mockes If he come agayne we may giue him rappes and knockes.

  71. Nay and ye will haze, haze: otherwise I tell you plaine, And ye will not haze, then giue vs our geare againe.

  72. We feare (quod they) he will be auenged one day, Then for a peny giue all our liues we may.

  73. Yet farther proceding with our droppe of Naturall truth: [To giue Cubes one to the other in any proportion, Rationall or Irrationall.

  74. I will giue you the +Groundplatt+ of my whole discourse, in a Table annexed: from the first to the last, somewhat Methodically contriued.

  75. In other places, they may commaunde me, to giue good reason: and yet, here, I will not be vnreasonable.

  76. To whom, I thinke good, to giue some account of my so doyng.

  77. Leauing these thinges, thus: I will giue you two or three, light practises, to great purpose: and so finish my Annotation Staticall.

  78. Here, as now, I will giue you some ground, and withall some shew, of certaine commodities, by this Arte arising.

  79. The Quarto reads as follows: 'Giue pardon to my speech?

  80. For we would count giue much to as violent thefts Ff.

  81. This diligence to gather examples, to giue light and vnder- standyng to good preceptes, is no new inuention, but speciallie vsed of the best Authors and oldest writers.

  82. It auail- eth not, to see them well taught in yong yeares, and after whan they cum to lust and youthfull dayes, to giue them licence to liue as they lust them selues.

  83. I beleue, the best Grammarien in England can scarse giue a good reule, why quisque the nominatiue case, without any verbe, is so thrust vp amongest so many oblique cases.

  84. For, to the one, they will gladlie giue // rewarded a stipend of 200.

  85. I trust, this my writyng shall giue some good student occasion, to take some peece in hand of this worke of Imitation.

  86. I will giue you councell, ffather, if you will take councell att mee; for if you wold take my councell, father, against the crowne you shold not bee.

  87. Kester Nortton, a ffine ffellow thou seemes to bee; some good councell, Kester Nortton, this day doe thou giue to mee.

  88. I dare say your reconcil'd iudgment doth repent the sendinge of itt, I have shewed it to diuers of your religion, and they condemne you for itt, likewise the paper, nor can the Kinge of Englande giue you thanks for itt.

  89. Fall not a teare I say, one of them rates All that is wonne and lost: Giue me a kisse, Euen this repayes me.

  90. Anthony, Is valiant, and deiected, and by starts His fretted Fortunes giue him hope and feare Of what he has, and has not.

  91. But how, but how, giue me particulars Sooth.

  92. In each thing giue him way, crosse him in nothing Cleo.

  93. Go and say We purpose her no shame: giue her what comforts The quality of her passion shall require; Least in her greatnesse, by some mortall stroke She do defeate vs.

  94. I heare him mock The lucke of Caesar, which the Gods giue men To excuse their after wrath.

  95. Though age from folly could not giue me freedom It does from childishnesse.

  96. I am Fire, and Ayre; my other Elements I giue to baser life.

  97. Though it be honest, it is neuer good To bring bad newes: giue to a gratious Message An host of tongues, but let ill tydings tell Themselues, when they be felt Mes.

  98. Giue him no breath, but now Make boote of his distraction: Neuer anger Made good guard for it selfe Caes Let our best heads know, That to morrow, the last of many Battailes We meane to fight.

  99. What meane you (Sir) To giue them this discomfort?

  100. But sirrah marke, we vse To say, the dead are well: bring it to that, The Gold I giue thee, will I melt and powr Downe thy ill vttering throate Mes.

  101. Saying, Cosine Toby, my Fortunes hauing cast me on your Neece, giue me this prerogatiue of speech To.

  102. How with mine honor may I giue him that, Which I haue giuen to you Vio.

  103. This is to giue a dogge, and in recompence desire my dogge againe.

  104. Mistris Mary, if you priz'd my Ladies fauour at any thing more then contempt, you would not giue meanes for this vnciuill rule; she shall know of it by this hand.

  105. What shall you aske of me that Ile deny, That honour (sau'd) may vpon asking giue Vio.

  106. Heere he comes with your Neece, giue them way till he take leaue, and presently after him To.

  107. Well, God giue them wisedome that haue it: & those that are fooles, let them vse their talents Ma.

  108. So I do Madona: but to reade his right wits, is to reade thus: therefore, perpend my Princesse, and giue eare Ol.

  109. Giue vs the place alone, We will heare this diuinitie.

  110. Giue me leaue, beseech you: I did send, After the last enchantment you did heare, A Ring in chace of you.

  111. There is no womans sides Can bide the beating of so strong a passion, As loue doth giue my heart: no womans heart So bigge, to hold so much, they lacke retention.

  112. But now, though to my selfe I giue Consilium post facta; yet to others they may serue for timely precepts.

  113. If any be more deuout than they are, as to giue almes, fast, and pray, then they cut him off close by the workes, and say he is a Papist.

  114. So that you stand not in the Common Rancke of Dry-fisted Patrons, (who giue nothing) for you giue all.

  115. Hollow there, giue me the beard I wore yesterday.

  116. Nay saide Lucanio, I dare say my brother here will giue his word.

  117. The yoong gentlemen according to their fathers commandement, being arriued in Greece, made such warre against Danaus, that in the end he was constrained to giue vnto those his 50.

  118. He shall not Isabell if you giue me loue Isa.

  119. This nor hurts him, nor profits you a iot, Forbeare it therefore, giue your cause to heauen.

  120. I will about it strait; No longer staying, but to giue the Mother Notice of my affaire: I humbly thanke you: Commend me to my brother: soone at night Ile send him certaine word of my successe Luc.

  121. The heauens giue safety to your purposes Esc.

  122. Call that same Isabell here once againe, I would speake with her: pray you, my Lord, giue mee leaue to question, you shall see how Ile handle her Luc.

  123. Oh giue me pardon That I, your vassaile, haue imploid, and pain'd Your vnknowne Soueraigntie Duk.

  124. First, that Pandrasus should giue his daughter Innogen vnto Brute in mariage, with a competent summe of gold and siluer for hir dowrie.

  125. But especially to giue thankes to him that had brought mee out from the fearefull place, which now I little regarded being far enough off from it.

  126. I doe imagine (Poliphilus) that you doe not vnderstande the conditionate state of this maruellous seate, and therefore giue attendance to my wordes.

  127. No other building maye goe beyonde this whatsoeuer, but may giue place verye well, of what kinde of Marble, and what manner of engrauing.

  128. For the strangenes of the Egiptian building might giue place to this.

  129. I could not choose but giue place to my inuading desires, feruently boyling and inforcing me to say thus.

  130. And I beeing readie to speake, neyther knew what to say, or yet durst to so high a maiestie, and for so great bounties giue a word.

  131. Peryllus there might go put vp his pypes, and blush with his deuised Bull, and Hiram the Iewe must heere giue place, or what founders els soeuer.

  132. Giue mee leaue to destroy my selfe in a lasciuious fire.

  133. The flouds and fields of Thessalie[A] must giue place to this.

  134. Ile lend it thee my deere; but haue no power To giue it from me Dia.

  135. Good Captaine will you giue me a Copy of the sonnet you writ to Diana in behalfe of the Count Rossillion, and I were not a verie Coward, I'de compell it of you, but far you well.

  136. Cox my passion, giue me your hand: How does your drumme?

  137. I after him, do after him wish too: Since I nor wax nor honie can bring home, I quickly were dissolued from my hiue To giue some Labourers roome 2.

  138. Come on my sonne, in whom my houses name Must be digested: giue a fauour from you To sparkle in the spirits of my daughter, That she may quickly come.

  139. That it will please you To giue this poore petition to the King, And ayde me with that store of power you haue To come into his presence Gen.

  140. And end sir to your businesse: giue Hellen this, And vrge her to a present answer backe, Commend me to my kinsmen, and my sonne, This is not much Clo.

  141. And debile minister great power, great trancendence, which should indeede giue vs a further vse to be made, then alone the recou'ry of the king, as to bee Old Laf.

  142. And I would giue his wife my bauble sir to doe her seruice Laf.

  143. My Lord: Ile tell you what, If my yong Lord your Sonne, haue not the day, Vpon mine Honor, for a silken point Ile giue my Barony.

  144. I will leere vpon him, as he comes by: and do but marke the countenance that hee will giue me Pistol.

  145. I giue it you, and will maintaine my word: And thereupon I drinke vnto your Grace Hast.

  146. Why should the Gentleman that rode by Trauers Giue then such instances of Losse?

  147. For loe, within a Ken our Army lyes, Vpon mine Honor, all too confident To giue admittance to a thought of feare.

  148. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "giue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    giue battell; giue them