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Example sentences for "perceiued"

Lexicographically close words:
percase; perceave; perceaved; perced; perceiue; perceiuing; perceivable; perceive; perceived; perceiver
  1. I was once of the opinion that there was a diuersitie of kind betweene the eagle and the erne, till I perceiued that our nation vsed the word erne in most places for the eagle.

  2. I was at the killing once of one of them, and thereby perceiued that she was not so called of anie want of nimble motion, but rather of the contrarie.

  3. Howbeit now that the said erle and his complices perceiued themselues in manner as besieged, they sought for peace.

  4. A little before his death, when he perceiued that he could no longer liue, he caused the earle of Glocester to come before him, and to be newlie sworne to keepe the peace of the land, to the behoofe of his sonne prince Edward.

  5. Moreouer, whensoeuer the Turke made out any army, he perceiued that no nation did him more hurt then those Genouois, who were his tributaries.

  6. But after I perceiued them to be weatherwise.

  7. Thus running Northeast and by North, and Northeast fiftie leagues, then we sounded, and had 160 fadomes, whereby we thought to be farre from land, and perceiued that the land lay not as the Globe made mention.

  8. Neither of the sense, can they, at any tyme, be perceiued or iudged.

  9. Which thing, is well to be perceiued in that great Arithmeticall Arte of Æquation: commonly called the Rule of Coss.

  10. Zonaras maketh mention of one Proclus, who so well had perceiued Archimedes Arte of Menadrie, and had so well inuented of his owne, that with his Burning Glasses, [Burning Glasses.

  11. For he perceiued by king Henries words & countenance such a deepe rooted displeasure in his hart, that he agréed to receiue him into fauour rather by compulsion and against his will than otherwise.

  12. Moreouer when he perceiued present death at hand, he first confessed his sinnes secretlie, and after openly before sundrie bishops and men of religion, and receiued absolution in most humble wise.

  13. Englishmen that turned to the enimies side, the discomfiture fell with such slaughter vpon the English host, that king Egelred well perceiued the state of his regall gouernement to bée brought into vtter danger.

  14. Cesar after he had perceiued them once withdrawne, did what he could to assemble his companies togither, minding the next morning to séeke his reuenge of the former daies disaduantage.

  15. In all this maner of skirmishing and fight which chanced before the campe, euen in the sight and view of all men, it was perceiued that [Sidenote: The Romans heauie armor.

  16. Now the English ambassadors, after they perceiued which waie the wind would blow, returned againe to their countrie, and nothing doone or agreed vpon in their matter.

  17. To which saiengs when the frier perceiued some light credence to be giuen, he declared it openlie in the pulpit, and desired all men of helpe.

  18. The king perceiued that this vaine fable was not vanished out of the mad brains of the common people.

  19. But when he perceiued no stedfast ground to catch anchor hold vpon, he submitted himselfe vnder the protection of Philip archduke of Austrich.

  20. But after he perceiued few or none to follow him, and that it was too late now to returne backe, he determined to trie the matter by dint of sword, and herevpon directed his waie from Yorke to Newarke vpon Trent.

  21. Now as this poore procession passed by the host, one espied his sonne, and another saw his brother; and the son perceiued the father, and the father found the daughter, which were now deliuered out of miserable seruitude and bondage.

  22. Of accent, time and stir perceiued euidently in the distinction of mans voice, and which makes the flowing of a meeter.

  23. When at laste he had perceiued hys faute, among his friendes he bewailed it.

  24. But rather it maie be thought, that king Edward had made no such promise at all, but perceiued the ambitious desire of duke William, and therefore would not that anie occasion should be ministred unto him to take hold of.

  25. But when this last article pleased nothing earle Goodwine, and that he perceiued how his force began to decline, so as he [Sidenote: Earle Goodwine fled the realme.

  26. And the meate being set vpon the table, and he required to sit down, he perceiued a woman comming forth behind the hanging, which was so beautifull as might be seene, sauing that her head was all shauen, and apparelled in Almaine blacke.

  27. But when hee vnderstode that they were throwen into the fire, he well perceiued that the boye was craftier then him selfe.

  28. And when the Gentleman perceiued that hee was discouered, hee was so fearfull to be knowen of the Ladye, as sone as he could hee shifted himself down by his trapdore.

  29. The knight whose Castle was not far from Cutiano, had occasion to repaire vnto that Citye, and according to his desire found out this Pollacco, which was a very old man, and talking with him of diuers things, perceiued him to be of great skil.

  30. The Priest ready to depart, perceiued the Body somewhat to moue, with that looking vppon his Face, espyed his eyes a little to begin to open.

  31. Neither of them for all this perceiued themselues to be deluded, or conceyued any suspition of collusion for that the chamber was still without light, and in the day the Women commonly fayled not to be together.

  32. Next morning he perceiued himself to be locked fast in a Pryson.

  33. And I confesse to you besides, that I haue most euidentlye perceiued how a certain loue hath lodged in your gracious hearte, wherwith you bare me greater affection, than you dyd to anye other within the compasse of your family.

  34. Dissimulatio, is a mockyng whiche is not perceiued by the wordes but eyther by the pronũciacion, or by the behaueour of the person or by the nature of the thyng, as You are an honest man in deede.

  35. For thys darre I saye, no eloquente wryter maye be perceiued as he shulde be, wythoute the knowledge of them: for asmuche as al togethers they belonge to Eloquucion, whyche is the thyrde and pryncipall parte of rhetorique.

  36. And when the king perceiued himselfe whole, said vnto her: “Thou hast well deserued a husbande (Giletta) euen such a one as thy selfe shalt chose.

  37. Guiscardo toke it, and thought that shee did not geue it vnto him, without some special purpose went to his chamber, and loking vpon the Cane perceiued it to be hollowe, and openyng it founde the letter within whiche shee had written.

  38. The watche whiche was come thether to drinke, perceiued not those two that were fledde; and Andreuccio being still in the bottome, when he had clensed him selfe, began to wagge the rope.

  39. When her back was towardes him, (as he was going out) she perceiued him.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perceiued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.