Our least Magnitudes, can be diuided into so many partes, as the greatest.
All these people had one and the same person, attire of body and language, albeit they were diuided by princes and prouinces.
And when the Mongals with their emperour Chingis Cham had a while rested themselues after the foresayd victorie, they diuided their armies.
And they were all diuided betweene the Emperour and his Dukes, and euery Duke bestowed vpon his owne followers what pleased him.
It containeth in length (as I learned of certaine merchants) 1008 miles, and is in a maner, diuided into two parts.
There was a roome hung about and diuided by an other Curtaine of excellent Arras full of Imagerie, as signes, shapes, plants, and beastes, singularly well done.
Neither can it bee diminished in those things which are not of nature to bee either valued or diuided (of which sort a Kingdome is the chiefe) but doe passe entirely vnto one.
The Archers were diuided into wings, and also dispersed by bands through all the three battails.
Now after the men of warre had diuided the spoile amongst them, they came backe, and passing through the lands of their enimies, got great booties, which they also tooke away with them, finding none to resist them in their iournie.
Truelie the realme of England was in maner diuided (with the rumor and vaine fable spred abroad of this twise borne duke) into partakings and contrarie factions.
The next daie the king diuided his whole power into three battels, and after in good arraie approched nigh to the towne of Stoke.
The inhabiters of Iapan, as men that had neuer had greatly to doe with other Nations, in their Geography diuided the whole world into three parts, Iapan, Sian, and China.
Mauritania (now called Barbaria) is diuidedinto two parts, as Mauritania Tingitana, and Cæsariensis.
The 24 of the sayd moneth at the Admirals direction wee diuided our selues East and West from ech other, being then in the heigth of 43 degrees, with commaundement at night to come together againe.
Then was his head striken off, his bowels taken out of his bodie and burnt, and his bodie diuided in quarters.
The wood they enter, and search euery where, They searched diuersely, so both diuided were.
And that land vpon his right hand as he sailed Westward he iudged to be the continent of Asia, and there to be diuided from the firme of America, which lieth vpon the left hand ouer against the same.
And sailing more Northerly alongst that coast, he descried another forland with a great gut, bay, or passage, diuided as it were two maine lands or continents asunder.
Wherupon our ships diuided themselues, the one sailing on the North side, the other on the South side of the sayd Isles, where we stayed fiue dayes, hauing the winde at Southeast, very foggy and foule weather.
After his deceasse, that noble heritage was diuidedby partition amongst foure sisters.
The barons diuidedtheir host into foure battels, the first was vnder the gouernment of the lord Henrie de Montfort and others.
The citie was diuidedinto garrisons: some kept the walles, and some the waye ouer Tiber, which was thought very safe and able to be defended.
The king on this fridaie, verie erlie in the morning, aduanced his standards and in good order of battell hauing diuided his armie into three wards, marched through the plaines of Cotteswold.
On the morrow being saturdaie, and fourth of Maie, he drew towards his enimies, and marshalled his armie, diuided into three battels in this sort.
The cardinal soong masse, and after pax, the king and the queene descended, and before the high altar they were both houseled, with one host diuided betweene them.
This poeticall schoolemaister, corrector of breefs and longs, caused Collingborne to be abbreuiated shorter by the head, and to be diuided into foure quarters.
On the other side, the Normans werediuided into seuerall [Sidenote: The arraie of the Normans.
Harold reioising in that he had atteined so glorious a victorie, and being now surprised with pride and couetousnesse togither, he diuided the spoile of the field nothing equallie, but [Sidenote: M.
Then was the realme of Britaine an heptarchie, that is, diuided into seuen kingdoms.
This mightie kingdome is diuided into fifteene prouinces, that euery one of them is bigger then the greatest kingdome that we doo vnderstand to be in all Europe.
To the second he appointed the countrie of Wales, which of him was first named Cambria, diuided from Loegria by the riuer of Seuerne.
Thus when Brutus had diuided the Ile of Britaine (as before is mentioned) into 3.
And euery square which is diuided by that bias line into equall halues from corner to corner (that is to say, into .
B, and is diuided firste into twoo equal partes in C, and then is there annexed to it an other portion whiche is B.
C, the longer parte of the diuided line, and there other two sides equall to C.
C, whose corners I haue diuided in the middle with D.
And this angle is diuided by an other right line A.
And as here I haue put an example of a lyne diuided into .
D, and the first portion of the diuided line, which is A.
Then in the midd'st a tearing grone did breake The name of Anthony: it was diuided Betweene her heart, and lips: she tendred life Thy name so buried in her Ant.
Oh well diuided disposition: Note him, Note him good Charmian, 'tis the man; but note him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diuided" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.